السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بنات الله يعطيكم العافية محتاجة منكم مساعدة ضروري
أنا في الجامعة وعندي يوم السبت presentiation في مادة طرق البحث
طريقة presentation اني اختصر خطوة من البحث واشرح الاختصار طبعا انا عرفت
اختصر بس المشكلة اني ما عرفت اشرحها فياليت اللي تقدر تساعدني في الشرح بطريقة
صحيحة من حيث التركيب والقواعد اللغوية
الله يوفقكم ويعطيكم العافية
ولا تنسون الحديث اللي فيه ((من فرج عن مسلم كربة من كرب الدنيا فرج الله عنه كربة من كرب يوم القيامه))
- The internet complements the library and its collection of traditional research materials and it provides variety of areas for research.
- On the web you will find information gathered by universities, libraries museums, medical providers, businesses and many other groups and individuals.
- Of course you will not know the address for all the sites that may prove useful in your research project .To locate them you will use a search engine that will search a portion of the Web for the information you specify.
The Types of Search Engine
1-Directories Engine
Directories engine allow you to search by subject categories, and you must try to define your category as narrowly as possible in order to exclude large amounts of irrelevant material.
The most commonly used directories, with their web addresses, include: yahoo, Go Network, Hotpot, and Lycos.
2-Search Engine
Search engine allow you to search by entering a key words and if you want the search engine to find all of and only the exact wording you enter, you must generally enclose that wording in quotations.
The most commonly used search engines are: AltaVista, Google, and Northern Light
- To find relevant sources through the use of search engines and directories, you will also locate relevant sites through links on the sites you have already found much as you find other useful books and articles through references in books and articles you have read. These links can lead you from site to site on the World Wide Web.
- You may also find sources of information for your research paper through a number of specialized directories that are often called virtual libraries. These directories generally evaluate the quality of the sources they include and often provide useful annotation indicating the nature of the resource.
The best known of these are: Britannica, info mine, library spot. World Wide Web virtual libraries
كل نجمه تدل على المقطع اللي محتاج شرح
الله يجزاكم الف خير
وجعل مساعدتكم لي في موازين حسناتكم
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