الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
03-11-2022 - 12:42 pm
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
فراشاتي العزيزات ابي منكم طلب ضروري
اذا ممكن الي متمكنات من الانجلش مابي لا واجب ولا محاضره لا ابي خدمه انا متعرفة على وحده اجنبيه وسالتني عن الاسلام وعن اختلاف التقاليد في الدول العربيه وعن الفرق بين السنه والشيعه
وبصراحه ماعرفت اشرح بالانجلش بس لو وحده تكتبها لي باختصار وتشرحها بالانجليزي ممكن

التعليقات (9)
كتاب انجليزي
كتاب انجليزي
اذا كانت نصرانيه عطيها سورة مريم بالانجلش
صدقيني بتتأثر لاني مجربتها
وهذي هي
MECCA.–98 Verses
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
KAF. HA. YA. AIN. SAD.2 A recital of thy Lord's mercy to his servant Zachariah;
When he called upon his Lord with secret calling,
And said: "O Lord, verily my bones are weakened, and the hoar hairs glisten on my head,
And never, Lord, have I prayed to thee with ill success.
But now I have fears for my kindred after me;3 and my wife is barren:
Give me, then, a successor as thy special gift, who shall be my heir and an heir of the family of Jacob: and make him, Lord, well pleasing to thee."
–"O Zachariah! verily we announce to thee a son,–his name John:
That name We have given to none before him."4
He said: "O my Lord! how when my wife is barren shall I have a son, and when I have now reached old age, failing in my powers?"
He said: So shall it be. Thy Lord hath said, Easy is this to me, for I created thee aforetime when thou wast nothing."
He said: "Vouchsafe me, O my Lord! a sign." He said: "Thy sign shall be that for three nights, though sound in health, thou speakest not to man."
And he came forth from the sanctuary to his people, and made signs to them to sing praises morn and even.
We said: "O John! receive the Book with purpose of heart:"5–and We bestowed on him wisdom while yet a child;
And mercifulness from Ourself, and purity; and pious was he, and duteous to his parents; and not proud, rebellious.
And peace was on him on the day he was born, and the day of his death, and shall be on the day when he shall be raised to life!
And make mention in the Book, of Mary, when she went apart from her family, eastward,6
And took a veil to shroud herself from them:7 and we sent our spirit8 to her, and he took before her the form of a perfect man.9
She said: "I fly for refuge from thee to the God of Mercy! If thou fearest Him, begone from me."
He said: "I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a holy son."
She said: "How shall I have a son, when man hath never touched me? and I am not unchaste."
He said: "So shall it be. Thy Lord hath said: 'Easy is this with me;' and we will make him a sign to mankind, and a mercy from us. For it is a thing decreed."
And she conceived him,10 and retired with him to a far-off place.
And the throes came upon her11 by the trunk of a palm. She said: "Oh, would that I had died ere this, and been a thing forgotten, forgotten quite!"
And one cried to her from below her:12 "Grieve not thou, thy Lord hath provided a streamlet at thy feet:–
And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward thee:13 it will drop fresh ripe dates upon thee.
Eat then and drink, and be of cheerful eye:14 and shouldst thou see a man,
Say,–Verily, I have vowed abstinence to the God of mercy.–To no one will I speak this day."
Then came she with the babe to her people, bearing him. They said, "O Mary! now hast thou done a strange thing!
O sister of Aaron!15 Thy father was not a man of wickedness, nor unchaste thy mother."
And she made a sign to them, pointing towards the babe. They said, "How shall we speak with him who is in the cradle, an infant?"
It said,16 "Verily, I am the servant of God; He hath given me the Book, and He hath made me a prophet;
And He hath made me blessed wherever I may be, and hath enjoined me prayer and almsgiving so long as I shall live;
And to be duteous to her that bare me: and he hath not made me proud, depraved.
And the peace of God was on me the day I was born, and will be the day I shall die, and the day I shall be raised to life."
This is Jesus, the son of Mary; this is a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.
It beseemeth not God to beget a son. Glory be to Him! when he decreeth a thing, He only saith to it, Be, and it Is.17
And verily, God is my Lord and your Lord; adore Him then. This is the right way.
But the Sects have fallen to variance among themselves about Jesus: but woe, because of the assembly of a great day, to those who believe not!
Make them hear, make them behold the day when they shall come before us! But the offenders this day are in a manifest error.
Warn them of the day of sighing when the decree shall be accomplished, while they are sunk in heedlessness and while they believe not.
Verily, we will inherit the earth and all who are upon it. To us shall they be brought back.
Make mention also in the Book of Abraham; for he was a man of truth, a Prophet.18
When he said to his Father, "O my Father! why dost thou worship that which neither seeth nor heareth, nor profiteth thee aught?
O my Father! verily now hath knowledge come to me which hath not come to thee. Follow me therefore–I will guide thee into an even path.
O my Father! worship not Satan, for Satan is a rebel against the God of Mercy.
O my Father! indeed I fear lest a chastisement from the God of Mercy light upon thee, and thou become Satan's vassal."
He said, "Castest thou off my Gods, O Abraham? If thou forbear not, I will surely stone thee. Begone from me for a length of time."
He said, "Peace be on thee! I will pray my Lord for thy forgiveness, for he is gracious to me:
But I will separate myself from you, and the gods ye call on beside God, and on my Lord will I call. Haply, my prayers to my Lord will not be with ill success."
And when he had separated himself from them and that which they worshipped beside God, we bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and each of them we made a prophet:
And we bestowed gifts on them in our mercy, and gave them the lofty tongue of truth."19
And commemorate Moses in "the Book;" for he was a man of purity: moreover he was an Apostle, a Prophet:
From the right side of the mountain we called to him, and caused him to draw nigh to us for secret converse:
And we bestowed on him in our mercy his brother Aaron, a Prophet.
And commemorate Ismael in "the Book;" for he was true to his promise, and was an Apostle, a Prophet;
And he enjoined prayer and almsgiving on his people, and was well pleasing to his Lord.
And commemorate Edris20 in "the Book;" for he was a man of truth, a Prophet:
And we uplifted him to a place on high.21
These are they among the prophets of the posterity of Adam, and among those whom we bare with Noah, and among the posterity of Abraham and Israel, and among those whom we have guided and chosen, to whom God hath shewed favour. When the signs of the God of Mercy were rehearsed to them, they bowed them down worshipping and weeping.
But others have come in their place after them: they have made an end of prayer, and have gone after their own lusts; and in the end they shall meet with evil:–
Save those who turn and believe and do that which is right, these shall enter the Garden, and in nought shall they be wronged:
The Garden of Eden, which the God of Mercy hath promised to his servants, though yet unseen:22 for his promise shall come to pass:
No vain discourse shall they hear therein, but only "Peace;" and their food shall be given them at morn and even:
This is the Paradise which we will make the heritage of those our servants who fear us.
We23 come not down from Heaven but by thy Lord's command. His, whatever is before us and whatever is behind us, and whatever is between the two! And thy Lord is not forgetful,–
Lord of the Heavens and of the Earth, and of all that is between them! Worship Him, then, and abide thou steadfast in his worship. Knowest thou any other of the same name?24
Man saith: "What! after I am dead, shall I in the end be brought forth alive?"
Doth not man bear in mind that we made him at first, when he was nought?
And I swear by thy Lord, we will surely gather together them and the Satans: then will we set them on their knees round Hell:
Then will we take forth from each band those of them who have been stoutest in rebellion against the God of Mercy:
Then shall we know right well to whom its burning is most due:
No one is there of you who shall not go down unto it25–This is a settled decree with thy Lord–
Then will we deliver those who had the fear of God, and the wicked will we leave in it on their knees.
And when our clear signs are rehearsed to them, the infidels say to those who believe: "Which of the two parties26 is in the best plight? and which is the most goodly company?"
But how many generations have we brought to ruin before them, who surpassed them in riches and in splendour!
SAY: As to those who are in error, the God of Mercy will lengthen out to them a length of days
Until they see that with which they are threatened, whether it be some present chastisement, or whether it be "the Hour," and they shall then know which is in the worse state, and which the more weak in forces:
But God will increase the guidance of the already guided.
And good works which abide, are in thy Lord's sight better in respect of guerdon, and better in the issue than all worldly good.
Hast thou marked him who believeth not in our signs, and saith, "I shall surely have riches and children bestowed upon me?"
Hath he mounted up into the secrets of God? Hath he made a compact with the God of Mercy?
No! we will certainly write down what he saith, and will lengthen the length of his chastisement:
And we will inherit what he spake of, and he shall come before us all alone.
They have taken other gods beside God to be their help.27
But it shall not be. Those gods will disavow their worship and will become their enemies.
Seest thou not that we send the Satans against the Infidels to urge them into sin?
Wherefore be not thou in haste with them;28 for a small number of days do we number to them.
One day we will gather the God-fearing before the God of Mercy with honours due:29
But the sinners will we drive unto Hell, like flocks driven to the watering.
None shall have power to intercede, save he who hath received permission at the hands of the God of Mercy.
They say: "The God of Mercy hath gotten offspring." Now have ye done a monstrous thing!
Almost might the very Heavens be rent thereat, and the Earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in fragments,
That they ascribe a son to the God of Mercy, when it beseemeth not the God of Mercy to beget a son!
Verily there is none in the Heavens and in the Earth but shall approach the God of Mercy as a servant. He hath taken note of them, and numbered them with exact numbering:
And each of them shall come to Him, on the day of Resurrection, singly:
But love will the God of Mercy vouchsafe to those who believe and do the things that be right.
Verily we have made this Koran easy and in thine own tongue, that thou mayest announce glad tidings by it to the God-fearing, and that thou mayest warn the contentious by it.
How many generations have we destroyed before them! Canst thou search out one of them? or canst thou hear a whisper from them?

يعطيك العافيه حبيبتي
بس برضو ابغى شرح عن الثقافه الاسلاميه والفرق بين الشيعه والسنه
والثقافه اسعوديه برضو بشكل اخص

كتاب انجليزي
كتاب انجليزي
ابحاول اطلع لك لان صعب اننا نتعمق في مجال الدعوه واحنا غير ملمين بأمور الدعوه
ونا ماحب اتدخل في اشياء تخص الشيعه لان اخاف اخطئ ويصير علي ذنب
هذا الحجاب في القران والسنه يعني احاديث وايات عن سبب فرض الحجاب بالاستشهاد من القران والسنه
وادعيلي بالثبات في الدين
By Dr. Gibril F. Haddad
as appeared in The Muslim Magazine Fall 1999 issue.
"O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of Allah’s signs, that they may take heed."
Today we find the Muslim community most divided on one subject: the veil or hijab. Despite the clear rulings ofSharia on this subject, many people claim that the order for women to cover all but their faces and hands is not found in Islam.
In this brief treatment, we will cite proofs from the source texts of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) from which the obligation of veiling is derived.
The Arabic word for "veiling" is hijab. Lexically it means "cover", and in Islam it means two things:
Woman's clothing such as the head-to-toe garment specifically called jilbab and khimar.
Separation of the places where men and women respectively congregate.
Obligation of Hijab as Stated in Qur'an
"O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (jalabib) close round them (when they go abroad)..." (33:59)
Ibn Rushd in Bidaya al-Mujtahid (1:83) said that this verse has been adduced as proof that no part of a woman's body should be evident to those who are not among the prohibited degrees of relationship (mahram) or her husband. Al-Qurtubi in his commentary on the verse said that the jilbab is the cloak that conceals all of the body including the head.
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms..."(24:31) "…only that which is apparent" applies to women’s face and hands.
"... And when you ask of them (the wives of the Prophet) anything, ask it of them from behind a veil. . ." (33:53) Al-Qurtubi said in commentary of this verse: "The consensus of Muslims is that the genitals and backside constitute nakedness for men and women, as well as all of woman except her face and hands, but some disagreed about the latter two." This means the consensus of Muslims included them in the definition of her nakedness based on verse 33:59 and the hadith cited below.
Obligation of Hijab as Stated in Hadith
Among proofs for the veil in the Sunna are the following authentic hadiths (traditional reports) of the Prophet – (s):
"Ayesha (r) reported that Asma’ the daughter of Abu Bakr (r) came to the Messenger of Allah (s) while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O Asma’! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands."
Ibn Qudama in al-Mughni (1:349) explained that showing the face and hands are a specific dispensation within the general meaning of the hadith "All of the woman’s body is considered her nakedness
." (al-mar'atu `awra)
`Ayesha (r) said: "I used to enter the room where the Messenger of Allah (s) and my father (Abu Bakr) were later buried in without having my garment on me, saying it is only my husband and my father. But when 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (r) was later buried in (the same place), I did not enter the room except that I had my garment on being shy from 'Umar."
The Prophet's specification to Umm Salama that women should also cover their feet in prayer, narrated in the Sunan. This included the feet into the definition of her legal nakedness. "Women who are clothed but (at the same time) naked , turning their heads sideways this way and that like the humps of the camel, shall never enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance."
The jurists have divided woman's nakedness into two categories:
  • Lesser nakedness (`awra mukhaffafa): the face, hands, head, neck, forearms, feet, torso and back.

  • Greater nakedness (`awra mughallaza): all of her body except the above parts.

`Ayesha’s (ra) strictness on the question is a well known saying, "When a woman reaches puberty she must cover whatever her mother and grandmother must cover." A woman's covering (al-khimar) is defined by `Ayesha as "nothing short of what covers both the hair and skin." (innama al-khimaru ma wara al-sha`r wa al-bashar).
Covering the Face
The khimar (pl. khumur) actually refers to the head covering, so that a better translation of 24:31 would be: "and to draw their headcovers (khumurihinna) over their bosoms..."(24:31)
It is essential to understand the two interpretations of the command to "draw their headcovers over" among the women of the Companions and the generation that immediately succeeded them, on which are based the two views of the Four Schools, namely, cover everything or expose only the face and hands:
Some women drew from the top down, some from the sides and over. The result for the first category was to cover the face, while the second category left the face uncovered according to one's own discretion.
Following are two hadiths that illustrate the use of thekhimar (face-veil) applied by women Companions of the verse quoted above.
Abu Hurayra gave the following account of his mother's conversion: I came to the Prophet - Allah bless and greet him -- weeping one day and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have been inviting my mother to Islam and she has been refusing. Today I asked her again, and she said something about you which I hated to hear. Ask Allah to guide Abu Hurayra's mother!" Whereupon the Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- said: "O Allah! Guide Abu Hurayra's mother." Then I returned home cheered up by the Prophet's -- Allah bless and greet him -- supplication. When I arrived at the door of the house I found it closed. Hearing my footsteps, my mother said: "Abu Hurayra, do not come in yet." I could hear the sound of water. She washed herself and wore her robe (dir') and headcover (khim r) then she opened the door and said: "Abu Hurayra! I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's servant and messenger!" I returned at once to the Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him --, weeping for joy, and said to him: "O Messenger of Allah, good news! Allah has answered your request and guided my mother!" He glorified and praised Allah, thanking Him and saying good things. I said: "O Messenger of Allah! Ask Allah that He make me and my mother beloved to his believing servants and that He make them beloved to us." The Prophet – Allah bless and greet him -- said: "O Allah! Make Your little servant (here meaning Abu Hurayra) and his mother beloved to Your believing servants, and make the believers beloved to the two of them." Not one believer is brought into existence who hears about me without seeing me except he loves me.
Ayesha said: "By Allah, I never saw any women better than the women of the Ansar (i.e. the women of Madina) or stronger in their confirmation of Allah's Book! When Sura al-Nur was revealed -- "and to draw their 'khumur' over their bosoms" (24:31) -- their men went back to them reciting to them what Allah had revealed to them, each man reciting it to his wife, daughter, sister, and relative. Not one woman among them remained except she got up on the spot, tore up her waist-wrap and covered herself from head-to-toe (i`jtajarat) with it. They prayed the very next dawn prayer covered from head to toe (mu`tajirat)."
And Allah knows best.

كتاب انجليزي
كتاب انجليزي
لاتدخلينها بأمور الشيعه وتتعمق
لان غير مسلمه ولم تتأصل بعد ويمكن يروح تفكيرها الى اسأله اخرى
علميها الاسلام فقط واركانه والشهادتين وعن الحجاب ومكانه المرأه في الاسلام

ياقلبي انا تعمدت اجيب عن الشيعه لانها مقتنعه انة اسلام يعني شيعه
ولما قلت اني مسلمه قالت لي يعني شيعه
وابيها تعرف انو فيها شيعه وفي سنه وانا قلت ابي شرح بسيط مو متعمق يعني مابي ادخل بتفاصيل دينيع بس ابي اوضح انه في مذاهب مختلفه مذهب شيعي ومذهب وسني
ولا اني ناويه افصل كل مذهب شلون عرفتي قصدي

حبيبتي أتوقع انها تتابع قنوات شيعية وأخذت الاسلام منها.. :(
للأسف ما أقدر أجيب لك الفرق بين المنهج السني والشيعي باللغة الانجليزية لكن نصائح بسيطة أتمنى تفيدك..
وضحي لها انتي الفرق أن الشيعة دينهم فيه بدع كثير يعني أمور هم أضافوها وغيروها هذه الأمور ما جاء بها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ببساطة وضحي يعني ما يبغى لها تفكير وتفاصيل.. غير كذا عندهم شرك وتوسل بغير الله.. وغير كذا الخلافات التاريخية وكونهم يرون بتوريث الخلافة في أهل البيت وسب الصحابة فيما وقع بينهم وذي الأمور.. طبعا الشيعة يختلفون مو كلهم نفس الشي.. ما أعرف أشرح بس إذا انتي عندك أسلوب في المحادثة البسيطة حاولي تقربين لها المعلومة بدون تعمق..
ولو أعطيتيها كتب عن الاسلام أو قنوات عن الاسلام الصحيح خلاص كتعريف بالاسلام وما راح تحتاج تعرف الفرق بين السنة والشيعة يعني بمجرد ما تقرا اللي في الكتب الاسلامية الصحيحة وتروح مكان ثاني يواجهها معلومة صادرة من مصدر شيعي راح تميز وتنتبه انها خطأ.. ومثل ما قلت لك أعتقد انها أخذت الاسلام من مصدر شيعي فإن شافت مصدرك راح تقارن وتعرف الحق وين.. والحمد لله منهج السنة واضح ومقنع.. ربي يهديها ويجزيك خير يا رب وينور قلوب كل الجاهلين بالاسلام..

مشكوره حبيبتي اريام انا المشكله ماني اعرفه اشرحه بالانجليزي مواجهة صعوبه باختيار الكلمات المناسبه زي ذاك اليوم بقول كلمة تشدد يوم ترجمتها بقوقل طلعت تطرف وقعدت ساعه ارقع بالموضوع افهما انو قصدي تطرف يعني مابي اقع بكلمات يكون معناها ضدنا مو معنا

بالنسبة للشيعة و السنه
أبغى أوضح شغلة
حتى في الديانة النصرانية فيه طوائف يعني عندك الكاثوليك Catholic وهي المنتشرة في بريطانيا و أمريكا و في كثير من الدول الاوربية
فيه البوتستان Protestan اعتقد ما أدري انها بروسيا و ألبانيا علشان كذا أمريكا و روسيا يكرهون بعض بسبب الاختلاف الطائفية
ابوي كان يقول لي أن المسيحية منقسمة الى قسمين الكنيسة الشرقية و الكنيسة الغربية
وزي ما قلت بريطانيا و امريكا تبع وحدة من هذي و روسيا العكس
فيه برضو ديانه في أمريكا فيها شبه من الاسلام بس ما أدري هل هي تابعة للمسيحية أو لا اسمها ميرمونية Mermen
فأتوقع لو بتكلمينها عن تفرعات ديانتهم و الطوائف الموجودة في الاسلام بتفهم
انا بأسوي بحث أكثر و راجعة

طيب راح أعطيك شرح بسيط للسنة و الشيعة بدون أن أسيء للشيعة
Sonah is represented by prophet Mohammad peace upon him . So the people who beleive on sonah follow the instructions and directions of prophet Mohammad and apply the methods of the Holy Qura'an. Sonnah respect the prophet and the leaders after him. You can see sonnah in most of Islamic countries like the gulf countries , the countries in the north of Africa and the Islamic countries in Isia.
After the death of prophet Mohammad many parties appear like shea'a , sofia , Al-Khawarej , Al-zaydeiah ....etc
Sonnah and Shea'a are the most common parties.
Shea'a is found in Iran , some parts of Lebanon and Bahrain and in other Islamic countries but they are few
They appreaciate a leader and his sons his name is Ali . They have their own regulations and rules in which
sonnah do not agree with them.
The differnt between sonaah and shea'a that sonnah never hurt their bodies.
Shea'a has a special day in which they go out side in the streets dressing black and holding chains . They use those chain to beat themselves . They do this thing every year. It is their specail day.
Soffiah is found in Egypt

استفسار ضروري
مراجعات نهائية