مشاعل الجذابة
23-12-2022 - 04:48 pm
ابغى هذا الواجب معليش تعبتكم
describe yourself as awriter how do you go about writing/?what kinds of things do you liketo write about /?what do you dis like ?whate is hard for you?easy?
حلو بليز هذي الاسئلة في 10 اسطر ولكم مني جزيل الشكر
being a writer means to be really responsibility to my job ,to what i write just like I'm observing every word i write in fact every single letter,i like writing lot about people ,humanity and social realationships whatever ,at home among the family or between tow friends , just like me and the others .i find myself i can express myself in social field , and about what i dislike is every writer who uses his pen just to attack others and thinks he's going to win if he fights them by using tough and unkind words ,i just don't like the negative criticism
it's inhumanity to act like that ,what is hard for me when my mind be so busy with thoughts then i find my self can't or don't know how to make my words to reach the people so that i have to relax from time to time ,and what is easy when i find people my family and friend and even strangers who are my fans readers are always pushing me up and ask me to continue and give the best i have
and that what makes my pen still full of pulse