الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
&&بنوته عسل&&
29-07-2022 - 04:21 am
بليز ابغى تعبير عن حياة عبد العزيز بن باز بالانجليزي
اللي تعرف موقع اطلع منه البحث او اذا عندها البحث حتى لو بالعربي تنزله لي وانا اتصرف فيه........

التعليقات (5)
الله يوفقك وان شاء الله يفيدونك البنات

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
هلا بنوتة عسل
تفضلي هذا الموضوع عن بن باز باللغة الانجليزية
ارجو ان يلبي الطلب
Abd-al-Aziz ibn Abd-Allah ibn Baaz was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his death in
Early life, Education and Character:
He was born in the city of Riyadh الرياض ,in Najd نجد province. At the age of sixteen, ibn Baaz contracted a serious eye infection. His sight deteriorated and by the age of twenty he was completely blind. His blindness notwithstanding, ibn Baaz continued to study Islam under the direction of some of the most renowned Islamic thinkers of his day, such as the North African Sheikh Shanqeeti.
Ibn Baaz first developed notoriety and a reputation for integrity in the 1940s when he served time in prison as punishment for contradicting government policy with a fatwa declaring the employment of non-Muslims in the Persian Gulf forbidden by Islam. Ironically 50 odd years later, in a seeming reversal, he issued another fatwa allowing the deployment of non-Muslim troops on Saudi Arabia soil to defend the Kingdom from the Iraqi army.
Many who met Ibn Baaz loved him for his noble character, simplicity and generosity. Despite the high positions he held during his lifetime, he lived a very simple life and spent most of his wealth on education and charity.
Flat earth allegations
Ibn Baaz is best known in the West from a report claiming he issued a fatwa (pronouncement regarding sharia law) declaring: "The earth is flat. Whoever claims it is round is an atheist deserving of punishment."
Ibn Baaz described this flat earth-report as "a pure lie"
. Several muslim leaders argued that, in fact, he maintained not that the earth is flat but that it is a stationary globe that the sun and moon revolve around, using Quranic literalism as evidence. (Discussion of the issues can be found in Islam and flat-earth theories).
The explanation for this misunderstanding would be that when Arabs say the 'Ard (Arabic for earth or its surface) is flat, they refer to the ground and the surface and not the planet earth itself.
Positions held
* Judge of Kharj الخرج from 1357 H to 1371 H
* Teacher, Faculty of Shariah
كلية الشريعة , Riyadh Institute of Science , 1373 H to 1381 H.
* Vice President, and later President, of the Islamic University in Medina, 1381 H to 1391 H.
* Chairman of the Government Department of Scientific Research and Ifta (guidance) with the rank of Minister. 1395 H to 1414 H.
* Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Head of the Council of Ulema (Senior Scholars) - 1993 to 1999 CE (1414-1420 AH)
* President of the Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa
Over the years, he held a large number of positions as president or member of various Islamic councils and committees, and chaired a number of conferences both within the Kingdom and overseas, in addition to writing a great number of books in different fields and issuing a large body of fatwa. In 1982 CE (1420 AH), he was awarded the King Faisal International Prize for Service to Islam
Books written by Shaykh ibn Baaz include:
* Ahkam Almal al-Haram
* Majmoo' al-Fataawa
* The Rulings and Manners of Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque

البنات ان شاء الله يفيدونج

ماقصرت اختنا ..

عاشقة وحبيبها يستاهل
عاشقة وحبيبها يستاهل
Sheikh: Abdul Aziz bin Baaz, may Allah have mercy on him
Name and the percentage of
Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Baz was born
He was born in Riyadh in Dhul-Hijjah 1330 AH year.
And his elderly
Study disease since childhood, and save the Koran before puberty, and disease in religious sciences and Arabic
The hands of many scholars of Riyadh, the Seer in the first life, then infect the eyes of the disease in the 1346 e
And wane gradually lost his sight completely.
Flags and take note of them:
1 - Sheikh Mohammed bin Abd al-Latif bin Abd al-Rahman ibn Hasan ibn al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab - The mercy of God.
2 - Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman bin Hassan bin Al Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab mercy of God
3 - Sheikh Saad Bin Hamad Bin Atiq (judge Riyadh).
4 - Sheikh Hamad bin Faris (Under Finance House, Riyadh).
5 - Sheikh Saad Waqas-Bukhaari (scholars Mecca).
6 - HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim bin Abdul-Latif Al-Sheikh.
Work and his posts
Actions and positions to Sndt sayyad al-Sistani:
1 - the Judiciary in the output in 1357 AH for more than four years.
2 - Teaching the Scientific Institute in Riyadh in 1372 AH, the Faculty of Sharia in Riyadh in 1381 AH, in the theology
Standardization and talk.
3 - appointed in 1381 AH Friday Vice-President of the Islamic city of Medina.
4 - took over the presidency of the Islamic University in the year 1390.
5 - In 1395 a royal order was issued his appointment to the post of president of the managed scientific research and Opinion
And advocacy and outreach.
6 - Membership of the Council of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom.
7 - Presidency of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Issuing Fatwas in the Council of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom.
8 - membership and the presidency of the Constituent Assembly of the Association of the Islamic world.
9 - Presidency of the Supreme Council of the World mosques.
10 - Presidency of the Islamic Fiqh Council in Makkah Almakrampaltaba of the Association of the Islamic world.
11 - Membership of the Supreme Council for the Islamic University in Medina.
12 - Membership of the Supreme Islamic Call Society in the UK
His works include:
1 - the benefits evident in detectives hypothesis.
2 - investigation and clarification of many of the issues of Hajj and Umrah Zazayarp (clarifying the Rites).
3 - warning of heresies.
4 - Identical summarized in Zakat and fasting.
5 - the true faith and Opposes.
6 - and must work a year the Prophet peace be upon him, and of Kfar denied.
7 - Call to God and morality preachers.
8 - and arbitration should be the law of God and the rejection of what goes against.
9 - Ruling unveiling, the veil and marriage Alchgar.
10 - ran out of Arab nationalism.
11 - the answer would be useful in a photography.
12 - Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab (his call and curriculum).
13 - three letters in the prayer.
14 - those who challenge the rule of Islam in the Koran or in the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.
15 - footnote useful to open Bari.
16 - Letter of transportation on the evidence and sensual flow of the sun and the tranquility of the earth and the possibility of ascending to the planets.
17 - Proof of the rule of qareen God, truth, or priests and fortune-tellers.
18 - Jihad in the sake of God.
19 - important lessons for the general of the nation.
20 - judgments on the provisions of the Hajj and Umrah and visit.
21 - Obligation of the year and need to beware of Fad
Died: before dawn on Thursday, 27 January 1420
The womb of Galilee Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz in difficult circumstances
حبيبتي انا اخذتو عربي وترجمتو في قوقل -الترجمة- الله يوفقكي يارب
ادعيلي بتوفيق وانو يحقق الي فيي بالي
ان شاء الله يكون افدتك ييارب

تعلمي الانجليزية معنا
موضوع كتبته افيدوني