01-05-2022 - 08:57 pm
السلام عليكم
عندي اسئلة وابغاكم تحلوها لي عشان الأختبار يوم السبت
وطبعاً الأبله قالت إنتوا حلوها وانا حاولت بس ماعرفت وانا بعطيكم اللي في الورقه ..
يلا بسم الله asking questions
A- mr al-Ghamdi teaches someone
who does mr. al-ghamdi teach
some medicines look like sweete
what do some medicine look like
B- someone teaches these pupils
who teachws these pupils
something looks liks sweets
what looks like sweets
make questions for the answers on the right
mr al ghamdi told the reprter about the first aid who
mr. al-ghamdi what
first aid
ahmad played games with his friend a-who
ahmad who did
his friend what did
the pupil is going to clean the board with an eraser a-who
the pupil b-what
the board c-what
an eraser
making and replying to suggestion
? e.g.1-why don't you tell us what you do
that's agood idea
? why don't you take your medicine-
. I am afraid I can . I left it at home
make suggestions to these situations
a-Iam sickthat is a good idea
b- Iam hungryc-iam afraid I cannot.Iam busyd-Iam boring --------------------------------------------------
verb+ing as a noun
A verb +ing can be a noun
e.g. 1- poisoning is a great danger in the home
falling off ladders is a great danger in the home -
there are dangers from smoking -
لي عوده والله تعبت وأنا اكتب
اللي يعرف لا يبخل عليآ
مافي وقت ابغى أذآكر *.*