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فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
04-01-2022 - 10:43 pm
السلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاته
اريد السلبيات والاجابيات .. في الاكل .. والاكل البديل عن الوجبات السريعه
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اسفه كثرة عليكم طلاباتي .. بس والله مالي غيركم ..

التعليقات (2)
وعليكم السلام
Fast diet
Is it harmful? The truth of reports around? Although harmful Where lies the danger? Or was useful What aspects of interest? Beginning no useful food and food-useful, because in fact, every food of any kind is useful, for example, carbonated soft drinks, although they contain sugar, gases and cola drinks contain caffeine, but also contain thermal energy and provide fluids of the body, so we can say that there is a useful food habits and bad food habits. Here inclusion address some snacks in the case of frequent addressed and taken pattern prevailed food for the child or person. Known to some snacks containing a high percentage of fat, cholesterol and sodium component (salt), and we do not favor the multiplication of this nutrient, but at the same time many of the fast food rich in vitamins and mineral salts and protein, some indispensable element iron important for the prevention of anemia. Therefore, the best advice is moderation in the fast food, where meals are addressing this in the weekly holidays such as Thursday and Friday that there is no problem, but if the deal with these meals on a daily basis, better to leave this habit. In spite of that, this depends on the type of quick meal. For example, moderation and balance in addressing some guidance was a chicken barbecue Skinless with brown bread, in addition to the different types of authorities with fresh green and orange juice, fresh and all these foods healthy and useful. If the selection of the type of food in fast food restaurants is important for healthy meals may be an opportunity to accustom our children to food habits useful. But there confirm that the children will not commit such directives will not bow to the parents imposed on them in such meals especially if absent parents. Are there practical solutions to achieve a balance of this food meals? This assumption no obligation to children and acquiescence especially in the absence of parental educational issue if they had mentioned in the previous answer that the best solution is to reduce the handling and only one or two days a week. But let us consider the matter from many viewed it as food, social and psychological well-being of children (and young people). There are overlaps between these factors importance of psychological education and food together, I will mention here the four of those factors only :-form fast food restaurants opportunity for the child to get rid of the daily routine and repeat the same food at home. - Going out to restaurants providing snacks help in opening the appetite and increase the child accepted for the food and this is due to many of the children served by imposing on them a home and a psychological atmosphere where meals daily lunch especially uncomfortable. We have found through studies that children and adolescents were refusing to milk and certain foods such as eggs upon arrival adulthood and that sort of prove their existence and the family refused orders to force them to address these foods. The altercations that occur during lunch at home, such as child reprimanded for certain actions make the child was less impressed to sit at the dining table and tries to end his meals quickly. Some fast-food containing a considerable amount, and sometimes a high proportion of fat known that the food that contains fat is acceptable and palatable food is better than little or no fat, and the earliest example of that whole milk and milk cream Pulled where we find that most people refuse and Pulled like milk cream, it is jobs and improve the taste of fat food. - When going out to restaurants providing snacks find that the child is the one to determine the type of food they want, which gives it a kind of autonomy in decision-making and this aspect is not available in the house where food imposes on the child and must eat what was prepared for all family members. It is here in the fast food restaurants that everyone in the family deals foods may vary from other individuals. Fast food restaurants are now in every neighborhood in the community and there are those who see evil, dangerous and there Mahon of the underdogs in health and medical? The proliferation of fast food shops may be evil, dangerous and can be useful, but we are saying that the use of unnatural may lead to disadvantages, and I think that the meal one person per week suffice. Either be taken daily, such as what is being done to young people today as they felt just «Snack» not consider full meal, which resulted from ignorance including dentists, here lies the danger. Therefore, moderation is required, Fujbah one or two a week or every two weeks until enough avoided any health problems, God forbid. Let us define it in the seriousness of snacks on health more accurately and ask : American fast food, heart disease, arteriosclerosis. Is there a strong relationship based on studies and research hypotheses, or does it not based on scientific? This relationship is not hypothetical, but we can not say that there were purely scientific study came out, but as it is known that fast food contains fat and cholesterol than imagined person, just walking to take one meal of snacks, it may contain more than 800 mg of cholesterol any more about three times as may be required by the body during the day and in one meal, add to that dealt with during the day, that accusation is not only quick meal, there are other sources of cholesterol, but we say that the rich and snacks containing high amounts of fats. We must reduce addressed. But the issue of fat and height problem in the food habits beyond fast food, and here let us ask : disgracing snacks and unforgettable food habits (in terms of the content of fat and cholesterol) Is there in the semi-dangerous if not surpass our food fat? Undoubtedly, the lack of moderation in the diet may lead to dire consequences not, then the equation between the two things I was Jbatna old food was bad! We say it was appropriate for them in the past where not available to the person whom rich meal a day may not find only one meal each week, and the other thing is, the amount of energy that burns In the past, the person doing everything its own, made lazy person, and therefore I deposited movement and fats. How salvation What advice for addicts for snacks and Mufthat? Undoubtedly, it must avoid addiction and dealt with daily in view of the seriousness, especially on the heart and arteries and moderation is important as we said earlier. Fujbtan week maximum and the rest of the week to distribute meals to be healthy Master is the safest Vallhoum white fish and chicken Loose skin, as well as meals containing a large quantity of fiber, fruits Kalkhaddar all that useful. What applies to snacks applies to Mufthat must be a maximum of two meals a week and not every day as do many people. If we go talk to the subject of children addicted to these meals, knows that children from the most admirers and addicts snacks, are there direct injury to the heart? If the status of children as it is any deal snacks too will lead them to obesity, the result inevitably they will be especially vulnerable to disease the heart in the future life, and here I refer to the emerging generation problem is not only with fast food, but there are bad habits is the most serious smoking, it is during the study conducted on students in schools in the Kingdom showed that 20% of high school students smoke any of the five students and a smoke, if there cholesterol in snacks and cigarettes which increases the likelihood of heart diseases. Arafa moderation and reduce the snacks, but what are the limits of moderation destinations? What do you think. Are snacks not good? First : The philosophy of the people food is that there is no such thing as a meal-all good, but there are useful parts and other favors minimized. Fast food and nutritional aspects of it is also useful high-calorie foods (if eaten in large quantities course), a high content of sodium, fat and cholesterol, and this does not mean they are not good, but must be eaten reasonable limits, especially by young people and children, because of the importance of a balanced diet for this age group private. Cholesterol problem in fast food is one of the basic problems there. What about food and Jbatna by Alice cholesterol also? Cholesterol problem is not a fundamental problem in snacks, but the basic problem is the high fat and calories. Because there «cholesterol» in the food and eat a cholesterol in the blood. There can be no valid overstatement warning of cholesterol eating, because it reflects on blood cholesterol are part of each. Rising food fats also raise blood cholesterol. Studies show that the fat-rich foods (especially saturated) lead to increased blood cholesterol. For example, fried potatoes free of Alcollstol but it is rich in fat, and here we expect to be addressed may raise cholesterol from the blood. The other problem is the high caloric result of the high fat in snacks. The question of calories associated with the erosion of you? If added to the example of the quick meal containing Hamburger cowardly fingers with potato Mkelet (large size) with the rum Ghazi, and what our diet containing this and compare it with what it needs rights of daily calories, we can bring more picture of the minds. The amendment in this diet possible person that reduces components supplied by, for example, instead of the large volume of potatoes taken potato small size, and instead of taking juice drink gaseous natural or drink Ghazi Sugarless normal (Diet), or only address these meals starting once or twice a week instead of addiction. The snacks that are less serious than the local Jbatna That is not true.
These disadvantages usually bad
The impact of fat snacks on children's physical mental sounded very dangerous to the development of their brains.and interview with Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that snacks contain quantities of fats, which include fatty acids transitional manmade which products to prolong shelf life of foods using oils Plant cheap stereotypes instead of animal fats in charge. He noted that most restaurants use for oil more than once in Qulai these foods to the economy in the use of oils, thereby increasing the dangers. Referring to a study conducted by researcher of social behavior in children and adolescents Barbara Reed Stitt explained that there is a direct relationship between the Alhamburger and fried potatoes and desserts large quantity and increase the proportion of movement and activity and unusual cases of depression and anger and violence among the youth and adolescents. The Canadian researcher who has worked in a number of prisons and juvenile correctional centers has stated that the intake of food the child reflect on his behavior and intelligence in school and in social relationship friends. The diet containing one of snacks to the equivalent of 33% of the calories needed by the body during the day and therefore, address these basic foods other than meals covered by the individual and not the corresponding muscle similar effort will necessarily lead to the accumulation of these calories to body fat affects the individual, whatever the age of obesity. The snacks in addition to fat condiments that are fundamentals in all cooking appliances and meals ready quick and play a key role in the opening of appetite and facilitate digestion process is also working on improving the color and smell of food. - Found through studies that spices and salt works on Unnerving certain in the mouth and tongue, nose, which are areas of mixed feeling and the smell of food, which makes one get used to those snacks rich in spices. The oils and fats in snacks It complements Mabdath spices damage caused by the fat and hide behind the guise of health problems rich taste comes always result devour large quantities of saturated fat foods such as potatoes fried, which raises the value of calories leads to obesity as inevitable. The gravity of these factors lies in the food saturation in fat tissue, which increases the chances of infection adamantly arteries and cardiovascular diseases also dealt with many of these meals that contain a high percentage of sodium, which leads to high blood pressure adversely affect the heart and vascular diseases and kidney. And also quick diet lacking in vitamins and fiber route of absorption of fats and vegetables available. The failure to deal with vegetables and fruits to object to the lack of important elements needed daily Cvitamin (a) and (C) and ketamine folic Justinih salt and calcium to address, frequent snacks lead to frequent constipation and raises the percentage of cholesterol in the blood. Studies show that the fast food leads to get accustomed to eating unbalanced contains high calories and more than the actual need for the consumer as to take vitamins and minerals required rate less than a day and increase the quantity of sodium accessible gives adversely affected in the body and health, leading to cardiovascular diseases , diabetes and joint pains and problems in the back and spine. Studies indicate that the meal rich one Katammeh snacks can cause devastating damage to the blood vessels in the body and immediately increase the risk of cardiovascular sudden shift Contrary to what was known that this shift comes after addressing several meals rich. The modern medical study showed that fast food is not only responsible for the overweight and obesity but may also hurt eyesight and excessive consumption of these foods rich in fat and fat increases the risk of damage (Almakiola) kind associated with the aging process. The disease damage Almakiola the main cause of blindness and visual impairment in the United States for persons over the age of 55.
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