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فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.


sweet bebo
30-05-2022 - 11:45 am
السلام عليكم ياطالبات
كيف الدراسه معاكم
طلبي اليوم هو ان مدرسة E
مسوي حركة مو هيك
تبغانا نسوي نشاط
وهو انو نجيب فايل ونحط فيه
تتعلق بيونت معين
وهي الي وزعت يعني موعلى كيفي
طبعا انا ثانية ثانوي
اليونت 3
الي هو ARefreshing Drink
ياليت تساعدوني يهذي الاشياء واكون شاكرة لكم

التعليقات (4)
sweet bebo
sweet bebo
بليز بنات بسرعة انا محتاجته كتير
ما اتوقعتكم كذا تخذلوني

هذا مشاركة مني ...
انواع المشروبات ..
1- Iced Tea
Iced tea is a form of cold tea, often served in a glass over ice. Iced tea may come in many different flavours, the most common of which is lemon, although others include raspberry, lime and cherry.
The main manufacturers of iced tea are Nestea, Lipton, Snapple and Arizona Beverage.
2- Lemonade
“In the U.S. and Canada, lemonade refers to an uncarbonated mixture of lemon juice, sugar, and water. In the UK, Australia, Switzerland, and New Zealand, the term mainly refers to a colourless, carbonated, sweet lemon-flavoured soft drink. In India, lemonade is commonly referred to as Nimbu Paani meaning ‘Lemon Water’ or Shikanji and is sold by many street vendors, especially in North India.” (from Wikipedia)
3- Coke
some people think that coke is the best drink that you can drink
4- Hot Tea
Tea is a beverage made from steeping the dried, processed, leaves of the tea bush in hot water.
5- Bottled Water
6- Coconut Water
7- Beer

تكملة ..
8- Pepsi
“Pepsi-Cola, most commonly called Pepsi, is a soft drink produced by PepsiCo which is sold worldwide in stores, restaurants and vending machines. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903, though the drink was first made, in 1898, by pharmacist Caleb Bradham. Similar to Coca-Cola, its major rival, Pepsi was originally intended to cure stomach pains. There are several types of Pepsi, including Pepsi Vanilla, Diet Pepsi (the most popular variant), and, outside the United States, Pepsi Max & Pepsi Samba (this was released in Australia only, and was only released for a limited time).” (from Wikipedia: Pepsi)
9- Diet Coke
10 - Fanta
Fanta was invented during World War II in Nazi Germany by the German Coca Cola (GmbH) bottling company. Due to restrictions on shipping between Nazi Germany and the United States during hostilities, the German bottling plant could no longer get Coca Cola syrup.
11- Vimto
Vimto is a purple soft drink.It contains the juice of grapes, raspberries and blackcurrants.
12- Sprite
13- Moke
The wonderful invention of Coke + Milk

sweet bebo
sweet bebo
ثانكس ياعمري
انت لي قدرتيني

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