بنوتات بليز محتاجة تعبون هالاستبيان ضروري
عارفه مابتقصرون حبيباتي
Al-marai is a very successful company without any doubt ,but unfortunately we having
A small issue with it . Can you help us by given your opinion on this points so we can find
A solution for it.
This is our questions :1- Does it harm you in any way if you didn't find Almarai products in stores ?
2- Can you find a replacement for Almarai products with the same quality if you have to ?
3- Dose Almarai products covers all segments of society ?
4- Does Almarai products need more advertising ?
5- In pilgrimage time the supplies of Almarai products become less in some areas and non existent in others. Are you aware of that ?
6- Can we take this on Almarai company as a bad point in her policy in dealing with there costumers ?
7- Do you think if Almarai increase there channels they will can provide a better service in this period of time ?
8- Do you think that Almarai could loes some of her loyal costumers by doing this risky move ?
1- Can you tell me why do you prefer Almarai products ?
2- Do you think Almarai could do anything to avoid this situation ? Give some suggestions .
ان شا الله البنات يفيدوونك ..