الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
أم البراءة
30-07-2022 - 09:21 am
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
عندي قريبه عندها عرض لكن ما لي واو في الإنجليزي ,فإلي ممتازة و شايفه خطأ في القواعد أو تكوين الجمله تصححها لي مشكورة.
We will talk about :
  • Cola 's History.
  • The Disadvantages of Coca cola.
  • Examples of the danger of the Coca Cola.

the Disadvantages of Coca cola:
  • It makes young children hyperactive and it makes them restless
  • .
  • It also does not quench your thirst, unlike water .

Because the water never has sugar, we need water to drink .it is very important for life .
  • It also can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly
  • As an Example my aunt ,her daughter drank so much cola the made her visit the clinic a lot. she drank so much.
  • And There is a women
  • who is addicted to Coca Cola. She is only 32 years and the result is she has false teeth now.
  • .
  • It makes your body weak and it also makes you fat and big with out no advantages
  • some people thinking that drinking sugar cola help you to lose weight but not true cola drinks actually do cause an average of 0:11%body fat increase per day consumed.
  • Cola drinks could damage young bones
  • But Weaning your child off cola and on to calcium-rich drinks is the key to healthy bones

  • The Coca Cola is dangerous to our health

  • Say no to Coca-Cola .

التعليقات (6)
أحساس أنثوية
أحساس أنثوية
هلا حبيبتي
كله صح الجمل وتركيبها بس عندك We will talk about
الافضل تقول today i will be talk about
وكمان عندك لو قبل ماتبدا بالموضوع تسال عده اسئله مثل
What are the beneficial and harmful drinks
ماهي المشروبات النافعه والضاره ؟؟
وزي كذا اسئله عشان تحمس الطالبات
واتمنى اني افدتك وبلييز دعواك الله يخليك

الافعى الحنونة
الافعى الحنونة
أحساس أنثوية
حبيبتي نقول
I will talk about

أم البراءة
أم البراءة
جزاكن الله خير, مشكورات جدا على توجيهاتكن و نصائحكن

الله ولي الصابرين
الله ولي الصابرين
السلام عليكم اختي الكريمة أنا وجدت بعض الأخطاء الظاهرة. وهناك بعض الأخطاء التي لاتعد خطأ فعلي ولكن يووجد طريقة أفضل لقول العبارة وسأبدأ بالتدريج .
We will talk about : أفضل انها تقول: Todya,we are going to talk about
• Cola 's History.
• The Disadvantages of Coca cola.
• Examples of the danger of the Coca Cola.
the Disadvantages of Coca cola:
• It makes young children hyperactive and it makes them restless افضل أن تقول :-It makes young children hyperactive and restless
• .
• It also does not quench your thirst, unlike water . الجملة جيدة
Because the water never has sugar, we need water to drink .it is very important for life . الجملة جيدة ولكن من دون the قبل كلمةwaterولكن الجملة تتحدث عن الماء والموضوع عن الكوكا كولا فالأفضل أت نحذف من الموضوع.
• It also can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly الجملة جيدة ولكن هناك تكرار لكلمة also ومكانها في الجملة غير صحيح فأنا أقترح:-
Besides, coca cola can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly..
• As an Example my aunt ,her daughter drank so much cola the made her visit the clinic a lot. she drank so much. الجملة هنا ركيكة وتصحيحها كالتالي:-
As an example, one of my cousins drinks alot of coca cola that affects her too badly. As a result she goes to the clinic alot.
• And There is a women افضل:- Also, there is a young woman
• who is addicted to Coca Cola. She is only 32 years and the result is she has false teeth now.
who is addicted to coca cola. This makes her teeth very badly decayed although she is only 23 years old.
• .
• It makes your body weak and it also makes you fat and big with out no
advantages الافضل:
It makes your body weak and fat without any advantages.
• some people thinking that drinking sugar cola help you to lose weight but not true cola drinks actually do cause an average of 0:11%body fat increase per day consumed. الافضل
Some people think that drinking sugar free cola may help you to lose weight , but this is not true. On the contrary, drinking of coca cola do cause an average of 0:11% body fat increase per day ..
• Cola drinks could damage young bones الجملة جيدة
• But Weaning your child off cola and on to calcium-rich drinks is the key to healthy bones أفضل:-
However,weaning your child off cola and on calcium rich drinks is the ke y of healthy bones. .
• The Coca Cola is dangerous to our health الافضل coca cola من دون the
Coca cola is dangerous for our health.

• Say no to Coca-Cola . الجملة جيدة
واتمنى ان اكون افدتك اختي وبالتوفيق. ادعي الي الله يحقق اماني.

أم البراءة
أم البراءة
الله ولي الصابرين
We will talk about : أفضل انها تقول: Todya,we are going to talk about
• Cola 's History.
• The Disadvantages of Coca cola.
• Examples of the danger of the Coca Cola.
the Disadvantages of Coca cola:
• It makes young children hyperactive and it makes them restless افضل أن تقول :-It makes young children hyperactive and restless
• .
• It also does not quench your thirst, unlike water . الجملة جيدة
Because the water never has sugar, we need water to drink .it is very important for life . الجملة جيدة ولكن من دون the قبل كلمةwaterولكن الجملة تتحدث عن الماء والموضوع عن الكوكا كولا فالأفضل أت نحذف من الموضوع.
• It also can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly الجملة جيدة ولكن هناك تكرار لكلمة also ومكانها في الجملة غير صحيح فأنا أقترح:-
Besides, coca cola can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly..
• As an Example my aunt ,her daughter drank so much cola the made her visit the clinic a lot. she drank so much. الجملة هنا ركيكة وتصحيحها كالتالي:-
As an example, one of my cousins drinks alot of coca cola that affects her too badly. As a result she goes to the clinic alot.
• And There is a women افضل:- Also, there is a young woman
• who is addicted to Coca Cola. She is only 32 years and the result is she has false teeth now.
who is addicted to coca cola. This makes her teeth very badly decayed although she is only 23 years old.
• .
• It makes your body weak and it also makes you fat and big with out no
advantages الافضل:
It makes your body weak and fat without any advantages.
• some people thinking that drinking sugar cola help you to lose weight but not true cola drinks actually do cause an average of 0:11%body fat increase per day consumed. الافضل
Some people think that drinking sugar free cola may help you to lose weight , but this is not true. On the contrary, drinking of coca cola do cause an average of 0:11% body fat increase per day ..
• Cola drinks could damage young bones الجملة جيدة
• But Weaning your child off cola and on to calcium-rich drinks is the key to healthy bones أفضل:-
However,weaning your child off cola and on calcium rich drinks is the ke y of healthy bones. .
• The Coca Cola is dangerous to our health الافضل coca cola من دون the
Coca cola is dangerous for our health.

• Say no to Coca-Cola . الجملة جيدة
واتمنى ان اكون افدتك اختي وبالتوفيق. ادعي الي الله يحقق اماني.
مشكورة على جهدك و ربي يحقق لك أمانيك.

أم البراءة
أم البراءة
الله ولي الصابرين
We will talk about : أفضل انها تقول: Todya,we are going to talk about
• Cola 's History.
• The Disadvantages of Coca cola.
• Examples of the danger of the Coca Cola.
the Disadvantages of Coca cola:
• It makes young children hyperactive and it makes them restless افضل أن تقول :-It makes young children hyperactive and restless
• .
• It also does not quench your thirst, unlike water . الجملة جيدة
Because the water never has sugar, we need water to drink .it is very important for life . الجملة جيدة ولكن من دون the قبل كلمةwaterولكن الجملة تتحدث عن الماء والموضوع عن الكوكا كولا فالأفضل أت نحذف من الموضوع.
• It also can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly الجملة جيدة ولكن هناك تكرار لكلمة also ومكانها في الجملة غير صحيح فأنا أقترح:-
Besides, coca cola can rot your teeth if you drink it regularly..
• As an Example my aunt ,her daughter drank so much cola the made her visit the clinic a lot. she drank so much. الجملة هنا ركيكة وتصحيحها كالتالي:-
As an example, one of my cousins drinks alot of coca cola that affects her too badly. As a result she goes to the clinic alot.
• And There is a women افضل:- Also, there is a young woman
• who is addicted to Coca Cola. She is only 32 years and the result is she has false teeth now.
who is addicted to coca cola. This makes her teeth very badly decayed although she is only 23 years old.
• .
• It makes your body weak and it also makes you fat and big with out no
advantages الافضل:
It makes your body weak and fat without any advantages.
• some people thinking that drinking sugar cola help you to lose weight but not true cola drinks actually do cause an average of 0:11%body fat increase per day consumed. الافضل
Some people think that drinking sugar free cola may help you to lose weight , but this is not true. On the contrary, drinking of coca cola do cause an average of 0:11% body fat increase per day ..
• Cola drinks could damage young bones الجملة جيدة
• But Weaning your child off cola and on to calcium-rich drinks is the key to healthy bones أفضل:-
However,weaning your child off cola and on calcium rich drinks is the ke y of healthy bones. .
• The Coca Cola is dangerous to our health الافضل coca cola من دون the
Coca cola is dangerous for our health.

• Say no to Coca-Cola . الجملة جيدة
واتمنى ان اكون افدتك اختي وبالتوفيق. ادعي الي الله يحقق اماني.
مشكورة على جهدك و جزاكِ الله خيرا,و ربي يحقق لك أمانيك.

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