17-05-2022 - 11:50 pm
The True Meaning of Life In your daily life, sometimes you like to sit alone and think about your life. You ask yourself several questions. Like, what is the true meaning of life? Why are we here? Why do we exist? Do we deserve to live? Who made us? Is there a God? Of course, we are Muslims and we know why we are here and who is our God! He is Allah, our great creator. The True meaning of life is related to the faith and believe in God. This is the secret of true happiness, of inner peace, of feelings of harmony, and it gives a meaning to our existence. This kind of Happiness, would affect us as Muslims; straightening our morals and adding good habits. Allah has created us with brains and minds to make us think and wonder about our lives and look around at nature. Not just that, but to obey him with our hearts and senses. There is a purpose for being in this world! There are two directions and we have to choose one. The first one is to obey Allah and so deserve to live in Paradise for eternity. The second one is to disobey Allah and so live eternally in hell as a punishment for that . Every creatures in this life will die one day, no matter what the cause was. For example, the flower begins as a seed then by watering turns to be a small plant and after that becomes bigger and bigger till it dries. At the end, the whole world will end and no one will survive. The beautiful meaning of life lies in many things like: love, friendship, honesty, and faith. You can feel all of that by Allah's Obedience. However, it has a deep meaning. You just have to find your purpose and live for it. As a great example for this is the relationship between the Mother and her baby. Finally, Thanking God would be but a simple way of showing our gratitude. We should obey him which would make us heaven-deserving after death.