- Willing hands (this is the tough part)
- The treatment:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بنات كنت اتصفح في قوقل وحبيت اعرف سر كثافة الشعر الهندي وطلعت لي هالصوره خنقتني العبره وقمت اذكر الله
وتمنيت شعري يصير مثلها
المهم السر هو
تسخنين اي نوع زيت
اما زيت الزيتون أو زيت اللوز الحلو أو زيت جوز الهند
وتدلكين فروة الرأس وتعملين لها مساج اما تنامين فيه او تتركينه ساعه باليوم
هذي زبدة الكلام باختصار من الموقع اختصرته لكم
Indian Hair Oil Trick
This is the secret behind Indian women's long glossy hair (and lack of scalp problems)
You need:Warm (but not hot) olive or coconut or almond oil
Willing hands (this is the tough part)
The treatment:
Simply massage the oil into your scalp (not so much on the hair shaft itself). It's a wonderful ritual to share with a partner or kids. In India, all the women of the family oil each others' hair. The oil helps moisturize and balance the scalp. The massage is relaxing and helps promote blood supply to the roots.
Of course, you can massage your own scalp, but it's much more fun to have someone do it to you.
Once the oil is in, leave on for minimum one hour to allow your body to absorb it.
Ideally, leave on overnight (use a towel to prevent staining your pillow and wear an old T-shirt)
Wash as usual (you'll probably have to shampoo twice)
You'll notice your hair is shinier and less knotted even after one treatment. This treatment should be repeated at least once a month.
بنات ترا الهنود يقدرون شي اسمه جوز الهند فاحرصو عليه
دعواتكم بنات