الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
* سارة *
05-01-2022 - 03:43 am
ساعدوني يا مشرفات ويا عضوات
ابغى قصه باللغه الانجليزيه عن عقوق الأم يكون فيها ثلاث شخصيات أم وأبنين وياليت يكون بينهم حوار
وتكون سهله عشان اقدر اقولها انا والبنات....
جزاكم ربي الجنه

التعليقات (3)
وعليكم السلام
أختى سارة
كم نحن مصرين ان نكون امعة تبعيين حتى فى أسمى قيمنا الدينية والاجتماعية فمع ان ديننا بين لنا كيفية حبنا وتقديرنا لامهاتنا لاكثر من (1425) سنة واكثر من آلاف السنين كانت من عاداتنا العربية الأصيلة بر اللأمهات فى حين هؤلاء الغرب لم يقدروا ذلك إلا من بضع سنين. ومع ذلك فقد تركنا حقيقتنا السليمة وأتبعنا ديننا الحنيف..
ستظل الأم هى أجمل أروع وأحب ما فى الوجود ... كل يوم ... كل مساء وصباح .. كل لحظة ينبض فيها القلب ويسيرالدم فى الشريان ولو كرة العاقون ..
حفظ الله كل أم وجعل السعادة حليفها فى الدنيا والجنة مسكنها فى الآخرة ..
أليك هذة القصة
Demonstrating arisen between his parents, his father died and the nation sponsored so large and even helped him and willed to the market, and become a man of action in the area of trade where that his father left him a wealth fairly, and invitations good mother accompanied everywhere with every step he calls him every success privately money The widened trade. The nation removed sponsored by the populace and Exult joy and sorrow and grieve for Toasseh Endearment and the life and urged him to work was the reason after God in this great wealth owned by the fame and reputation of the people and the mother does not complete her delight at the marriage of her child only rejoice and upbringing of his, and happy with him the composition of the family supplement back and examined him on the woman, but did not satisfy what it has indicated their nation but himself chose and he married and joy, but the joy of marrying a nation greater and greater, and took the mother calls the Lord giveth generated by the Agency for drinking Exult them and happy with them, and the Lord responded to depositaries and bringing up two Rizk Fahabhma has spent more than himself, were sponsored and ensure their repose so steadily and Viking up, and mother and become bigger, need to be sponsored by their own, but from Taff, although that man's wealth and great wealth but stingy on the nation that makes it a servant is sponsored , and harasses nation?, The thinking in a way which is not relieved Blair wants to be seen and thinking impetus to place them in the House infirm. Vipa born hampered him, how Hunt for the nation that deposited Hospice...?
Where staying? Where is the suffering? Where patience? Where is the suffering? Where is compassion? Where? Care .... All these have gone unheeded, that your mother has done everything in its power for yourself this punishment in the form of her child only?! Vipa you a thousand times. And once went to visit one of his friends to spray him talking to his friend and said it laments moment bad luck : imagine what my brother, my mother had filed Hospice, care for the elderly so much security for the parents and relatives, distant and near who I know, surprised his friend replied : "What do you mean Bualdtk deposited by the Hospice?! Is your mother that your campaign? That is because your mother RPTK small, Ratk great? Or you have other?! He said : It is precisely mam ! Wonder what the government has opened this house to fold.
His friend Glory Oh God .... Does your anger and the highest Moktek us ... Is Bualdtk am tired of you who had money Ahl vast wealth, which led you because you call success, go back to Rchdk Oh man, and ask forgiveness of God and go to your mother and her feet and ask God forgiveness and repentance and ask forgiveness, promised to house them, and dispose of serviced ablaze and the happiness and comfort, but that was done by the desire Hermk Intact not know you ride between men but Araftk man .. When he heard this talk of a friendly and sincere Fed Aroused and astonished and said : "Brother, if you raise the illiterate I am indispensable to your. A friend said to him : This is the honor of the son hampered intriguing Fsaddach like yourself shame. Days passed and his mother lying in Hospice no one is visiting, which are in the throes of old age, disease, oppression, intensified by the disease has not visited once, and transported to the hospital, his heart had not fallen, and urged his sons and relatives to visit a hospital and Fabian and taken haughty self-righteousness, and the intensity of it disease, approached promise right, and learned that the fight where the mother dying, are exceeded and repented and repents ... never, but pulling Cosmopolitans and suddenly left the country without telling anyone, and after that to make sure they called Minimum including diamonds buried in the grave, due returned, but he returned to reap the fruits of the transplant, unfortunately, the evil plant, has planted Impiousness and disobedience, what gain? and what would be the result? ...... no doubt it will bear the fruit of misery and distress.
Not with only a few days before the ink tomb of the nation, the liver You and I like people to the heart of the horrific car accident claimed the lives of the son, and this incident is a dagger in the heart implantation father did not pass in this tragic incident, and is only the second son and assisted right in its trade and work for a chronic illness it was part of the bed, taking his father and toured around the world in search of a cure but is useless, and the right of second son brother, and the father alone has Genahah break, and the psychological condition worsened, and it narrowed the ground including welcomed, and Bart trade, and taking stole their staff, and is reaping the fruits planted, men finds his life unraveling before his eyes, men see what builders dropped him without being able to do anything and punishment Now delight in every day, every hour and every moment, and God knows its destiny in the afterlife
أختك فى الله

* سارة *
* سارة *
الله يسعدك وينجحك ويعطيك اللي نفسك فيه

Thank sister stones to this invitation and I hope to God that you Lenore your direction and more faith in your heart. :aw4

السلام عليكم ضروري ابغها اليلة تكفون مطلوية بكرةيا أهل الانجليزي طلب
لعبه تعليميه ومسليه في نفس الوقت