بريد الامل
07-12-2022 - 06:55 pm
السلام عليكن ورحمة الله وبركاته أخوا تي الغاليات 0
اطلب منكن طلب لأخوي
وهو:موضوع تعبيري بالأنجليزي عن اي حادث يحصل في البيت طارىء مثل حريق- اوشرب احد الأطفال مادة بترولية او منظفات منزلية
00وذلك لايقل عن ثلاثة اسطر0 اتمنى يكون يجهز بسرعة لأنه عنده امتحان يوم الأربعاء
لاتتأخرون علي يابلابل ..
Most dry cleaning bags and some other plastic bags bear a voluntary label such as:
"Warning: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this plastic bag away from babies and children. Do not use this bag in cribs, beds, carriages or playpens. The plastic bag could block nose and mouth and prevent breathing. This bag is not a toy."
The CPSC has reports of children suffocating with plastic bags in cases like these:
Child pulled plastic dry-cleaning bag over face while lying on adult bed.
Plastic garbage bag (filled with clothes) fell over victim's face and mouth while victim was on adult bed.
Child crawled into plastic garbage bag.
Child rolled off mattress onto plastic bag filled with clothes.
Child slept on mattress covered by plastic bag.
Never put children to sleep on or near plastic bags.
God bless you my dear