22-09-2022 - 10:59 am
Dear Ladies this poem i wrote it few months back its a series that might happen to some
ppl , i wish if i can hear to your comments
Secenes From Our Lifes
Boldy will they be
To show interest they say
To Express love they think
To be strong they pretend
At the end ......Brother hood they ment
Fooling whom they think?0
And the victom wonders......00
Serious are they or not
But i will tell you
No victom!..... Be wise must be
Ignorance to be taken
Not for long then hurt is caused
To cure the pain will take time
I Wonder.........00
If they wish no harm to their family , then why harm to cause to victoms.....?0
A man`s words to be spoken
To show love and respect to you and your family
Loyality and faith must be withen them
Mistakes might be done in past, but corrections to be placed in now
To open a white page they promise
Filled with faith and loyality
No perfection we ask for
Only faith and loyality in feelings
Which lasts forever......0