الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
حور الجزيرة
30-12-2022 - 08:46 am
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
لو سمحتم فراشات بغيت منكم مساعدة ضروري الله يعافيكم
مطلوب مني موضوع Writing paragraph about ,,, Characteristic of a Memorable Person
وهو عندي فيه إمتحان يوم الأحد إن شاء الله
واللي تقدر تساعدني فيه الله يجزاها الف خير
تقبلوا فائق إحترامي
ف أم الله ان ي
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التعليقات (3)
سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
كشخصية ابدا لا تنسى ومؤثرة هي شخصية النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Prophet Muhammad Pattern of communication
By: Ali Zohery
Prophet Muhammad pattern of communication with his family, friends, followers and enemies enabled him to increase his support to deliver his message of Islam. Over twenty-three years of delivering the call of Allah (God in Arabic), Prophet Muhammad developed a communication pattern to invite people to learn about Islam.
This research is to investigate Prophet Muhammad pattern of communicating with individuals and masses.
Hudaibiya treaty between Prophet Muhammad and Qoraish was a beginning of a new phase in the prophet’s journey to accomplish his mission and preach his call for the divine faith to all nations. The prophet planned to spread the message of Islam beyond Arabia. He decided to write to neighboring kings, including those of the superpowers, inviting them to Islam. In order to make the selection of ambassadors to the rulers, he asked his companions to assemble in the Mosque. After performing the obligatory prayer, he addressed them: “ O people! Allah has sent me as the one who is compassionate to mankind and the prophet to the world. Therefore, preach(the message of Islam) on my behalf, Allah will have Mercy upon you…” The prophet then selected some of his very competent companions as ambassadors to kings and heads of States. The ambassadors were conversant with the languages spoken as well as with the political conditions of the countries to which they were sent.
It is difficult to discuss separately the political and the military features of the prophet’s leadership. He was the political leader and the chief of the first Muslim State in Arabia of which Medina was the capital. This research paper is to investigate the prophet’s political communication.
Politics can be defined as the “art of ruling human societies”(Abd Allah, Political Systems, p. 9) (in Arabic). Or as the “Science of government and the art of relationships of government, and is used to describe the group of affairs which concern the state or the manner followed by rulers. (Kayyali & Zohairi, Encyclopaedia of Politics, p.327) (In Arabic)
The most important qualities of a military leader coincide with those required in the political leader, especially when the leader assumes the highest position in the state, or is establishing a state. Military leadership requires firmness and resolution while political leadership requires clemency, forbearance and wisdom. Having qualities for both kinds of leadership can be found in very rare people.
The prophet Muhammad differs from other political leaders in that he neither inherited a throne nor seized power. Rather, he established a state from nothing.
The Prophet Muhammad was assigned the Mission of peace in the world by Allah. The fundamental purpose was to attain peace with the lord, peace with the universe and peace with the people. The Quran, in very plain words, announces the arrival of the prophet of peace in these words: “ O People of the book! Our Messenger has come to you, Light has come to you from Allah and a book which guides to the truth, whereby Allah leads to ways of peace those who seek His pleasure.” ( 5:17-18) These verse stress that the Prophet was sent to guide the people to the way of peace. The west misunderstood Islam and stereotyping it with violence and terrorism.
Prophet Muhammad’s pattern of educational communication with his family, friends, followers and enemies enabled him to increase his support and to strengthen his position to deliver his message of Islam. Over twenty-three years of delivering the call of Allah (God in Arabic), Prophet Muhammad developed educational communication patterns to educate people to learn about Islam. This research investigates Prophet Muhammad’s educational patterns of communicating with individuals and masses.
The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of Education. In the annals of
human history, we hardly get another man who laid that emphasis on Education as did Muhammad. As the Supreme Head of the first Islamic State, he decreed Education as
incumbent on all people, male or female. Talk of compulsory education does not constitute an innovation of our modernists. Muhammad had declared it compulsory almost immediately after the establishment of the City State of Madeenah. It was in the very second year of the establishment of the Madeenistic Regime that his Law regarding Compulsory Education began to be implemented with all his vigor and force possible for a nascent state. And like a practical realist, he also warned his people to save themselves from ‘knowledge, which is of no use’. So long as the Muslims kept up this breadth of vision they were the torchbearers of light and learning and were considered the norm to judge the various grades of cultures and civilizations of the world.
The Prophet Muhammad declared equality and brotherhood of man. He was not content with just preaching it, but practiced it. One of his closest companions was a former
Negro slave, Bilaal; one of his trusted lieutenants was an Iranian called Salmaan; to name a third, Suhayb of Rome, each coming from different directions, of different languages, and of different heritage. However, in their Teacher's company they were all companions, equal to each other without distinction.

wild daffodils
wild daffodils
Omar Ibn Al- Khattab
Omar Ibn Al- Khattab is a memorable character in the history of the Islamic justice. He was one of the noble companions of prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He embraced Islam after having fought it at age 27 as a result of the Prophet's explicit supplication-O Allah strengthen Islam with Omar ibn Al-Khattab . In his time Islam reached Egypt,
Syria.Sijistan, Persia and other regions. He was the secod only to Abu-Bakr Al- Saddiq in his closeness to the Prophet.Omar was given the gift of true inspiration as the Prophet said " Allah has engraved the truth on the tongue of Omar and his heart and if there were a prophet after me, verily it would be Omar".He was distinguished in his power of separating truth from falsehood.And the Prophet (PBUH)conferred on him the title of AL-Farouq- the separator between what is true and what is false. He was adamant in right. His views was confirmed by the holly revelation of the
Holy Quran. Examples for that:
"I said to Prophet Mohammad: "O Messenger of Allah! Why do we not pray behind Ibrahim’s Station?" Whereupon was revealed the verse: ". . . Take as your place of worship the place where Ibrahim stood (to pray). . ." (2:125); I said: "O Messenger of Allah! You should order your wives to cover because both the chaste and the wicked go in to see them," whereupon was revealed the verse: "... And when you ask of them (the wives of the Prophet) anything, ask it of them from behind a curtain. . ." (33:53) Then the Prophet’s wives banded together in their jealousy over him, so I said to them: If he divorced you, God will give him better wives that you… whereupon was revealed this verse "It may happen that his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him instead wives better than you,
He established unique sustems, norms to the new Islamic society.He died a martyr , stabbed by a Sabean slave leaving outstandong footprints on the history of early periods of Islam

حور الجزيرة
حور الجزيرة
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سفيرة الغد ,,, wild daffodils
مشكورات حبايبي
والله يجزاكم الف خير
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