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اميره كوايت
04-10-2022 - 07:54 pm
السلام عليكم
الله يوفقها اللي عنده موضوع عن الصحه بشكل عام في عشرة سطور بالانجليزي ياليت تعطيني ضروري ابغاه اليوم،،،
ومشكورين يالغاليات وجزاكم الله خير

التعليقات (7)
سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
وعليكم السلام
“ Life Giver” Liver
“Life Giver” Liver
It may sound strange but the liver really is quite an amazing organ. Did you know, for example, that your liver has more than 500 known functions? Though we know it’s an important organ, most of us really don’t know that much about it.
The More the Better
For example, your liver is the largest organ in your body. In fact, it’s actually about six times larger than it normally needs to be to maintain life. That’s fortunate because living this modern pollution-filled, fast-food dieted, breakneck-paced, prescription-medicated world, our livers are really overworked. These days you need all the liver you can get because without it, you wouldn’t last very long. When your liver is overloaded it becomes incapable of efficiently taking care of those 500 or more functions. Obviously that’s not good. The result can be a wide variety of unpleasant symptoms.
Waste Disposal
Your liver is very involved in proper digestion and in the metabolism of fat. It eliminates poisons in the body by dumping them into the bowel via the bile. If not removed, toxins are reabsorbed into the blood stream. These substances interfere with normal bowel and kidney function.
“Excess” Stress
Many excess hormones also are removed from the body by the liver. For example, the anti-diuretic (water retention) hormone is eliminated by the liver when it becomes excessive. If the liver is not functioning well, swelling will often occur in the legs or abdomen. Some *** hormones are deactivated by a poorly functioning liver. When this happens, menstrual problems or other disturbing conditions may follow.
Storage Bin
The liver is also a major sugar storehouse. Sugar handling disturbances may result from liver dysfunction. Improper utilization of vitamins, particularly the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, can also result from dysfunction. Adequate absorption of these vitamins, as well as their storage, depends on the liver.
Double Trouble
Blood coagulation factors are also developed in the liver. You can see it in a person with a tendency to bleed or bruise. It’s a case of the blood’s poor clotting ability. These are just a few of the liver’s numerous functions.
Special Effects
How can you know for sure if it’s your liver that’s ailing you? Severe fatigue, digestive disturbances, swelling, a constant chilled feeling and poor appetite—all these can be symptoms of liver dysfunction. Another sign is the inability to tolerate medications. Your liver plays an important role in metabolizing the chemical compounds in many prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Notice how many of the printed inserts and advertising for common medications include the warning about the potential effect on the liver.
Body Detox
You liver’s role as a detoxifier—removing harmful substances from the body, is a very important function. In fact, this is one of the main reasons it becomes overwhelmed. Poisons can enter your body in many ways. You may inhale poisons you spray on your lawn, or use in your home, or chemicals you contact at work. You would be wise to avoid all poisons to the extent possible.
Over the Top/Over-the-Counter
In addition, there are many chemicals you may not realize might be a problem to your body. Medications, even common non-prescription types we use freely, put significant extra load on the liver. This can eventually become harmful to you.
Artificial Additives
Chemicals used as preservatives, stabilizers, artificial flavorings and colorings, etc. are all problems regarding liver function. A few of these chemicals would not be a problem because of the liver’s tremendous ability to maintain normal function. However, there is a negative cumulative effect from the numerous chemicals you take into our bodies through our food.
Environmental Degradation
As if that wasn’t enough…add all the smog, aerosol sprays of all sorts, alcohol and many other poisons in today’s polluted world. Help! Our bodies do need all the help we can give them. You probably know the most significant environmental poisons today are the heavy-metal poisons, such as lead, cadmium and arsenic.
What you may not realize is that these are deposited and stored in the body because they are very difficult to remove. Now you can see how the liver can become overworked. And ultimately it can become damaged.
Fat Liver
The liver is a major storage area for carbohydrates and proteins. Ordinarily the liver stores very little fat. If it does accumulate in the liver, it happens for several reasons. For example, people with poor protein intake have more fat in the liver. This is because protein is essential in breaking down fat. Conversely, too much protein in the diet causes a liver overload. The reason is the liver must eliminate the waste products from protein breakdown.
Carb Overload
Consumption of too many refined carbohydrates and/or too much alcohol can cause accumulation of triglycerides. This is bad since they are fat in nature. These cause congestion and interfere with normal liver function.
System Failure
So, how do you know if you have liver overload? Most laboratory tests for liver function focus on liver disease. However, it would be much better to be able to discover dysfunction before irreversible disease processes develop. Don’t you think?
Auto Congestion
When the liver is overloaded and congested, the venous blood---that which has circulated through the body and needs to be cleansed---cannot pass through the liver easily. With liver congestion, a back pressure develops at various locations of the venous system. You may feel mild to severe discomfort.
Here’s Lookin’ at You Kid
If this is the case, we can easily observe it by pressing solidly with the fingers between your shoulder blades. When we remove our fingers from your skin, normal color should return rapidly. If a white area remains after the pressure is removed, it means poor circulatory flow. Visible or distended veins on the chest and abdomen are even more obvious signs of possible liver congestion.
Final Analysis
Besides observation, we use applied kinesiology (muscle testing) to test for adequate energy patterns to the liver. This examination includes checking you for normal lymphatic drainage, blood circulation and nerve supply. Your diet and contact with harmful chemicals will also be evaluated by testing the muscles. Electromagnetic Cleansing Therapy complemented with the right nutritional supplements are a powerful combination to keep your liver in top performance.
Picture of Health
Because your liver is so important for many different functions in your total health picture, it should be evaluated periodically to eliminate problems before they begin. Remember, the liver is much larger than necessary for actual body needs. That means by the time a problem shows up---even minimally---the liver is already significantly overloaded.
Lifetime Warranty
That’s why it is especially important to follow any dietary or other treatment programs we recommend for you. This way you will keep your liver functioning normally for a healthier, longer, and happier life.

Health was formerly known as the absence of disease, but since the mid-1970s, is the definition of health takes oriented holistic health and is currently divided into six main sections : health and physical, social, mental and spiritual or professional careers and food, according to the definition adopted by the World Health global disease, the absence of physical problems in the case was found in the other sections do not want to understand the definition of health or health. How do you maintain a HealthWatch? Follow-each and every one of us in our daily lives and some of the habits that appear to be harmful to human health because it is simple but if things accumulated and accumulated with each other would cause him harm. There are two ways to preserve human health, either pay the damage that bears the slogan prevention is better than cure, or dealing with the damage already signed it, which could lead to results and consequences. One of the main reasons for health disorders : Your :-might wonder some of this title, do not be surprised, even for one moment Knowing rights of its points of weakness and strength one basic axes to achieve the quality of life, because they are directly related to the psychological aspect of his personality, which is no less important as physical health that did not require more care and attention. Concern : Concern as much may come suddenly and without any introductions if you have not prepared any Your ability to withstand the shocks, pressures and adapt to any matters arise in command of your life, there are two ways only one of two to avoid the First change your life style and not more receptive to shocks and pressures, Secondly, the dialogue and talk with those around you and want to help you to the real members of your family or friends. Finally, health is the most important thing owns rights must attention
{{And I know that I have come a long letter about what is required but every word connected with the other meaning of }}}

اميره كوايت
اميره كوايت
أشكركم كثيرا أخواتي
سفيرة الغد و soulo
والله إنكم أفدتوني الله يجزاكم خير
تقبلو تحياتي

* عيون المها *
* عيون المها *
ماشاء الله عليكم المواضيع تهبل
صراحة الي كاتبينه مره موهوبات

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&&صافية الروح&&
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&&صافية الروح&&
&&صافية الروح&&
بس الموضوع حلو لحد يشوفك شوجي

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