جدال الصمت
30-09-2022 - 03:56 pm
السلام عليكم
تكفون ابي احد يترجملي هالقطعه ضروري تكفون اله يسعدكم ويوفقكم
Andalusia; Umayyad Spain
While the Abbasids were creating a great lslamic civilization from syria to the east on a parsian model, another pattern emerged in the west. Umayyad spain, or al_Andalus as Mualims called, only briefly acknowledged Baghdad,s rule. Under the Umayyad family, a nem empire developed rivalig that of the Abbasids . From their capital at Cordoba, the Spanish Umayyads ruled an elegat domain.
Umayyad spain reached its height under, Abd al_Rahman III in the 900s. In the first 20 years of his reign Abd al_Rahman established a unified and cantralized government With spain largely unified and at peace, Abd al_Rahman ruled over a flowering Muslim culture.