****بسمة أمل****
14-11-2022 - 06:04 pm
السلام عليكم
اهلين كيف حالكم؟؟
ماأطول عليكم أنا في حاجه ماسه لبحث عن مساعدة المملكه للدول المنكوبه طبعاً يكون مكتوب بالأنجليزي تكفون اللي تقدر تساعدني لا تتأخر
انا والله صار لي يومين أدور بس المشكله أني ماأقدر أجيب بحث بالأنجليزي والأستاذه ماتبي شي بالعربي وهي صار لها مده طالبه مني لذلك اتمنى من اللي تقدر تساعدني ماتتأخر....
The Kingdom's weekly Council of Ministers meetings provide not only a record of the frequency and generosity of the Kingdom’s donations but also an extraordinary insight into the Kingdom’s priorities. There must be few governments where the Head of State and his cabinet spend so much time discussing the needs of peoples in foreign countries and allocating financial and material aid to meet them.
It is also the case that while the Saudi Government itself is organizing State relief, The King and many others in the Kingdom add generously to the aid effort from their own resources.
The Kingdom offers approximately 5.5 % of its Annual income in the form of different Humanitarian Relief Services taking an advanced Position among other Nations and in recognition of its outstanding Humanitarian role the Association was awarded the Spanish Red Cross prize for humanitarian Relief Services.
Important facts about Saudi Relief Services
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia took the Second Position in the World in respect of total humanitarian and developmental aids during 1973 - 1974 .
The kingdom holds the first position worldwide in providing international aids compared to its national income.
The Kingdom has offered international Assistance during the last twenty years represented in 5.5% of its annual national income
The Kingdom has offered aids and donations for 72 countries among which 38 African nations, 24 Asian Countries and 10 developing Countries.
The Association was honored to offer Relief Services in the Following countries:
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Dear sister I hope this information will be helpful and if you need further information about these aids I’m ready
Thank you