- يعني فكره للكل جزء من القطعه وانا الحين بكتب لكم القطعه
- The Direct Method
انا كلفتني الدكتورة اني استخرج افكاار من قطعه عطتني ياها وهي تتكلم عن الطريقه المباشره وبصراحه ماعرفت اصيغ الفكر وبغيتكم اتساعدوني عشان اتطلعوون معي الفكر على الاقل خمس فكر لان كل فكره راح اشرحها
يعني فكره للكل جزء من القطعه وانا الحين بكتب لكم القطعه
The Direct Method
Also known today as 'Berlitz' this approach was derived from an earlier version called the 'Natural Method' which was developed by Sauveur in the mid-nineteenth century and later applied by de Sauze. It was natural in the sense that it made an effort to "immerse" students in the target language. Teacher monologues, formal questions and answers , and direct repetitions in the input were frequent. Although the discourse was often structured temporally and motivated logically, the method fell short of being optimal in that the topic for discussion was often the grammar itself . The students tried inductively to discover the rules of the language .Those interested in grammar as a topic of conversation may have found such lessons stimulating , however, most students needed something more relevant to keep their interest. Although these methods varied from one another, they all generally adhered to the same principle: grammar is the foundation upon which language should be taught.
هذا هو الجزء اللي تبيني الدكتووره اطلع منه افكاار تكفوون سااعدووني اليووم اليوم هذا عشان بكره اتدرب على الشرح واليوم السبت الله يكون في عوني ادعولي الله يوفقكم
وياليت اترجمون كل فكره عشان اعرف اش مضمونها انا كتبت افكار بس ماني متاكده من صحتها بغيتكم اتفيدوني اكثر بليز