الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
16-03-2022 - 01:15 am
they bought the tickets
they book the flights
they confirm their reservations
they bought suitable clothes
they bought traveller s cheques
they asked for advice
they read traveller s guides --they drew aplan for their trip
they got ready
they packed their cases --they took a txi to the airport
they checked in for their flight they decided to travel abroad
they applied for visas
they got the visas my brother fell to the ground
he injured his arm
he stopped playing
he left the playground
the team doctor looked after him
my brother had to go to hospital
a spe cialist saw him
the specialist examined him carefully
my brother went an x-ray
the x-ray showed nothing serious
the specialist advised my brother to rest
the specialist refer him to physiotherapy
my brother broke his arm
he had to leav
the team doctor examined his arm

التعليقات (7)
igave my sister alift
ibought anewspaper
idid alot of work
i made some phone calls
i told to my boss
i rea the mail
i had lunch
i went to the bank
i caught acheque
i post afew letters
i prayed in the mosque
i prepared breakfast
i had breakfast
i got dressed
i left for work
i went to the city centre
i did some work
i gave a lecture
he did the shopping-- she bought a typewriter
we visited some friends
we had a party
they sold their car
she cashed a cheque
he made a long-distance call
what did you do yesterday?
what did the boys do yesterday?
what did they yesterday evening?

i was a teacher two years ago
he was a journalist two years ago
they were army officers two years ago
she was a receptionist two years ago
we were students two years ago
i was an engineer two years ago
i was a chemistry two years ago
they were mechanics two years ago
she was a psychology teacher two years ago
we were librarians two years ago
i was a clerk two years ago
she was atailor two years ago
i had a car last year
he had a computer last year
they had a typewriter last year
you had 2 shops last year
we had bank accounts last year
i had a furniture shop last year
we had a shoe factory last year
you had a restaurant last year
they had a washing-machine last year
he had a dairy company last year
she had a farm last year
it had a gate last year
my neighbour had a phamacyr last year

they bought the ticketsاشتروا التذاكر
they book the flights حجزوا الرحلات
they confirm their reservations قاموا يتأكيد الحجز
they bought suitable clothes وقاموا بشراء الملابس المناسبة
they bought traveller s cheques اشتروا شيكات السفر
they asked for advice وطلبوا النصائح في ذلك
they read traveller s guides --they drew aplan for their tripقراوا المرشد السياحي وقاموا برسم خطة لرحلتهم
they got ready والان هم جاهزين
they packed their cases حزموا حقائبهم
they took a txi to the airport اخذوا تاكسي ليوصلهم للمطار
they checked in for their flight وتاكدوا من رحلتهم
هذا البارت الاول

قرروا السفر للخارجthey decided to travel abroad
they applied for visasقدموا طلب للحصول على التأشيرة
حصلوا عليها they got the visas
my brother fell to the ground سقط اخي في الحديقة
he injured his arm جرح ذراعه
he stopped playing وتوقف عن اللعب
he left the playground غادر ساحة اللعب
the team doctor looked after him قام طبيب الفريق بفحصه
my brother had to go to hospitalتوجب على اخي ان يذهب للمستشفى
a spe cialist saw himراه اخصائي
the specialist examined him carefully قام الاخصلئي بفحصه بعناية
my brother went an x-rayذهب اخي الى الاشعة
the x-ray showed nothing seriousاظهرت الاشاعة انه ليس هناك شي مخيف
the specialist advised my brother to restاوصى الاخصائي اخي باراحة
the specialist refer him to physiotherapyاحال الاخصائي اخي الى العلاج الطبيعي
my brother broke his armامنكسرت ذراع اخي
he had to leavغادر اخي
the team doctor examined his armقام طبيب الفريق بفحصه

مشتاقة لطفلي
مشتاقة لطفلي
igave my sister alift
اشتريت جريدة ibought anewspaper
وانجزت الكثير من العمل idid alot of work
اجريت بعض الاتصالات i made some phone calls
واخبرت رئيسي i told to my boss
قرأت البريد i rea the mail
تغديت او تناولت غدائي i had lunch
ذهبت الى البنك i went to the bank
قبضت الشيك i caught acheque
ارسلت بعض الرسائل i post afew letters
صليت في المسجد i prayed in the mosque
اعددت فطوري i prepared breakfast
اكلت فطوري i had breakfast
لبست i got dressed
ذهبت للعمل i left for work
ذهبت الى مركز المدينة i went to the city centre
انجزت بعض الاعمال i did some work
القيت محاضرة i gave a lecture
قام هو بالتسوق - واشترت هي الة طباعة he did the shopping-- she bought a typewriter
زرنا بعض الاصدقاء we visited some friends
اقمنا حفلة او حضينا بحفاة او ذهبنا الى حفلة we had a party
هم باعوا سيارتهم they sold their car
هي استلمت الشيك او قبضت الشيك she cashed a cheque
هو اجرى مكالمة بعيدة او خارجية he made a long-distance call
ماذا فعلتم بالامس what did you do yesterday?
ماذا فعل الاولاد او الصبية بالامس what did the boys do yesterday?
ماذا عملوا مساء الامس what did they yesterday evening?

مشتاقة لطفلي
مشتاقة لطفلي
كنت مدرسا منذ سنتين i was a teacher two years ago
هو كان صحفي منذ سنتين مضت he was a journalist two years ago
هم كانوا ضباط في الجيش منذ سنتين they were army officers two years ago
هي كانت موظفة استقبال منذ سنتين she was a receptionist two years ago
كنا طلاب منذ سنتين we were students two years ago
كنت مهندسا منذ سنتين i was an engineer two years ago
كنت كيميائيا منذ سنتين i was a chemistry two years ago
هم كانوا ميكانيكيين منذ سنتين they were mechanics two years ago
هي كانت مدرسة علم نفس منذ سنتين she was a psychology teacher two years ago
كنا متحررين منذ سنتين we were librarians two years ago
كنت كاتبا او رجل دين من ذ سنتين i was a clerk two years ago
هي كانت خياطة منذ سنتين she was atailor two years ago
كان لديه سيارة السنة الماضية i had a car last year
كان لديه او يملك كمبيوتر السنة الماضية he had a computer last year
كان لديهم الة طابعه السنة الماضية they had a typewriter last year
انت تملك محلين السنة الماضية you had 2 shops last year
لدينا او نملك حسابا في البنك السنة الماضية we had bank accounts last year
كان لدي محل اثاث السنة الماضية i had a furniture shop last year
كان لدينا مصنع احذية السنة الماضية we had a shoe factory last year
لدينا مطعم السنة الماضية you had a restaurant last year
كان لديهم غسالة السنة الماضية they had a washing-machine last year
لديه شركة يومية السنة الماضية he had a dairy company last year
كان لديها مزرعه السنة الماضية she had a farm last year
كان لها بوابة السنة الماضية it had a gate last year
جاري لديه صيدلية السنه الماضية my neighbour had a phamacyr last year

تسلمون جزاكم الله الف خير
الله ينور دروبكم

differences between
بنات ممكن طلب