الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
27-01-2022 - 04:34 pm
How to get ready for a party?
كيف تستعدين لحفله بخمس خطوات على شكل تعبير.. طبعا بالانجلش ..
مثلا تكتبي اول شي اتروش . البس . اتمكيج . اسرح شعري . وهكذا ..
تصغينها بجمل على شكل خطوات..
ارجو من الكل يشارك حتى لو محاوله بسيطه مراح تخسروا اي شي لو حاولتوا..
مع فائق حبي

التعليقات (9)

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
تفضلي هذه بعض الافكار ....
Having a Holiday party, Birthday party, Going away party, Anniversary Bash, Solstice or New Year Party Celebration? Here are a few party tips and party ideas to help make your party a smashing success!
Party Planning
Plan ahead, it's attention to detail that makes the difference. Allow plenty of time to prepare for your party, make a list and shop smart. Things are hectic when party-time approaches so
stay organized.
Party Hors D'oeuvres
Choose your finger snacks carefully. Choose foods that complement each other. Try setting a theme for the food in each room or on each table. Allow 4 to 6 hot hors d'oeurves per person. Don't serve gooey, drippy sauces near expensive rugs or furniture. Keep some carpet cleaner on hand, just in case.
Party Invitation Ideas
Written invites are a great idea. Try to make them fun and different. Use your personality but don't forget the basics like: hours. Tell your guests when the party starts and when it will end. Specify the hour in advance to avoid confusion. Let your guests know what kind of attire is appropriate. If your anticipating a semi-formal gathering let them know.
Guest Books
Providing a guest book can be much fun and help make the party memorable. Don't be afraid to put out a guest book and invite your partiers to sign-in as they arrive.
Party Lighting
Creative lighting will contribute much to the atmosphere. Try replacing some bulbs with colored lamps or low wattage bulbs. Strobe lights and black lamps can add to the fun.
Consider removing all the chairs from the party area. This will create more room for people to mingle.
Party Extras
A scented candle in the bathroom is a nice touch. Leave an extra roll of toilet tissue in easy view.
Party Gifts
It's always a good idea to bring a small gift to a party even if the host or hostess instructs you not to in the invitation. Bring along a bottle of wine, some flowers, or chocolates to show your appreciation. Find some great gift ideas by visiting the Gift Department of Free World Mall.
Coffee & Party Snacks
You can never have too much food at a party. Be sure to have plenty of hot coffee and
snacks on hand for late in the evening.
Now that the work is done, relax! Let your guests enjoy themselves. With the proper ingredients in place everyone should have a great time. With good food, good cheer and good friends you can't miss! Party hearty and have fun. Make room for guests who have had too much to eat or drink. Don't let a guest who over drinks drive, it could save a life and it could save YOU from a lawsuit. As the host, you are responsible for the safety of your guests.
Party Jokes
If you (or one of your guests) are skilled at joke telling, try some tasteful jokes and invite your guests to participate. This exercise can often "break the ice" and get your guests sharing jokes and humorous stories. You'll find a nice selection of jokes

سفيرة الغد
بس انتي مافهمتي المطلوب
المطلووب: يعني مثلا انتي مدعوه لحفله كيف تستعدين لها
يعني وش تصلحين... تتروشين تتمكيجين تلبسين تسرحين شعرك بخطوات زي اللي قلته

بنات وين تفاعلكم اللي تعودنا عليه
يالله الكل يشارك

ليه انتقل الموضوع لقسم الواجبات


اختي ...dubai2
الموضوع ومافيه: مثلا انتي مدعوه الى حفله والحفله بعد شوي وتيغي تتجهزي لها ايش تعملي بخمس خطوات..
يعني تكتبي اولا اغسل وجهي
ثانيا البس
ثم اضع ميك اب
تصغينها بخمس جمل على شكل تعبير وبس
ياليت فهمتي علي
وتسلمي حبوبه

بنات وينكم

عسوله عسل
عسوله عسل

مساعدة إذا مافيه كلافه يالغاليات
الى اخواتي الفراشات ابغى فزعتكم