20-10-2022 - 02:48 pm
انا عندي واجب رسم وانا ما اعرف ارسم بليز الله يخليكم اللي تعرف ترسم ترسم لي وتصوره لي
وتنزله هنا وانا ارسم مثلها تكفون ما ابي احمل هالماده تعبت منها لإني قد حملتها ابي انجح وافتك
وربي وربي ما راح انساها من دعائي اللي تساعدني
هذا القطعه وعليها اسأله
Lunch Box
by sara matson
what is in your lunch box today? will"
asked kate
kate looked in her lunch box. "I have
a ham sandwic and carrot sticks," she said.
what is in your lunch box
Tomato soup and a banana "will said "
And something else"
what is it?"kate asked
I will give you a clue, "will said "
what is black and white and smells like flowers"
I don't know kate said.what"
A skunk wearing perfume,will said"
you have a skunk in your lunch box"
kate said
no " will said .he showed
a joke in my lunch box
هاذي الاسئله انا جاوبت عليها بس ما ادري إذا صح او لا
what was in kate's lunch box?
there was aham sand wich and carrot sticks
who had tomato soup and a banand for lunch?
will had tomato soup and a banand for lunch
where does this story take plae?
at aschool
what surprise did will find in his lunch bok?
a. skunk b.perfumo
c.ajoke d .a cookies
Draw a picture to go along with this story
بنات الله يعافيكم ويجزاكم الف خير الي تعرف انجلش تساعدني هاذا واجب عندي وعليه درجات انا حليت الاسئله بس
ما ادري اذا صح او لا ماعدا السؤال الاخير ماعرفت له ..
ع هوتميل ..