08-05-2022 - 06:54 am
مرحبا بنات عندي تعبيرين بالانقلش وصعب
مدري وشلون اعبر طلبتكم ساعدوني :(
الموضوع الاول حاطين اختياري والثاني لا
Topic A:
pretend that you are good friends of MR.and MRS. Russ, the foster parents of Gregory Kingsley. Write a letter to the judge who will decide the case. Ask the judge to give Gregory a divorce from his mother and to let the Russes adopt him
Topic B :
pretend that you are Rachel Kingsley's best friend. Write a letter to the judge who will decide the case. Ask the judge to give her son back to her
بنات تكفوون ساعدوني اخر يوم الجمعه المس تبيه لان السبت بتحط الدرجاات