الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
26-02-2022 - 04:22 am
منقول للفايده
البرنامج عباره عن مستويات كل مستوى عباره عن دروس
كل يوم سوف اضع لكم درس وندرسه زين وفيه واجبات حليها
ثم عدي الدرس الثاني
والي بعده
كل يوم درس وشوفي نفسك اخر المستوى
بس حطي ببالك
والان اول درس باول مستوى
المستوى الاول
الدرس الاول
Volume 1100
Unit 1101
A :hello
B :hello
A :how are you
B :fine, thanks
A :Good bye
B :Good bye
A .M
A: hello
B: hello
A :good morning
B:good morning
Between noon and six o clock
A :Good afternoon
B :Good afternoon
After six o clock
A :Good evening
B :Good evening
When parting at night
A: Good-bye
B : Good-bye
A: Good night
B: Good night
Hi) and ( So long) are friendly and informal)
Hi= Hello
A: hi
B : hi
So long = Good-bye
A: so long
B: so long
وهذة هى نهايه المحادثه
اوك ذكروها ورددوها بصوت عالى

التعليقات (7)
Practice the vocabulary
A pencil
tice the
That s a pencil
(that +is = that s)
that is
that s
that s a pencil
a book
that s a book
(that +is =that s)
A chair
That s a chair
A table
That s a table
a recorder
that s a recorder
A tabe
That s a tabe
Practice these questions and answer
What is this?
That is a pencil
What is this? (written form) that is a pencil
What s this? (spoken form) that s a pencil
الواجب (التمارين)
قم بعمل نفس الاسئله والاجوبه على بقيه الصور
وعلى الشكل written and spoken
question and answers
I am a student
A :what are you ?
B : I m a student
I am a teacher
A : what are you ?
B : I m a teacher
I am a pilot
A : what are you ?
B : I m a pilot
قم بعمل هتين الصورتين مثل باقى الامثله التى سبقتها
مع مراعاه حفظ الكلمات والجمل والاسئله والمحادثه والتمعن فيهم جيدا

Explanation and drill of structures
1 - the present tense
the verbe Be has these forms in the presnt tense
i am
he ,she, it is
we ,you ,they are
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Be
1-I( )a student
2-she( )a teacher
3-it( )an orange
4-you( )abarber
5-this( )a tape
6-that( )a pencil
7-he( )astudent
8-those( )books
9-that( )apencil
10-we( )pilots
2. simple plurals
some plurals are formed by adding ...s to the singular form
example :
one student (one=1)
two student (two=2)
a . Give the plural form of the following nouns
1- one book , two...
2- one tape , two...
3- one teacher , two..
4- one chair , two..
5-one apple ,two..
6- one pencil ,two...
there are afew irregular plurals
singular plural
man men
woman women
foot feet
tooth teeth
child children
wife wives
30 this\that : these\those
these is the plural form of this
those is the plural form of that
this and thes refer to things near
that and those refer to things farther away
this is a pencil
these are pencil
that is a book
those are books
a . fill in the blanks with this or these :
1- ..is a chair
2-..are chairs
3-..pencil is red
4-..pencils are red
5-.. officer is a pilot
6-.. officer are pilots
b. fill in the blanks with that or those
1-..man is a student
2-.. men are students
3-.. pencil is green
4-.. pencils are green
5-.. woman is a teacher
6-.. women are teacher
use these short forms they are called contractions
I +am =I m
It + is =it s
That +is =that s
What +is =what s
5-Be-present tense affirmative questions
to ask a question with be
place the verb before the subject
example :
she is a teacher
is she a teacher?
change to the affirmative question form
1. this is a book
2. that is a tape
3. these are apples
4. those are oranges
5. we are instructors
6. he is a barber
7. I am an officer
8. They are students
9. they are apples
10. he is a mechanic
11. it is hot
12. it is cold
6-short affirmative answers
answer thes qustions with short affirmative answers
is this a pencil ?
yes,it is
1-is this a book ?
2-is this a room ?
3-is that a chair ?
4-is that a notebook ?
5- is that a ruler?
6-is that a tape ?
7-drill on be forms
Be forms are used in speaking of :
1-names I am Mr...
2- origin I am from america
3-profession I am a teacher
4- age I am 20 years old
Describe yorselves by using the four items listed above
Then ask questions about each other
8-Be-present tense negative statements ,Be+not
to form the negative place not after the verb
is + not
ex :I am not a student
9-contracted negative statement, subject + verb pattern
ex :he is a student
he s not a student
chang to the contracted negative statement form
1-it is a tabe
2-you are a student
3-he is a barber
4-she is a teacher
5- we are officers
6- they are tapes
7- that is a book
10-Be- present tense contracted negative statements , verb +not pattern
he is a student
he isn t a student
answer these question
use both negative patterns:
ex :
is he a student?
No , he s not
No , he isn t
1-is he a mechanic ?
2- are you mechanic ?
3- are you student ?
4- are they friends ?
is this a tape ?
7-are these apples ?
7-are they barbers?
8-is he an officer ?
9-is it an orange ?
10-is it hot?
A \ An
A or An is used
Be fore singular nouns of general or indefinite meaning
Use A before wordes which begain with a consonant sound
Use An before words which be gin with a vowel sound
Ex :
A tape
A book
A table
An apple
An office
(an houre )
who \ what
used in qustion to refer to people
ex :
who are you ?
what are you ؟

واجب المستوى الاول الدرس الاول
(انا جمعتلكوا الاسئله كلها عشان ما تتلخبطوا) الواجب كله هنا
What is this? (written form) that is a pencil
What s this? (spoken form) that s a pencil
الواجب (التمارين)
قم بعمل نفس الاسئله والاجوبه على بقيه الصور
وعلى الشكل written and spoken
والصور هى
قلم - كتاب - كرسى - منضده -تسجيل -شريط
قم بعمل هتين الصورتين( الميكانيكى والحلاق )مثل هذا المثال
I am a pilot
A : what are you ?
B : I m a pilot
مع مراعاه حفظ الكلمات والجمل والاسئله والمحادثه والتمعن فيهم جيدا
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Be
1-I( )a student
2-she( )a teacher
3-it( )an orange
4-you( )abarber
5-this( )a tape
6-that( )a pencil
7-he( )astudent
8-those( )books
9-that( )apencil
10-we( )pilots
a . Give the plural form of the following nouns
1- one book , two
2- one tape , two
3- one teacher , two
4- one chair , two
5- one apple ,two
6- one pencil ,two
a . fill in the blanks with this or these :
1- ..is a chair
2- ..are chairs
3- ..pencil is red
4- ..pencils are red
5- .. officer is a pilot
6- .. officer are pilots
change to the affirmative question form
1. this is a book
2. that is a tape
3. these are apples
4. those are oranges
5. we are instructors
6. he is a barber
7. I am an officer
8. They are students
9. they are apples
10. he is a mechanic
11. it is hot
12. it is cold
answer thes qustions with short affirmative answers
is this a pencil ?
yes,it is
1-is this a book؟
2-is this a room ؟
3-is that a chair ؟
4-is that a notebook ؟
5- ؟is that a ruler
6-is that a tape ؟
drill on be forms
Be forms are used in speaking of :
1-names I am Mr...
2- origin I am from america
3-profession I am a teacher
4- age I am 20 years old
Describe yorselves by using the four items listed above
Then ask questions about each other
chang to the contracted negative statement form
1-it is a tabe
2-you are a student
3-he is a barber
4-she is a teacher
5- we are officers
6- they are tapes
7- that is a book
answer these question
use both negative patterns:
ex :
is he a student?
No , he s not
No , he isn t
1-is he a mechanic ?
2- are you mechanic ?
3- are you student ?
4- are they friends ?
is this a tape ?
7-are these apples ?
7-are they barbers?
8-is he an officer ?
9-is it an orange
10-is it hot

المستوى الاول
الدرس الثانى
اولا المحادثه
من اكون ؟
انت تكون مدرسه/ معلمه
Who am I ?
You are instructor
من انت ؟
انا اكون طالب / تلميذ
Who are you ?
I m a student
من تكون هى؟
هى تكون ممرضه ؟
Who is she ?
She is nurse
من يكون هو ؟
هو يكون دكتور
Who is he?
He is a doctor
من نكون نحن ؟
نحن نكون طالبه
Who are we?
We are students
من يكونوا هؤلاء؟
هؤلاء يكونوا حلاقين
Who are they?
They are barbers
ماذا تكون هذان؟
تلك تكون قلمان
What are these?
Those are pencils
ماذا تكون تلك؟
تلك تكون اقلام
What are these?
Those are pens
ماذا تكون هذان؟
تلك تكون كتابان
What are these?
Those are books
ماذا يكون تلك؟
تلك يكونوا كتب
What are these?
Those are books الواجب
قم بعمل نفس الامثله على
مجموعه من الكراسى – شريطين - تسجيلين – مجموعه من المنضاضات
من يكونوا هذان؟
هذان يكونو اطالبان
Who are they?
They are student
من يكونوا هؤلاء ؟
هؤلاء يكونوا معلمين
Who are they ?
They re teachers
قم بعمل نفس الامثله السابقه على
حلاقين – دكتور – ممرضه
طالب –مدرس
توصيه هامه
راجع كيفيه جمع الكلمات
ان فى بعض الكلمات يضاف اليها حرف ال s
Teacherوجمعها teachers
وان بعض الكلمات لها جمع خاص
Man وجمعها men
وراجع ايضا الفرق بين this – that – these –those
راجع ايضا v . to BE
طيب يا جماعه لو انا عايزة انفى جمله زى
دا مش قلم , دا كتاب
حد يعرف هنقولها ازاى
هنقولها كده
That is not a pen, that is a book
نعرف نعمل المثال دا على اللى حوالينا (اى شئ نقول عليه دا مش كذا , دا كذا )
اوك عايزة خمس امثله لى مزاكوا
واللى مش عارف يقولى واا اقوله ههه
طيب تيجوا اقول لكم محادثه كامله بالعربى
وبعد كده اترجمها
البدايه واحده خبطت على الشقه وكان واحده صحبتك
وطبعا انتى فتحتى الباب الاول :صباح الخير
الثانى : صباح النور .....اتفضلى ادخلى
الاول : شكرا لكى ......عامله ايه ؟
الثانى : كويسه شكرا وانتى ؟
الاول :كويسه شكرا
الثانى : اتفضلى بالجلوس من فضلك
الاول : شكرا
الثانى :ما تلك الاشياء (فضوليه هتعملوا ايه ههه (كان فى شرايط على المنضدة )
الاول : هذه شرايط (ثم نظرت الى الشباك وشافت ناس وقالت )
من هؤلاء ؟
الثانى :هؤلاء يكونوا تلاميذ
الاول : ومين دا ؟ (كان واحد ماشى )
الثانى : هذا يكون طبيب
الاول : مع السلامه
الثانى : مع السلامه وتعالى تانى (متقطعيش الجوبات ههه ) الترجمه
A ; Good morning
B ; Good morning come in
A : thank you how are you ?
B : fine thanks and you
A : fine thanks
B ; sit down please
A : thank you
B : what are those ?
A :these are tapes who are they ?
B : they re student
A : and who is he ?
B : he s a doctor
A : Good bye
B : Good bye come again

درس بعنوان
داخل الفصل In the classroom
توصيه هامه
اقروا القطعه اللى جايه خمس مرات وبصوت عالى وحاولو تقرئوا الجمل من غير ما تقفوا فى النص او على كلمه
وكل ما تغلطوا مرة فى قرائتها او تتلعثموا
اقرؤوها من اول وجديد وهكذا لغايت ما تتقنوا قرائتها اتفقنا
وطبعا اتخيلوا ان صورة الفصل قدام منكم
اوك طيب
In the classroom
This is a classroom . there are five students and one instructer here . it is early . it is 8:15 in the morning
Ther is furniture in the room . there are six chairs and a table . there are three books on the table .
There are a window and a door . there are venetin blinds ستائر معدنيه
In the window .
Ablack door is on the wall . there is a map on the right and two pictures are on the left . there are lights and a light switch .
ها يا جماعه فهمتوا القطعه كويس وادربتوا عليها
طيب اللى عايز فيها حاجه يقول علشان اشرحها
طيب ايه بعد كده
المطلوب من كل واحد فيكوا يطبق القطعه دى على اى غرفه او مكان يحبوا
يعنى مثلا على المطبخ ويوصفوا زى القطعهما بتوصف الفصل او مكان زى الحديقه فيها ناس وجنبها طريق وكدة يعنى
يعنى من الااخر عايزة اشوف ابداعتكوا فى وصف الاماكن وخدوا القطعه اللى فوق كمثل ممكن تمشوا عليه اوك

الجزء الجديد
Ther is \ there are
Thare is and ther are introduce many statements and questions
Ex :
There ar five students here
Are there five students here ?
There is one instructor here
Is there one instructor here ?
قموا بعمل ثلاث امثله على غرار الامثله السابقه
Use there is or there are in each sentence
A book is on the table
There is a book on the table
five student are in the room
one instructor is in the room
A pencil is on the table
Two pictures are on thewall
A map is on the wall
A clock is in the room
A ****** is in the room
One door is in the room
( the )
the stands before singular and plural nouns of definite meaning
this pen is red
the pen is red
these pens are red
the pens are red
( Numbers )
one, two ,three ,four, five ,six ,sevsn,eight, nine ,ten
eleven ,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen seventeen, eighteen ,nineteen ,
one hundred one thousand
one million
How many
وهذه اداه استفهام (كم العدد )
How many tables are in the room ?
ويجب ان نلاحظ ان بعد هذه الاداه ياتى المسؤل عنه فى الجمع
قم بعمل خمس امثله على How many
The days of the week
The days
Ther are seven daysin a week .ther are classes on saturday ,
Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday , wednsday , Thursday
Saturday is the frist day of the school week . Thursday is the last day of the school week .Friday is not class day
القطعه مهمه مع حفظ الكلمات
والاهم انكم تقرأوها بصوت عالى وبطريقه متصله
ول ما تغلطوا فى كلمه تقراوها من اول وجديد
حتى تتقنوا قرائه القطعه وكلمتها كويس جدا
اوك شاطريين
The months of the year
وهذه الاشهر لها اختصارات
Jan –
- Apr
- May tun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
What time is it ?
ساعه اليد watch
اما المنبه العادى clock
واجب قم بوصف كلا من المنبه وساعه اليد
يعنى فيها ارقام وبها عدد من العقارب وكدة يعنى اوك
Civilian time (12 -hour)
it s five o clock
it s time to get up
6: 15am
it six-fifteen
it s time for breakfast
قم بعمل مثل ما سبق على الاتى 9:00
Military time (24-hour)
***0 تعنى houre= 1:00am
2400 houre= 12:00pm
0300 تبقى ...........................
متهيالى اكيد عارفين تعملوا اللى ما بنهم من ارقام وساعات
صح اوك
على غرار الامثله السابقه ما تدل هذه الارقام فى الجيش
او فى الحياه العسكريه 0700 hour
1000 hour
1300 hour
2000 hour
2200 hour
مش هوصيكوا يا جماعه الكلمات اللى فى الدرس تتحفظ كويس
والدرس كمان يذاكر
شكرا لكم
والسلام عليكم

المستوى الاول
الدرس الثالث
تخيلوا زى كل مرة محدثه فى الشارع
بين اتنين وطبعا بيشوفوا ناس
A : am I a teacher?
B : yes , you are
A: are you student ?
B: yes ,I am
A:am I a barber?
B :no , you aren t
A:are you a doctor?
B: no, iam not
A: is he amechanic?
B:no ,he is not
A:is he apilot?
B: yes he is
A :is she a nurse?
B: yes ,she is
المحادثه التانيه
وبرضوا اتنين بس غير الاولنيين
A: is not this an airplan?
B: yes , it is
A :isn t this a book ?
B: yes ,it s
A: isn t this a pen ?
B : yes , it is
A:isn t this a tape ?
Yes ,it is
A: aren t those tables?
B: yes , they are
A:are not those tapes?
B:yes , they are
A: aren t those books ?
B :yes , they are
بالعربى معناها
مش دا قلم؟
ايوة هوه قلم
خدوا بالكوا كويس ان فى فرق بين
You re not
You aren t
قم بعمل سبعه امثله على
You re not
You aren t
واسئلتهم مع تغير الضمائر
هتقولوا اعطينا مثل
حاضر من عنيه
هو انا اتاخر عليكم ابدا
1-we re not students
we aren t students
aren t we studets?
اظن المثال كده وضح ولا ايه؟؟؟؟؟
Short answer in english
Are you student ?
Yes , I am
Yes ,I m
No , I am not
No, I m not
Give short answer in english
Are you a student?
Am I a teacher?
Are we student?
Are they student?
Is he a doctor?
Is she anurse?
Is this a pen?
Are these books ?
Are those recorder?
محادثه بين طالب ومعلمه
A: hello
B :good morning
Are you a student?
B: yes , I am
A: is that your tape ?
B :yes it is
A:is he your teacher?
No he isn t
A: is she your nurse?
B:no , she isn t
A: am I your teacher?
Yes you are
A:am I your barber?
No you aren t
B: good-bye
A ction verbs – present tense
Affirmative statement
I have two pencils
You have three books
We have four tapes
They have five chair
I see six pencils
You see seven pens
We see eight pens
I hear a train
You hear a car
We hear a bus
They hear an airplane
I want ten pen
اكمل الباقى مع باقى الضمائر
ثم قم بعمل امثله اخرى مع افعال اخرى
Change to the contracted negative question form
1 -it cold
2-they are new
3- this is his frist class
4- it s time for lunch
5-today isn ttuesday
6-they aren t in class
7-are they yellow?
8- she is in the lab
9- it s five o clock
this month is july
اداه الاستفهام لماذا
Ex :isn t he in class?
Why isn t he in class ?
قم بوضعwhy على هذه الامثله التاليه:
aren t they in the lab ?
isn t the light on?
Isn t it time for a break ?
Isn t there a wastebasket in the room ?
Have in the present tense
I ,we ,they,you
He , she , it
Use the correct form of have
He( )a pen
They ( )two books
I ( ) my pencil
They watch ( ) a minute hand
A week ( ) seven days
We( ) a new tescher
You( ) awrist watch
The room ( ) a light switch
Want in the present tense
I ,we ,they ,you
He she it
Use the correct form of want
He( ) apen
They ( )two books
I( )my pencil
She ( ) a new wrist watch
We ( ) a break
They( ) a holiday
He ( ) her telephone number
We ( ) new ventian blinds
استخدم كلا من have ,want
فى جمل من عندك مع جميع الضمائر
Let each student substitute I for We
We get up early every day we go to the mess hall and eat breakfast we have eggs ,toast,and coffee then we walk to class
Personal pronouns
I ,my ,mine
You, your ,yours
She ,her
It ,its
We ,our ,ours
They ,their ,theirs
Ex :I have a book
Ihave my book
I have mine
Drill :supply the pronon forms
· He has a pencil
· We have the grades
· You have a book
· I have a tape
الصفات قد تاتى قبل او بعد الاسماء لتوصفها
Ex : this is a red pencil
This pencil is red
قم بعمل خمس امثله على الصفات كما فى المثال السابق

سامري وخلاصه قصة السنووايت
ارجو مساعدتي في مادة الصرف الانجليزي عاجلا