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قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
16-11-2022 - 08:03 am
hello every body
today i wanna motivate ur minds ,lets try it
and i hope all of u participate and try to solve the puzzle then post a new one

التعليقات (9)
waiting for the brain motivators :fererhagi

قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
here I will start with an easy one and i think most of we know the answer
what makes oil boil?????

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
Thank you
قم 14 ر
I think that the answer is (( fire ))0
the next riddle
?؟ What goes up and never comes down

قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
well Iam fraid sis that u r amswer is not right
the answer is the letter
( b )

قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
the answer of the 2nd riddle
im not sure
is it

I think it is the age
am I right ?

قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
قـــمـــ 14 ــــر
الجوهرة_54 i think you ve got it
I think now its u r turn to pass a new riddle

I am waiting too

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
قم 14 ر good luck my dear
الجوهره 54 it's right
and waiting for the new riddle
it's your turn

حوارات عبارات كلمات مهمة قبل السفر
What is your energy color