ندى الجود
29-09-2022 - 07:56 am
السلام عليكم
كيفكم ياحلوين ان شاء الله بخير
كل عام وانتم بصحة وعافية يارب
الله يسعدكم عندي كلمات أبغاها في جمل ساعدوني
هاذي الكلمات
Competition - match -game - race
Spectators - fans - participants - audience
take part - take apart - take place
single - alone - only - unique - lonely
الله يوفقكم دنيا وآآآخرة
أنا ماني عارفة ايش الفرق بينهم عشان كذا محتاجة جمل ضروري وعندي اختبار فيهم
اتمنى ما تردوني خايبة
أختكم : ندى الجود
my brother loves watching car races
i like electronic games
what a beautiful football match
he is single
a single orange is on the table
there is only one girl in the class
he is going to the prty alone
there is a unique statue in the museum
a lonely old man is setting there
the grat world wars take place in the twentieth century
my sister was unable to take part in the race because of her injury
the actor couldnt take a part in the play
the audience clap hands for the actress
i am a big fan of julia roperts
there is a special place for the spectators in the opera
he was a participant in the olympiad
I hope i could answer you
be plessed in your exam
best wishes