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فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
بلسم جرووح
06-08-2022 - 12:18 am
Universities in Saudi Arabia

التعليقات (5)
راعية الربع
راعية الربع
السلام عليكم
اختي ماقلتي لنا بالتفصيل
يعني جامعات بنات ولا لا والمواضيع عربيه ولا لا

بلسم جرووح
بلسم جرووح
كل كليات وجامعاات السعوودية وباللغه الانجليزية
صور ومواضيع واي شي عنهاا لانه بنسوي زي البحث
تكفون ساعدووني
مرره حست فيهاا

راعية الربع
راعية الربع
King Saud University
King Saud University (KSU, Arabic : ‎) is Saudi Arabia 's oldest most prestigious university , located in the capital Riyadh . The university was founded by King Saud in 1957 as Riyadh University. The first university not dedicated to religious subjects, it was renamed King Saud University in 1982
It was created to meet Saudi Arabia 's shortage of skilled workers. Today the school has over 70,000 students including females.
The school's current main campus was designed by HOK Architects, headquartered in St.Louis, Missouri. Mechanical and Electrical systems were designed by Syska and Hennessy Inc. New York City, New York. The facility was constructed in the 1980s by Blount International , a construction firm led by Winton M. Blount headquartered in Montgomery , Alabama , after the firm was awarded the world's then largest fixed-price contract in history for the sum of approximately $5 billion.
Science Colleges
  • College of Architecture and Planning ,

  • College of Engineering ,

  • College of Science ,

  • College of Foods And Agriculture,

  • College of computer and Information Sciences,

  • College of Science in AlKharj,

  • College of Engineering in alKharj,

  • College of Arts and Science in Wady Addwaser

Health Colleges
  • College of Medicine ,

  • College of Pharmacy , ]

  • College of Applied Medical Sciences, ]

  • College of Nursing , ]

  • College of Applied Medical Sciences In AlKharj

Humanities Colleges
  • College of Arts ,

  • College of Education ,

  • College of Business Administration,

  • College of Law and Political Science,

  • ,

  • College of Tourism & Archaeology,

  • Arabic Language Institute,

  • College of Teaching

Community Colleges
  • College of Applied Studies and Community Service,

  • Community College in ALRiyadh

College of Medicine
College of Medicine
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia witnesses exceptional progress in many fields such as health and science. King Saud University’s College of Medicine was established in 1387 H. (1967) during the reign of King Faisal (may Allah bless his soul). Actual studies began in 1389H. The choice of members for the Teaching Board and the supervision of exams until 1399 H. were done cooperatively between the faculty and London University. In 1394/1395H, the College opened a special department for female students and incorporated the Ministry of Health’s Prince ts name was changed to King Abd alAziz University Hospital to be utilized for training male and female students in the clinical stage. At the 25th anniversary of inauguration of King Saud University (1401H/1981), the building of College of Medicine and King Khalid University Hospital were inaugurated for teaching and health services. The College has also made agreements with different universities in America, Canada and U.K. to support this Academic Board in the College and to train graduate Saudi doctors, as well as to provide preparation for their higher studies and specialization in different medical disciplines.
College of Science
The College of Science was established in 1958, one year after the founding of King Saud University. The College began with six departments: geology , zoology , botany , physics , chemistry , and mathematics . In the beginning, the College had few students and a small number of lectures halls and laboratories. In keeping with the growth of the university at large, the College has witnessed considerable progress in many respects. The number of departments has increased, laboratories have improved, and the College now attracts a large number of students.
College of Engineering
The College of Engineering was established as a joint project between the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and UNESCO in November 1962. This project lasted until 1969 when the College of Engineering became an official part of King Saud University.
The college started with three departments: the department of civil engineering (CE), the department of electrical engineering (EE), and the department of mechanical engineering (ME). In 1968, the department of architecture was established and it became a college in 1984 (1404 A.H.) under the name the College of Architecture and Planning.
In 1974 two departments were established: the department of chemical engineering (CHE) and the department of petroleum engineering (PE). In 1988 (1408 A.H.) surveying engineering (SE) was also established as a program in the department of civil engineering. In 1982 (1402A.H.), the program of industrial engineering was established in the department of mechanical engineering. Later on the program became the department of industrial engineering (IE) in 2002 (1423 A.H.). In sum, there are now seven departments offering the Bachelor of Science Degree in the following fields;
    • 1. Electrical Engineering

    • 2. Civil Engineering

    • 3. Surveying Engineering

    • 4. Mechanical Engineering

    • 5. Industrial Engineering

    • 6. Chemical Engineering

    • 7. Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

راعية الربع
راعية الربع
اختي تبينه زي كيذآ
من يوم مآقلتي لي وانا ادور لك
اذا كآنت عاجبتك فيه جامعات ثانية لاقيتهآ راح انزلها لك
ماابي منك غير الدعاء اني اجيب معدل حلو يفرح امي وابوي

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بلسم جرووح
ياعمري الله يوفقك يارب وتجييبيين معدل عالي
اييه حلوو وابغاء مواضيع عاامه اذا فيه او صورها من براا

قصه رائعه وحكمه اروع مترجمه عربي اجليزي Im sorry because the wound will remain
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