الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
* Run To Allah *
29-05-2022 - 03:46 am
هآي يآ آموررات
بنات ،، سمعتوا برواية ( The History Of Rasselas ) .. ؟
بليز آبغى كل شي عنهآ << إحنا راح نآخذها بالسمستر هذآ
و سمعت من البنات انها صعبه و تجيب الهم
بجد آنا شايله همها ..
آنتظر معلوماتكم عنهآ
تسلموون مقدمآ
  • ~ بليز ما ابغى آحد يرسل لي ع الخآص شي

اللي عندها شي عن الرواية
ياليت تفيدنآ كلنآ ~*

التعليقات (9)
> Hanin <
> Hanin <
Ckeck this link please
it's so useful
www.literra.net/file_download/13/ Rasselas _Textual Analysis .pdf

* Run To Allah *
* Run To Allah *
حنين تسلمين ..
بس وين آضغط ؟؟
مآفي شي !!

صباح الخير
حبيبتي لاتخافي من المادة
أنا السمستر اللي فات الدكتورة اعطتنا نوفل مالها تحليل في النت وغير معروفة تخيلي يعني غصب عنك انتي من نفسك تقرايها وتحطي نوت عل كل مقطع وكل شخصية
والله كنت مرة شايلة همها بس والله بعدين جدا استمتعت يعني اهم شي تفهمي القصة والشخصيات و بعدين صدقين تعرفين تنقدي من نفسك فهذي المادة معتمدة على فهمك يعني كل اسبوع اقراي 4 شابترز ولخصي من عندك وحددي اهم الكوتيشنز اللي تحسيه مهمة وحطي الثيمز اللي لاحظتيها وانتي تقراي
وصراحة هذي الرواية اللي تقولي عليها ما اخذتها بس انا سويت سيرش ولقيت بعض الاشياء
واخيرا انصحكي بموقع spark .notes
وموقع cliffes notes
هذي المواقع لازم تكون في مفضلتكي لانها جدا مفيدة في مواد اليتريتشير
شوفي الرابط هذا فيه تحليل بسيط عن النوفل هذي http://www.enotes.com/literary-criti...ince-abyssinia

The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia
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Cover of 1976 Penguin English Library edition of Rasselas
The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia, often abbreviated to Rasselas, is a novella by Samuel Johnson. He wrote the piece in a week in January 1759 to help support his seriously ill mother, although the money he made was ultimately spent on her funeral (she had died whilst Johnson was writing).
Johnson was influenced by the vogue for exotic locations. He had translated A Voyage to Abyssinia by Jeronimo Lobo in 1735 and used it as the basis for what was described as a "philosophical romance".
While the story is thematically similar to Candide by Voltaire - both concern young men traveling in the company of honored teachers, encountering and examining human suffering in an attempt to determine the root of happiness - their root concerns are distinctly different. While Voltaire was very directly satirizing the widely-read philosophical work by Gottfried Leibniz, particularly the Theodicee, in which Leibniz asserts that the world, no matter how we may perceive it, is necessarily the "best of all possible worlds", Rasselas is an outgrowth of Johnson's struggle with depression, particularly at the time of his mother's death. The question Rasselas confronts most directly is whether or not humanity is essentially capable of attaining happiness. Writing as a devout Christian as well, Johnson makes through his characters no blanket attacks on the viability of a religious response to this question (Voltaire does so), and while the story is in places light and humorous, it is not a piece of satire.
The plot concerns Rasselas, son of the King of Abissinia
(modern day Ethiopia), who leaves his home in company with his sister, Nekayah, and a philosopher, Imlac, to seek adventure. His observation of other kinds of people eventually leads to the conclusion that there is no easy path to happiness, and he returns to Abissinia along with his companions. One of the more famous quotations from this story is of the character Imlac:
"That the dead are seen no more ... I will not undertake to maintain, against the concurrent and unvaried testimony of all ages and all nations. There is no people, rude or learned, among whom apparitions of the dead are not related and believed. This opinion, which perhaps prevails as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth; those that never heard of one another would not have agreed in a tale which nothing but experience can make credible. That it is doubted by single cavillers can very little weaken the general evidence; and some who deny it with their tongues confess it by their fears"
analysis(يعني تحليل لروايه)
Samuel Johnson’s “The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia” is a fascinating way to present someone who is in search of happiness and ‘choice of life.’ Rasselas points out that he is discontented with the current situation he is in while living at the ‘happy valley.’ He says, “…I should be happy if I had something to pursue” (Johnson 663). After, Imlac, Nekayah, and Rasselas decide to escape from ‘happy valley’ they meet a variety of people such as shepherds, a young man, wise man, a hermit, people of high rank, families, an astronomer etc. They question these people about their lives in hopes to find true happiness. Rasselas is determined that happiness must be found somewhere: “I have here the world before me; I will review it at leisure: surely happiness is somewhere to be found’” (Johnson 677). Rasselas clearly knows the type of happiness that he wants to discover. “ ‘Happiness’, said he, ‘must be something solid and permanent, without fear and without uncertainty’” (Johnson 677). Rasselas and his sister Nekayah demonstrate great determination in their search and do not want to give up. Nekayah, “…had yet the same hope with himself, and always assisted him to give some reason why, though he had been hitherto frustrated, he might succeed at last” (Johnson 683).
I found the decision and debate about marriage between Rasselas and Nekayah interesting. Nekayah says: “Some husbands are imperious, and some wives perverse: and, as it is always more easy to do evil than good, though the wisdom or virture of one can very rarely make many happy, the folly or vice of one may often make many miserable’” (685). This caused Rasselas to question whether one should marry at all. However, Nekayah explains that “Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures’” (685). This indicates that either choice can have difficulties. They discuss the disadvantages between earlier and later marriages. The earlier marriage has rivalry and in the later marriage people are sometimes unable to enjoy their grandchildren (688-689). “I believe it will be found that those who marry late are best pleased with their children, and those who marry earlier with their parents’” (689). Resselas argues: “Perhaps there is a time when marriage might unite them, a time neither too early for the father, not too late for the husband’” (689). These view points and arguments on the subject of marriage demonstrate the complexity of marriage. The ending of the story is interesting in that they do not find true happiness in the world. Nekayah believes that happiness may be found instead in the eternal life. “To me’, said the princess, ‘the choice of life is become less important; I hope thereafter to think only on the choice of eternity’” (709). Each concludes a resolution about what they intend to do with their present situation.
This story was an excellent way to present a search for happiness in life. In reality people are in search of things that make them happy and may ask similar questions in order to discover their own true happiness. Nekayah points out that “…the state of life, that none are happy but by the anticipation of change: the change itself is nothing; when we have made it, the next wish is to change again” (706). In other words, people can be in a continual search for what makes them happy.

* Run To Allah *
* Run To Allah *
رود .. تسلمين يآلغلآ
آلله يجزاك كل خير
مآ قصرتي

* Run To Allah *
* Run To Allah *

* Run To Allah *
* Run To Allah *

> Hanin <
> Hanin <
> Hanin <
^ ^

* Run To Allah *
* Run To Allah *
يا حنين و قسم ما في شي !!

مساعده ارجوكم
أحتاج مدرسة لغة انجليزي لتعلم المحادثة