- احتاجها ا.....
السلام عليكم....
اخواتي حبايبي... هذه احاديث عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم.... كيف اجيب مرجعهم بالانجليزي؟؟؟
احتاجها ا.....
Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam narrates- " We were directed by Rasool Allah (saw) to treat pleurisy with Qust Bahri and Roghan-e-Zaitoon" (Tirmizi, Sanad-e-Ahmed, Ibn Maja).
Hazrat Anas Bin Malik narrates that Rasool Allah (saw) stated " Out of those things which are being used by you for treatment, the cupping and Qust Bahri are the best treatment." (Bukhari; Muslim; Sanad-e-Ahmed; Tirmizi; Nisai and Moota Imam Malik).
Hazrat Anas Bin Malik narrates that Rasool Allah (saw) stated " Dont let your children press their throats when this disease grips them lest the pain harm them." (Bukhari, Muslim)
Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah narrates that Rasool Allah (saw) stated " Oh ladies, it is a matter of sorrow for you that you kill your children and yourself. If someone's child gets inflammation in his throat or Headache then he/she should take Qust and after grinding it in water, apply it to the child" (Mustadrak-al-Hakim; AL-Shashi and Ibn-al-Gharat)
Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah narrates that Rasool Allah (saw) stated "Don't burn the glottis of your children, when you are having waras and quest-e-Hindi, make them lick these." . "When Nabi-e-Akram (saw) entered the house of Hazrat Aisha (R), she was having a child bleeding through mouth and nose. Prophet (saw) asked, what was that? She answered, "the child has Azraa. Prophet (saw) said, "Alas ! ladies, that you used to kill your children like that. If in future any child got affected with Azra in his glottis or he felt headache, then ground the Qust-e-Hindi and make him lick it. Therefore, Hazrat Aisha carried out his instructions and the child became healthy." (Muslim)
انتي كاتبة انه اذا روى الحديث البخاري او مسلم أو ابن ماجه و أتوقع هذا المرجع
و لا تقصدين ترجمتها يعني تبغين الأحاديث بالعربية
عموما قلبو الله يوفقك و ييسرلك امرك و اذا تبغين أي شي أنا في الخدمة و بالتوفيق