> Hanin <
27-04-2022 - 01:58 am
.. Phrasal Verbs using Do ..
do up - make something look good. Melissa did up her makeup before she went to the dance
do (something) over - do again. You didn't get a good grade on the homework assignment. You need to do it over
do (someone) in - kill someone (real or imaginary). The robbers tried to steal my money and then do me in
do (someone) good - be good for someone. I know you don't want to learn Latin, but it will do you good in the future
do without (something) - live without something. We didn't bring enough money to the store so we are going to have to do without the snacks
do away with - stop having something. The school is going to do away with uniforms. Nobody likes them
do well for (oneself) - become successful. Danny has really done well for himself. He owns 5 restaurants
thank you for the tc