1 - الشكر Thanking
- يوجد طرق كثيرة للتعبير عن الشكر .. منها :
Thank you
Thank you for helping me
How can I ever thank you
- * وكذلك يوجد طرق كثيرة للرد علي الشكر :
You're welcome
It's OK
Don't mention it
No need to thank me
2- إظهار الامتنان Gratitude
- * يوجد طرق عديدة للتعبير عن الامتنان :
How thouhtful of you
I'm really grateful to you
That's very kind of you
I really appreciate what you have done for me
That's quite all right
It's my pleas ure
3- الاعتذار Apologizing
- * يوجد طرق عديدة للتعبير عن الاعتذار 00 منها :
I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm terribly sorry
I'm awfully sorry
I apologize for my rudeness
Sorry . That was clumsy of me . ( غير ملائم clumsy )
Sorry . That was stupid of me
Sorry . I didn't mean to hurt you
- * يوجد أيضا طرق عديدة لقبول الاعتذار :
That's all right
It's OK
Forget about it
No problem
Think nothing of it
No matter
Never mind
There's no harm done
ا تنسوني من خالص الدعاء