الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
24-12-2022 - 08:48 am
  1. Anti-Islam propagandas:

  2. Characteristics of anti-Islam propaganda:

  3. “Under siege” 1984.

  4. “Final cap” 1991.

  5. This can be seen in headlines like:

Anti-Islam propagandas:

Propaganda is one of the most weapons that used against Islam. Its impact is great and unfair; therefore we must study it with the view to uprooting it and eliminating its causes before we get irreparable damages to the human life.
With the beginning of the Islamic calls the pagans started to spread, Different kind of Rumors and propaganda against Islam...As they tried to harm our prophet Mohamed (pbu) by using several ways to avoid people from him and from the new religion…Islam
During the time of the Prophet Mohamed the pagans tried hard without success to terminate Islam and eliminate its Prophet. They falsely labeled him in order to prevent people from listening to his message. They also launched different forms psychological warfare against him and his companions but all of this was to no avail.
Islamic call influenced from its beginning by rumors, we may not realize it, but it was some kind of propaganda against Islam.
The differences between spreading such rumors between past and present day is the power of the media...In the prophet days there weren’t any kind of technological devices (radio, TV, internet), Or even newspaper, the way to spread propagandas was only by using oral Communication (speech, meeting, or in market,).
but The propaganda war is now in its golden age, due to modern technology. The media devices conquered the distance and help the propaganda against Islam to spread in wide and deep locations and parts of the world

Characteristics of anti-Islam propaganda:

we all no that Islam is a religion that is a source of mercy, justice and peace for mankind and this is clear in the holly (Qur’aan) and in( sunna)..
But what our enemies did is that they try to fabricate the troth in order to reflect bad view about Islam in the world, first of all they manipulated media sources to spread their poisonous thought that they created about Islam.
One of there sources were the movies... American movies used from the beginning of the emergence of cinemas against Islam. In their early films they viewed the Arabic and Muslims persons as barbarians and uneducated people, to reflect negative view about our societies. And they show Muslims women as oppressed persons in the society.
Then they moved to symbolized in their films to the Arabic man as a rich person who spend his money on ladies and food, and that has been viewed in many of the American films.
After that they change their strategy and focus on the subject of Terrorism.
And that happened especially after the event of September 11/01
So they showed the Islamic world in the cinema as a dangerous society and for the Muslims as Terrorist...
As we can see it seems that they planned for their films strategies from the early stages of making them.
So our enemies are using cinema, TV and radio to broadcast such kind of films
And Id like to mention some films that hurt Islam:
The siege 1998: Performing by Bruc Wilis & Dinzel Washinton.
This movie showed New York city when it become a hostage under the Arabic & Islamic terrorism.
True Lies 1994: Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This film viewed an Islamic group as a terrorist group. The functions leader (Malik Aziz) helped to smuggle the nuclear warheads into the united states.Movies from 1940 to 1990 that heart Islam:
“Sword in the desert” 1949, by Gourge Ferman
‘”alhawi”1953 by Edward Demetrel.
Alkorog”1967, by Aotw Premengle.“
“Jerusalem file”1971.
“Next man” 1976.

“Under siege” 1984.

“Final cap” 1991.

Another way of propaganda against Islam is to use printed newspaper & magazine in the same way that had been used in movies, and I had read different kind of articles against Islam in some newspapers & magazine.

This can be seen in headlines like:

"The Sword of Islam", this headline was in the main paper of the time magazine... And they intended to use the word (sword) to be suggested by the reader that Muslims are Terrorist by mention a name of a weapon next to the name of our religion.
Then there is the question in the front page headline "Islam: Should the World Be Afraid?" this question also could give the reader the same Impression.
I have read also an article in Time magazine tried to say without presenting any analysis that Muslim women are oppressed, in the hope that if this is said long enough, people will begin to accept it.
Another type of propaganda are the Scandal cartoon of our prophet Muhammad (pbu) published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten on 2005-09-30… the Muslims societies denied these cartoon and most of them Districted Danish production.
More & more will be written if I had the space in my research to mention.
Finally I had seen many of anti-Islam articles in the internet sites, which can be read by any seeker on the web, there are almost more than thousand sites that hart Islam & Muslims feeling..
Solution suggested avoiding propaganda damages against Islam:
Muslims themselves need to be educated about Islam and its various sources (the Qur'an, hadith, history books, commentaries, etc.) to be able to discus with others about our religion accurately.
We should make English web sites to explain our religion and its mercy for foreign people on the internet
Also we should create English channels that talk about Islam.
Mosques, schools, homes and the Muslim mass media also have a vital role to play in waging war against propaganda.
Let us join hands to fight this propaganda and put up a concerted effort in order that we may achieve victory]

التعليقات (7)
سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
thanks sweet for this useful topic
1st :it's talking about islam
2nd:it's full of good vocabs
but believe me their games won't work any more
Allah bless you

مشكوره حبيبتي عالرد واتمنى ان الفراشات يستفيدون من الفوكاب

thank u sister.....

أم فيروز:(
أم فيروز:(
. The media devices conquered the distance and help the propaganda against Islam to spread in wide and deep locations and parts of the world
Islam had spread , and still ,in whole the world. and all these media devices weren't there as well
And for this reason we all have to improve our English language
جزاكي الله كل خير حبيتي sweet536
موضوع هام جداً الحقيقة ويا ريت فعلاً نهتم بتحسين لغتنا الإنجليزية من أجل الدفاع عن ديننا الحنيف وهو دين الله تعالى(( إن الدين عند الله الإسلام))
وللدفاع عن رسولنا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Prophet Mohamed , peace be upon him
وقناة هدى خير قناة شاهدتها بخصوص هذا الموضوع
Huda T.v
لكي تحياتي :viola07:

مشكورين حبيبتي عالرد وفعلا قناة الهدى مفيدة جدا وبها برامج نافعه

حلا كويتي
حلا كويتي
thank u for a gr8 top


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