الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
عشق المراسيل
16-12-2022 - 08:44 am
  1. الملك عبدالله..........

  2. King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz

  3. تعبير االامير عبدالله الفيصل...........

  4. Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal

  5. تعبير عن الامير عبدالمجيد

  6. Prince Abdul Majid bin Abdul Aziz

  7. وتعبير عن الرسول صلى اله عليه وسلم..

  8. The last prophet ,Muhammad

الملك عبدالله..........

King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz

King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz was born in 1924 AD in Riyadh. King Abdullah is an intelligent , a generous , a good speaker, a strong and a fair leader. In addition to his wide reading , he is known for his love of horsemanship . In 1963 AD he became the Commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard . Then in 1975 AD , he became the Second Prime Minister . He became the first Prime Minister in 1982 AD . In 2004 AD , he laid the foundation stone for many projects in the country . Prince Abdullah has played a remarkable rule in achieving reconciliation and setting the differences between the Arab countries . He has visited some countries like America , China , Japan and Egypt . He always aids many countries . He established the king Abdul Aziz Public library in Riyadh , the Capital , which contains thousands of books . King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz became King of Saudi Arabia on August 1st, 2005 AD following the death of late King Fahd . Finally , we are luckily to have a King like King Abdullah .
We thank Allah for this great blessing .

تعبير االامير عبدالله الفيصل...........

Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal

Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal was born(ولد) in 1341 AH. He is the eldest son (الاين الاكبر)of King Faisal. He studied (درس)his primary education (مرحلته الابتدائيه)in Makkah He read(قرى) Arabic Literature, history and politic books(كتب سياسية) a lot . he was fond of (مولع ب)Arabic Literature(الأدب العربي. He was fond of the literary pieces (الموواضيع الادبية)written (كتبت )by such as Torfah Ibn Al- Abd, Al-Nabegha Al-Dobyani and Al-Motaniabi.
A great poet and staunch supporter (داعم)of sports, Abdullah was appointed(عين) the minister of interior and health in 1950. He later left his government job (وضيفة حكومية)to devote his time to business and cultural (ثقافيه)activities(نشاطات). He had received a number of international honors(حصل على تكريمات دوليه) including an honorary doctorate degree (درجة علمية)in humanities(العلوم الانسانية). Born in 1922, Abdullah became an important figure early in his life, acquiring(نال) a great deal of political and administrative experience. He served as viceroy of the Hijaz and deputized as foreign minister for his father during the latter’s trips abroad. He served (خدم كا)as minister of health(وزير الصحة) from 1949 to 1950 and in the Interior Ministry from 1951 to 1959.
Finally, in 2007, Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal died(توفى) at the age of 85 following a prolonged illness(مرض).

تعبير عن الامير عبدالمجيد

Prince Abdul Majid bin Abdul Aziz

Abdul Majid bin Abdul Aziz was born in 1362AH. He was grown up by his father. Shakh Abdullah Khayad taught him especially Holy Quran and the principles of Islamic sciences. After that, he moved to study at Al-Njal School in Riyadh. Then, he moved to study his intermediate education. After that, he moved to Britain in order to complete his education there.
There are many events that took place during his adult. In !400 AH, he became the governor of Tabuk.
In 1406 AH, he became the governor of Madinah. In 1985, King Fahd appointed Abdul-Majid as governor of the holy city Medina. Fifteen years later, he became the governor of Mecca.
Prince Abdu Majid took Madinah and Tabuk towards modernization. In 1428, Prince Abdul Majeed died in the United States following a prolonged illness.

وتعبير عن الرسول صلى اله عليه وسلم..

The last prophet ,Muhammad

was born in Makkah on Monday,12th Rabi al Awwal .He was born an orphan . He was brought up by his grandfather . His uncle ,Abu Talib , took care of him when he was eight years old . When he was ten or twelve years old , he used to look after the sheep around Makkah .
Muhammad was loving , kind , generous ,helpful and honest man . He was an example of prefect character .He lived a very simple life . He was fair in his dealings with all people whether they are friends or enemies .He was known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin .
He was injured by Quraish but he completed his duty . So, we must follow him and interrupt all people who try to deform something about his life .And what happen in Denemark nowadays is an example of this deed . we should face every person try to assault him , this is one of our duties towards him .
بنات مو معناه كلاامي انكم تعتمدوون عليها انا بس شفتهاا وحبيت انقلها لكم للاستفاده..
والله يوفقنا جميع ..اللهم بلغت اللهم فاشهد..

التعليقات (2)
مشكوره عشوقه
والله كلها مهمه واتوقع يجي منها

الله يجزاك الجنه عاد الابله دايم تقول ياهذي ياهذي الاحتمال الكبير يجبونهم
عبد الله الفيصل او الامير عبد المجيد

اسئله الوزاره e
اكمال الدراسه