- تفضلو
- الاول الي هو الطعام المفضل
- الثاني الاختراعات
مرحبا بنات
تكفون طلبتكم طلب
عند 3 تعابير لازم اكتبهم
كتبت 2 و ابي وحده تتاكدلي منهم و الثالث الي تقدر تكتبه جزاها الله خير
ما ابي اكثر من 6 الى 7 سطور
المهم هذول التعبيرين اتمنى التغير فيهم ما يكون جذري
يكون بسيط و صح
الاول الي هو الطعام المفضل
There is no doubt that food is Important for our life . It is impossible for any living creature to stay alive without food .So, everyone has favorite food in has live and I will talk about my favorite food. My favorite food is pizza .I like pizza because of many reasons . Pizza is a very taste and delicious . Also , pizza contain useful material for the body such as proteins and carbohydrates that provide people with energy and leads to a good healthy . Pizza has many kinds , flavor and different shapes . For me I prefer pizza with tomato and cheese flavor .Pizza is an Interesting and easy to make and could eat at any time . So all the people like to eat it .
الثاني الاختراعات
Inventions are things can change our live to the better . So there are many inventions have been created such as the airplane, the television, the computer, the cell phone and internet . In actually internet is one of the most important invention in our live . It is amazing and useful invention .We can use the internet as a source of information . Also we can use the internet to communicate with others and make new friends from a different countries . In short , the internet has made the world small village connecting people to other people, places, and ideas. So I advise you to use it well to benefit a lot .
اما الثالث الي ما عرفت اكتب عنه هو الاطعمه المباحه
الله يوفقكم و يرزقكم الي تتمنونه
دعواتكم لي
بالنسبة للاولى راجعتها وماشاء الله عليك تعبيرك مرة حلو بس فيه ملاحظات
السطر الثاني food in has live
his لانك تقصدين everyone فالضمير يعود عليه
والسطر قبل الاخير والاخير مافهمت قصدك isan Interestingand مافهمت الكلمة لكن اذا قصدك نفي تكتب كذا isnot
معليش دخلت بسرعة بس ان شاء الله مايقصروا معك البنات ^_^