الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
miss hanadi
19-08-2022 - 08:13 am
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كيفكم يابنات ؟؟
داخلة على الله ثم عليكم عندي طلب تكفون لاتبخلون علي واللي بتساعدني الله يوسع لها رزقها ويسكنها الجنة ويحبب فيه جميع خلقه ويرزقه الزوج اللي يحبها المهم أنا مطلوب مني برزينتيشن عن أي واحد من هالموضوعين :
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sending emails ._
should mopile phones be banned in some places .if so where and why _
  • ___________

do you think housework is for women only why or why not _
are there some jobs that women do better than men which jobs why do you think so _

التعليقات (2)
miss hanadi
miss hanadi
بليز بنات البرزينتيشن عليه درجات كثيير مابيها تروح علي بليز ساعدوني
أدري اني بثقل عليكم بس والله غصبن عني

شوفي جبت لك وانتي اختصري بالطريقه اللي تناسبك
On previewing the highly developed and sophisticated technicalities, e-mail definition can simply be translated as a digital form of mail sent by post. The e-mail was first used in 1965, facilitating users over a computer network to communicate with each other. SDC's Q32 and MIT's CTSS were the first computer systems to use e-mail. In 1966, the e-mail service was introduced to common users.
The abbreviated form of an Electronic mail is 'E-mail'. E-mail is a system of creating, sending and storing textual data in digital form over a network. Earlier, the e-mail system was based on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mechanism, a protocol used in sending the e-mails from one server to another. Today's e-mail technology uses the store-and-forward model. In this model, the users sends and receives information on their own computer terminal. However, the computer is used only for connecting to the e-mail architecture. The creation, transmission and storage of e-mail takes place, only when the connection with this e-mail architecture is established.
E-mail is one of the many technological developments that has influenced our lives. It has changed the medium of communication. So, it becomes necessary for us to check out the benefits and harmful effects of this popular tool used on the Internet.
Advantages of Email
The benefits of e-mail are huge in number.
* Easy to use: E-mail frees us from the tedious task of managing data of daily use. It helps us to manage our contacts, send mails quickly, maintain our mail history, store the required information, etc.
* Speed: The e-mail is delivered instantly, anywhere across the globe. No other service matches the e-mail in terms of speed.
* Easy to prioritize: Since the mails have subject lines, it is easy to prioritize them and ignore unwanted mails.
* Reliable and secure: Constant efforts are being taken to improve the security in electronic mails. Thus making it one of the secured ways of communication.
* Informal and conversational: The language used in e-mails is generally simple and thus makes the communication informal. Sending and receiving e-mails takes less time, so it can be used as a tool for interaction.
* Easier for reference: When one needs to reply to a mail, there is a provision in the mailing system to attach the previous mails as references. This refreshes the recipient's knowledge, on what he is reading.
* Automated e-mails: It is possible to send automated e-mails using special programs like the autoresponders. The autoresponders reply back to the sender with generalized pre-written text messages.
* Environment friendly: Postal mails use paper as a medium to send letters. Electronic mail thus, saves a lot of trees from being axed. It also saves fuel needed in transportation.
* Use of graphics: Colorful greeting cards and interesting pictures can be sent through e-mails. This adds value to the e-mail service.
* Advertising tool: Many individuals and companies are using e-mails to advertise their products, services, etc.
Disadvantages of Email
The e-mails, though beneficial in our day-to-day life, has got its own drawbacks that are offlate coming to the fore.
* Viruses: These are computer programs having the potential to harm a computer system. These programs copy themselves and further infect the computer. The recipient needs to scan the mails, as viruses are transmitted through them and have the potential to harm computer systems.
* Spam: E-mails when used to send unsolicited messages and unwanted advertisements create nuisance and is termed as Spam. Checking and deleting these unwanted mails can unnecessarily consume a lot of time, and it has become necessary to block or filter the unwanted e-mails by means of spam filters. Spamming includes, sending hoax e-mails. E-mail spoofing is another common practice, used for spamming. Spoofing involves deceiving the recipient by altering the e-mail headers or the addresses from which the mail is sent.
* Hacking: The act of breaking into computer security is termed as hacking. After the e-mail is sent and before it is received by the desired recipient, it "bounces" between servers located in different parts of the world. Hence, the e-mail can be hacked by a professional hacker.
* Misinterpretation: One has to be careful while posting any kind of content through an e-mail. If typed in a hurry, the matter could be misinterpreted.
* Lengthy mails: If the mail is too long and not properly presented the reader may lose interest in reading it.
* Not suitable for business: Since the content posted via e-mails is considered informal, there is a chance of business documents going unnoticed. Thus, urgent transactions and especially those requiring signatures are not managed through e-mails.
* Crowded inbox: Over a period of time, the e-mail inbox may get crowded with mails. It becomes difficult for the user to manage such a huge chunk of mails.
* Need to check the inbox regularly: In order to be updated, one has to check his e-mail account regularly.
Every new technology enters the social world with its share of benefits and drawbacks. Different people interpret and utilize it in different ways. In order to make the most of the available technology, users should try to understand both, the positive and negative sides of the tool they use. No technology can be totally perfect!
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