20-11-2022 - 05:02 am
Hello How are you doing dear butterflies I came up with an Idea hope you like it
each butterfly that read a story in English any kind of story and she liked it alot
or it could be an essay,a piece of information, or anything comes to your mind
she will write to us in general about the story and what does she like most about it?
سلام يافراشات كيف حالكن خطر ببالي فكرة وان شاء الله تكون مفيدة أي وحدة من الفراشات قرأت قصة بالانجليزي وعجبتها ستخبرنا باختصار عن القصة وشو أكتر شيء عجبها في القصة بالانجليزي ممكن مثلا مقالة أو معلومة أي شيء يخطر ببالك
وهي فرصة لتقووا انجليزيتكم وتكسبوا مفردات جديدة انجليزية والفهم والاستيعاب وماتاكلوا هم منصلح مع بعض ان شاء الله ونستفيد
really I like the idea
but the problem is that I'm not a good reader
I don't read except the text that we study
and this semester we are studing the novel
Hard Times by Dickens
actually I liked it so much .. and of course with the help of our doctor
because she helps us to understand every single word in the novel
I'll be back to tell what the novel is talking about
and maybe I'll be late because i'm busy with my exams and presentations
(( SORRY ))
I recommend you to read it
and AGAIN thank you for your great idea