الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
13-08-2022 - 10:15 pm
السلام عليكم
محتاجه مساعدتكم ضروري في أقرب وقت
أنا عندي برزنتيشن عن تسلق الجبال
وودي أكتب عن المتسلق السعودي لقمة إفرست فاروق الزومان لكن مالقيت كلام عنه باللغة الأنجليزيه
وأنا ما أعرف إنقلش عشان أترجم المواضيع اللي بالعربي لأنقلش
فياليت اللي تقدر تساعدني وتجيب لي موضوع عنه متكامل لا تبخل علي والله محتاجه التعبير ذا الأسبوع
والله راح أدعي لها بصلاتي

التعليقات (9)
ا ختي هلاليه هاتي كل المعلومات بالعربي واترجمها لك ابشري يالغاليه

- 30year--old man wants to become the first Saudi to climb, a feat that will make him
the first Saudi to attempt the mammoth climb.
“My goal is to unfurl the Saudi flag on top of the world’s highest peak,” said Farouk Saad Hamad Al-Zoman, addressing a press conference..
Al-Zoman has climbed four of the world’s highest peaks while studying at Oregon State University and is set to embark on scaling the 8,850-meter high mountain on March 23.
Al-Zoman, a PR strategist for Attariq Communications, said he is prepared for the challenge of his life, which would also make him the second Arab to attempt the feat.
Al-Zoman will be climbing with seven others — four from the United States and three from Canada, Oman and France.
He explained, it would take around 70 days to reach the top. “I’ve been training hard in preparation,” he said.
At the end of last year, 3,679 people had attempted to climb Everest; only 2,436 climbers had been successful. So far, 210 people have died trying to reach the summit.
Nevertheless, Al-Zoman, the eldest of five brothers and sisters, is confident of fulfilling his lifelong dream.
“Allah will help me reach the highest mountain peak in the world... climbers may face a number of dangers like avalanches, blizzards, a lack of oxygen and dangerous animals. But, I believe and place my trust in Allah,” said Al-Zoman.
“Although, Nepal has effectively closed Mount Everest to climbers for the time being to allow the Olympic Flame to be carried to the top without being troubled by Tibetan protesters, we’ve been allowed as we are pre-registered,” added Al-Zoman.
“A climber needs to be approved by one of the companies that organize expeditions to Mount Everest and after that an additional approval is needed from the Nepalese government. We’ve already finished this process.” Attariq Communications and Kudu Corporation are co-sponsoring Al-Zoman.
, Zoman has climbed the 4,322-meter Mount Shasta in California and the 4,344-meter Mount Rainier in Washington.
The Saudi climber said as part of his training he was practicing yoga.
“Yoga has helped me when I climb, holding in and forcing air out is very helpful, although not many climbers use it,” he said.
اختي انا جبت لك من موقع اجنبي اذا حسيتي انه صعب وكذا عادي انتي جيبي المعلومات بالعربي وانا اترجمها لك

على فكره لقيت عنه معلومات كثير
بس على حسب مدة العرض اللي بتقدمينه يمكن يكون كثير عليك اذا تبيني اترجمها ماعندي مانع
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الاالحبيب يامحبــــــــــ
الاالحبيب يامحبــــــــــ
هلابك هلاليه الله يوفقك وأنشالله لبنات ماراح يقصرو والله أنهم خوات فى معنى الكلمه ...
خيتوه سموره الله يوفقك ويسعدك .....

هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
الله يسعدكم يارب والله فيكم الخير والبركه احرجتوني بطيبتكم
ياقلبي أنا أبغاه يكون شوي طويل عشان أنا بالجامعه مثلا يكون مقسم 4 أجزاء وكل جزء فيه 5 -7 أسطر والمعلومات أخذتها من موسوعة ويكيبيديا الحره
معليش بأتعبكم شوي معي لكن تحمولوني

ويسعدكم يارب اوكي هلاليه باسوي اللي اقدر عليه

هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
هذا اللي أنا جمعته شوفيه وإذا عندك شي أفضل أضيفيه
ومشكوه وماتقصرين ياقلبي

اخيرا خلصت يارب يعجبك
A man of about thirty year old wants to be the first Saudi to climb Mount Everest climber and puts flag his country of on the summit
Named Farouk Saad Hamad Zoman graduate of the University of Oregon, Beau jean economy specialization in 2007 is Project Manager for the Foundation ALTARIQ Media (one of the largest public relations firms in Saudi Arabia) got a black belt in Tae Kwon Do is also a swimmer and the bearer of loads, and an experienced in mountaineering and walking in the mountains practiced many types of sports, such as exercises stretching, yoga, skiing, horse riding and biking. hobbies: Read, read, and research and writing, sports, cooking and travel has worked in restaurants and cafes in the cooking, cleaning and processing of sandwiches and delivery and the
bearer of the plates
. Farouk Zoman born in Riyadh in on 10/4/1397 AH early age and was a lover of adventure. he enrolled Club youth sports as a child for swimming, soccer and taekwondo. In addition, Farouk Zoman learned equestrian, fishing, hunting and riding a motorcycle for the duration of maturity after he finished high school he
worked in the Office of the Minister of Education (the Ministry of Education earlier).
After that,he collected a sum of money and travel to the United States to study, then
joined the educational mission in 2003 and graduated in 2007 from the Faculty of Economics at Oregon America and specifically the city of Eugene.
Afterwards, he joined with a team of media (public relations firm), and then Farouk Zoman did (the Hajj), accompanied by Sheikh Salman al-Odah, which gave the relationship between them after the Hajj in 2007 to become the spiritual father for Farooq Zoman. Before Farouk Zoman start his adventure to climb the summit of the world, Sheikh Salman gave him book (with God) as a gift which did not go out to the library at that time.
The life of Farouk Zoman throughout his years in the period of study in the United States, which changed the academic specialty of computer to the economy, a period of struggle on all levels, which increased from the light of this hero.
Those years have been difficult as a contemporary hero Farouk Zoman .The events of September 11, 2001 and then his younger brother died in car accident (may Allah have mercy on him) after the crisis, almost a year Farouk Zoman could not return home to attend a funeral where the percentage of the issuance of new Visa for him U.S. embassy is almost be impossible in those days, in addition to that his father rejected him to comeback without the certificate. Did not end up here, three years after the death of his brother (the mercy of God) Farouk Zoman sister died (God rest her soul) at the end of 2006 after a severe heart palpitations, which left behind a daughter aged two years. Suffering and the obstacles and difficulties met this man ,all that did not kill him, but had increased his strength and determination towards excellence and success and achievement.
Farouk Zoman were able to access to many layers of Saudi society and the Arab and Islamic world in all directions ideological, intellectual and political parties and various age groups because of its ability to notify the listener that the duty of every person to climb Mount Everest has its own without despair Thus, many governmental and private organizations and centers of education, training and charity requests Hosting Farouk Zoman inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to give courses and deliver lectures in motivation, motivation and positive thinking The secrets of success.
Farouk Zomanis an example of a rare and unique and ideal model for the Muslim Saudi Arabian, which has kept its identity without melting or dissolution or exceeded at the same time without collision or convergence from the other, where he wrote about an American writer and filmmaker (Michael Scott Mortensen) as the best ambassador for his country and his religion is where the vision about Islam and the Arabs, especially Saudi Arabia
. He talked about Farouk Zoman officer from the British navy and an international lawyer (Nabil Lodey) where he said "It's the Ambassador is perfect for his country and his smile bright, which overlooks to the members of the team every day in addition to the positive energy that accompanied him throughout his stay with the team was the best fan of all the challenge and overcome the difficulties , ".
Farouk Zoman is a strange man and unique in this time. Where he drew his jovial smile and a charming and attractive features and strength of screwed. he also has all the features of the influential Al-Khatib in Arabic language and English language and the ability to diction and the use of body language and changing of voice intonation in away that puts the listener in an adventure in its details of its difficulties. And he is an inspiring speaker and lecturer in the broadcast audience enthusiasm and the desire for change and connecting to life in God. Farouk Zoman estimated wonderful persuasive manner, cultural, logical, scientific and religious surprisingly, he has an ability to evoke the evidence and examples in a manner similar to Sheikh Salman . so many people have declared their Islam because of this person or have announced the beginning of the search for Islam as did two of the climbers (U.S. and Canada) who joined him in the adventure of climbing Mount Everest, and many
Muslims have changed their lives after listening to him or sit with him.
There are some people who had roles in changing Farouk's life such as his parents , Sheikh Salman al-Odah , Dr. Tariq Sweden ,and others.

هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
هلاليه من زمن الجاهليه
مشكوره ألف شكر ياقلبي
ما أعرف إيش أقول لك
لكن يارب يسعدك ويحفظك ويحقق لك كل أمنياتك

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