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فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
11-12-2022 - 11:27 am
  1. The Idiot's Guide To 'Karma'

The Idiot's Guide To 'Karma'

According to Wikipedia, the term 'Karma' means "the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect originating in ancient India and treated in the Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh religions."
or simply 'what goes around comes around' (A person's actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person.). In Islam, this statement can be explained as 'Allah's Justice' or 'rewards and punishments of actions in this world and on Judgment Day'.
Ten examples of 'karma':
`1. Girl 1 keeps making fun of girl 2 about girl 2's acne. After several years, girl 1 is awarded with dozens of pimples all over her face for being previously unkind and stuck up.
2. A teenage girl simply thinks that an old woman's urine problems are 'just weird'. Years pass by and the girl suffers from the same sickness that old lady suffered.
3. Two best friends refuse the friendship of a girl they don't like. After a long time, the two intimate friends break up and have no plans of talking to each other again. That is God's justice for their refusal of allowing that girl to join their clique.
4. An older guy keeps bullying a young kid, and also encourages other kids to bully that little boy. When the guy grows up into an adult and marries, he finds out that he is permanently sterile.
5. A non-Muslim man, driving his car, deliberately collides with another car, just because the family in that car are Muslim. The Muslims keep praying/making du'as against that non-Muslim until one day the non-Muslim guy suffers from a car accident, falls off a cliff while no one hears his cries. God's justice for that non-Muslim's injustice.
6. A bunch of non-Muslim students who keep insulting a Muslim woman for her niqaab, lying about her being 'lonely' -when the non-Muslim men, after so many years, become old-aged/senile, their own kids send them away to an old people's home where they experience the loneliness of being abandoned by their own family, who completely forgot about them and became Muslims.
7. A man who has stolen many things in the past and who never returned anything he borrowed, now has others stealing from his belongings. What you do unto others, God (Allah) too may return your actions someday to you.
8. A girl who keeps doing bad things to other girls at school, calling some girls 'ugly' and acting like a bully, ends up being abused almost daily by her older brother(s) when she reaches her teens. The supplications of the girls' parents against that non-Muslim girl was answered.
9. A man who intentionally blocks water from reaching a town or village -what he prevented others from having, God (Allah) may likewise prevent him at a time when that man may need it the most.
0- A non-Muslim laughs at a Muslim woman's predicament. Some time in the future, that man undergoes the exact same thing the woman went through. So basically, any bad thing you do to a Muslim will surely come back to you. Likewise, any good thing you do to a Muslim may lead to Allah having mercy on you. Allah knows best.
Be careful of the supplications/du'as of the Muslims you mistreat (treat badly) lest their du'as/prayers against you are answered by Allah in this world and/or on Judgment Day. If one du'a of a Muslim can change the life of an evil wrongdoing non-Muslim, how much more if so many oppressed Muslims pray against some non-Muslims who unjustly took away their lands, belongings etc.?

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