الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
* ام محمد *
06-01-2022 - 10:43 am
  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذي القطعه الثانيه وبرفق الثالثه لان مافيه وقت وياليت تتحمليني واشكرك وربي يوفقك اختي سفيره الغد
Enhanced Intelligence: A Smart Idea? We are not far from an era when it will be possible to choose the physical traits of children to be born. With some in-utero gene manipulation, you will soon be able to customize your child according to your tastes. You might be able to choose skin, eye, and hair color, the shape of the nose and lips, body height and build. Appealing as this may sound, such a procedure might put in danger one of the most precious characteristics of humanity: its variety. In the rush to look beautiful, people will all start looking similar: taller and slimmer. For people who cherish variety, this is a frightening thought. Here's an even more intriguing question: If you could choose not just your children's appearance, but make them smarter through genetic engineering, would you do it? The first impulse of most of us would be to say "Absolutely!" Who wouldn't want to have a smarter child? They get into better schools and colleges, have better jobs, and make more money. However, genetic engineering is not without risk. It will have permanent, long-lasting effects. What if something goes wrong? What if there are unwanted side effects? Specialists say that if you make a change in one area of the human organism, it may bring about subtle changes in other areas. It may lead to a change in the child's personality, for instance. He or she will be smarter but more selfish, or wittier but very shy. Would you still want to choose to have this done, keeping these risks in mind? Would you say "no" even if everybody else around you opted for genetic enhancement? These are very tough questions, and for now they are only theoretical. But with the human genome decoded, an IQ gene supposedly discovered, and all the focus on cutting-edge biotechnology research, these theoretical questions can become real issues very soon. We are already on a slippery slope with procedures originally intended only to cure but consequently used to enhance, such as the use of human growth hormones. Human growth hormones were intended for children with serious growth deficiencies, but they've come to be used on healthy children who are just unhappy with their short who are just unhappy with their short stature.( If their parents can afford up to $30,000 a year for injections. That is. ) prenatal ***-selection tests were developed to weed out diseases that affect one gender or the other, future children, in the same manner, if doctors can someday manipulate genes to treat children with autism, for example, what is to stop them from genetically changing a child's personality or intelligence? Besides the problem of undesirable side effects due to gene manipulation, there is also the issue of fairness. When such enhancements are available, they will most certainly come with exorbitant fees. Every parent in the world would want them, of course, but only those who can afford such treatments will get them. Will genetic enhancement create a new form of discrimination against "normal," unenhanced children, with lower IQs? How will this technology affect choosing one's marriage partner? Or applying for a job? Furthermore, who will have the right to know whether a person is naturally smart or has had an artificial boost? Before we start analyzing these issues, we need to ask a more fundamental question: Why would we want to enhance intelligence in the first place? Will it make us happier? We have all seen very smart but unhappy people. Will it make us rich? Possibly, but there are no guarantees. If ignorance is indeed bliss, then perhaps enhanced intelligence is a foolhardy notion.
What is the function of the passage? What helped you decide? What advantages and disadvantages of intellectual enhancement are presented? What present-day medical practices are mentioned in the text? What point is made through these examples? How can intellectual enhancement lead to discrimination? Does an enhanced memory mean a happier person? Explain?

التعليقات (6)
* ام محمد *
* ام محمد *
Personality's Part and Parcel By Paul Chance There are," he said, "two kinds of people: idea people and feeling people. I think you're an idea person." My speech professor was trying to cheer me up after one of the more humiliating experiences in a humiliating freshman year. He had this idea that people would become better public speakers if they first practiced doing really silly things in front of a group. He had me stand before the class, one foot in front of the other, and rock back and forth while swinging my arms, ape fashion, and chanting: "aaahhooooo, aaahhoooo." I did it, but I did it with an embarrassed stiffness you might expect from Richard Nixon if you made him moon walk. Like I said, it was humiliating. The prof's philosophical musings were make it as an actor," he was saying, "but you might make it in some more bookish occupation." I took the personality assessment in stride and immediately began wondering (as befitted my bookish personality) whether the entire human population could be categorized by this, or any other, two-legged dichotomy. Was it really true that there were only two kinds of people in the world? I had problems with the "feeling and idea" pigeonholes right from the start. I couldn't help wondering why, if I was an idea person, I was in danger of flunking out of college, was it because my classes placed little emphasis on ideas? I did do better in subsequent years, when the ideas became more plentiful and interesting than they had been in my freshman speech class. But somehow, the idea-feeling theory of personality came across to me as lacking predictability. Another problem I ran into was that there were lots of competing theories about the tow kinds of people in the world. One familiar idea is that everybody is either an optimist or a pessimist. Optimists are sure that they'll never die, and that if they do die they'll wake up to the glory of heaven. Pessimists are sure that they won't live much longer, and that if they wake up in heaven, they won't like it. Another theory says that people are either realists or idealists. A realist is a person who knows which side of the bread is buttered; an idealist has more important things to worry about. The consensus is that realists eat better than idealists. Other folks divide the human race into animal people and plant people. Animal people talk to their furry and feathered companions in melodious tones about everything from the price of cheese to American foreign policy, as if the animals picked up every word that was said. Plant people look upon such displays as sentimental and silly. And they expound upon their views in great detail to their annual and perennial friends. In recent years we've heard a lot about Type A and Type B personalities. Type B people eat lunch at home or in a restaurant and take their time about doing it. Type A people ram down a hot dog while running up an escalator. Type A people work harder at making money than Type B people, but they don't know how to enjoy it. Type B people know how to enjoy money, but aren't sure it's worth the bother to get it. Of course, the idea that everyone can be tagged with one or tow labels doesn't appeal to everybody. There are lots of psychologists, for example, who would argue that there aren't two kinds of people, or six, or eight or thirty-seven. There are as many kinds of people as there are people. And each person may be different people at different times. Being a human being is a complicated business, these psychologists point out, and you cannot arbitrarily squeeze everybody into one of tow categories. Despite these doubts, I think there is some merit to the idea that there ate two kinds of people. In fact, I've come up with my own theory. I propose that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe there are two kinds of people and those who don't. I place myself in the second category. How about you? a- which personality categorizations does the author mention in the article? b- What is the author's final assertion about personality types? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
اختي ام محمد متى اخر مهلة عندك لدراسة وحل هذه القطع؟
اعطيني وقت محدد كم يوم بقالك؟
لاني ابي منك تساعديني بالترجمة ...حتى تعرفي تترجمي...اوكي؟ مش شرط حرفي كل الجمل والكلمات
مستعدة يالغالية؟

* ام محمد *
* ام محمد *
هلا اختي الله يجزاك بالجنه ماقصرتي
امتحاني ان شاء الله في 31/5 يعني بنهايه الشهر الميلادي هذا
ادري غلبتك واعذريني يالغلا

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
Enhanced Intelligence: A Smart Idea?
We are not far from an era when it will be possible to choose the physical traits of children to be born. With some in-utero gene manipulation, you will soon be able to customize your child according to your tastes. You might be able to choose skin, eye, and hair color, the shape of the nose and lips, body height and build. Appealing as this may sound, such a procedure might put in danger one of the most precious characteristics of humanity: its variety. In the rush to look beautiful, people will all start looking similar: taller and slimmer. For people who cherish variety, this is a frightening thought.
هلا ام محمد
في وقت ان شاء الله حتى نهاية مايو ...
بالاول بشكل عام
عندك فكرة عن اي موضوع تتحدث هذه القطعة بعيدا ان كانت هناك كلمات صعبة ...وان كان هل ترجمتيها اول باول؟ وعن ماذا كانت معانيها ؟
هل هي تتحدث عن مووضع علمي او ادبي؟

* ام محمد *
* ام محمد *
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هلا وغلا اختي سفيرة الغد
مشكوره يالغلا
بالنسبه للقطعه ترجمتها بس موكلها يعني بقي شوي بس بالمفهوم العام لها
قدرت اوصل لشيء من اللي تتكلم عنه وهي علميه بحته لانها تتحدث عن التحكم بالجينات بالمستقبل وكيفيه اختيار الاطفال من حيث الشكل والمواصفات الذهنيه من ذكاء وغيره
واعتقد انه يقول انهم كلهم راح يكونون متشابهين لان كل واحد يتمنى الافضل لابنه من حيث الشكل والذكاء

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
* ام محمد *
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
يا هلا ام محمد ............ ما شاء الله
جميل جدا ...انتي كذا جاوبتي على السؤال الرئيسي .... وهو ....
What is the function of the passage?
ما هي فكرة او غرض الموضوع بشكل عام ؟
فهل تحاولين ترجمة جوابك الى الانجليزي ... ؟
اما السؤال الثاني
What advantages and disadvantages of intellectual enhancement are presented
advantages and disadvantages
لما نشوف الكلمة وعكسها في السؤال يعني لنا المقارنة لفكرة الموضوع
الكلمة وعكسها هي " المزايا والعيوب" لفكرة تحسين الجينات في الاطفال ؟
ومحدد باخر السؤال المطلوب المزايا والعيوب المكتوبة والمشروحة في الموضوع نفسه يعني لا يريد رأي الطالب !!
الان جاوبي على السؤالين ... ونكمل بعدين
واي استفسار لا تترددي بالسؤال

ابغ مساعده طلب دروس تعليمية للانجليزي لفترة الصيف
ملاك الحب طلب برنامج مترجم