الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
ام رنده
02-04-2022 - 02:08 pm
السلام عليكم:
كيفكم اخواتي 0000أنا أدرس في معهد لدراسة اللغه الانجليزيه ومطلوب مني واجب اني اسوي
عرض عن علا مات الساعه الكبرى والصغرى000 وتكون مكتوب بالانجليزي ومترجم بالعربي
تكفون ساعدوني 000وذلك عن طريق وضع جمل000ترى الواجب مطلوب يوم السبت00
الله يجزاها خير ويدخلها الجنه اللي تفرج كربتي 000000
أختكم ام رنده**************

التعليقات (3)
ام رنده
ام رنده
ردو 00000

first there will be the great signs of its end, such are the appearance of the Dajal , then the sun will raise from the west instead of the east. when the sun raise from the west, then the door of forgiviness will be shut down.
then the day of judgment will come at the time of most of the people are evil. people will be surprised and question each other of what's happening to the earth? it's a destruction of everything. then the earth will return white and clear surface.
Al-Anbiya' Chapter 21 : Verse 105
'The day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls by a scribe.' As We began the first creation, So shall We repeat it - a promise binding upon US; We shall certainly fulfil it.
In Islam,this universe will end if the qiyamah occured or happened when the first blowing of wistle by angel.
In surah 30 ayat 8 Allah spoke that Allah created this universe
for only certain period.If this universe broke there is no other power which could avoid or prevent it see also surah35 ayat 41, and surah 28 ayat 88.At that time is only Allah will live eternally see surah 7 ayat 187,188.Only to Allah all affairs and all creatures will be died and go back to Allah see surah 11 ayat 123..
All humans are frightened when giyamah occured (see surah 75 ayat 6,7).On that day all humans just like insect white ants
or termits spread out all over this earth (see surah 101 ayat 3,4).All humans flurried and dseperate and panic that the earth is broken as instructed by Allah (see 99 ayat 3,4 and 6)
The skies at that toime will be rolled off like papers (see surah 21 ayat 103 and 104).The skies is broken and become red and angelsa will go down (see surah 25 ayat 25 and surah 55 ayat 37).All events happened based on the instruction of Allah all obey to Allah and the skies will be dis appered (see surah 84 ayat 1,2 and surah 81 ayat 11)
Moon,stars and sun will be rolled off and broken too and dropped into the earth.At that time the sun and moon will be collected (see surah 81 ayat 1,2 surah 82 ayat 2,surah 54 ayat 1 and surah 75 ayat 8 and 9)
At that time all mountains will be errupted like hair on the air and the soil will be flatted.Simultenously the sea water will be higher so will inundate the earth.The earth will be shaken so hard and the soil will be broken too (see surah 81 ayat 3,surah 101 ayat 5,surah 20 ayat 105,107,surah 81 ayat 6 surah 99 ayat 1,2 and surah 84 ayat 3 and 5)
If you need more just tell me,

first there will be the great signs of its end, such are the appearance of the Dajal , then the sun will raise from the west instead of the east. when the sun raise from the west, then the door of forgiviness will be shut down.
then the day of judgment will come at the time of most of the people are evil. people will be surprised and question each other of what's happening to the earth? it's a destruction of everything. then the earth will return white and clear surface.
Al-Anbiya' Chapter 21 : Verse 105
'The day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls by a scribe.' As We began the first creation, So shall We repeat it - a promise binding upon US; We shall certainly fulfil it.
In Islam,this universe will end if the qiyamah occured or happened when the first blowing of wistle by angel.
In surah 30 ayat 8 Allah spoke that Allah created this universe
for only certain period.If this universe broke there is no other power which could avoid or prevent it see also surah35 ayat 41, and surah 28 ayat 88.At that time is only Allah will live eternally see surah 7 ayat 187,188.Only to Allah all affairs and all creatures will be died and go back to Allah see surah 11 ayat 123..
All humans are frightened when giyamah occured (see surah 75 ayat 6,7).On that day all humans just like insect white ants
or termits spread out all over this earth (see surah 101 ayat 3,4).All humans flurried and dseperate and panic that the earth is broken as instructed by Allah (see 99 ayat 3,4 and 6)
The skies at that toime will be rolled off like papers (see surah 21 ayat 103 and 104).The skies is broken and become red and angelsa will go down (see surah 25 ayat 25 and surah 55 ayat 37).All events happened based on the instruction of Allah all obey to Allah and the skies will be dis appered (see surah 84 ayat 1,2 and surah 81 ayat 11)
Moon,stars and sun will be rolled off and broken too and dropped into the earth.At that time the sun and moon will be collected (see surah 81 ayat 1,2 surah 82 ayat 2,surah 54 ayat 1 and surah 75 ayat 8 and 9)
At that time all mountains will be errupted like hair on the air and the soil will be flatted.Simultenously the sea water will be higher so will inundate the earth.The earth will be shaken so hard and the soil will be broken too (see surah 81 ayat 3,surah 101 ayat 5,surah 20 ayat 105,107,surah 81 ayat 6 surah 99 ayat 1,2 and surah 84 ayat 3 and 5)
If you need more just tell me,

مساعدة عاجلة ممكن موقع يعد اسئلة جاهزة للمدرسين الانجليزي
مطلوب مدرسه