الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
18-07-2022 - 09:25 pm
Abbreviations اختصار الكلمات
اعزائي :
اخترت لكم بعض من المختصرات اللغة الانكليزية المتداولة يوميا، عسى ان يستفيد الجميع وشكرا
& = and
~ = approximately / about / more or less
@ = at
° = degree
$ = Dollar
= equals/is the same as
€ = ****
> = greater / better / more than
= infinity< = less / smaller than
  • = minus

# = number
¶ = paragraph
% = per cent
+ = plus, in addition to
£ = Pound
§ = section
\ = therefore
¥ = Yen
addr. = address
aob = any other business
approx. = approximately
asap = as soon as possible
= ass ortment
b/c = because
btw = by the way
c. or ca. = circa, about c.1800
C19 = nineteenth century
cd. = could
cf. = compare this with...
Ch. = chapter
c/o = care of
cob = close of business
compl. = complete
ct. = contrast
ctrl. = control
dept. = department
devt. = development
diff. = difference
diy = do it yourself
edn. = edition
educ. = education
e.g = for example.
eob = end of business
esp = especially.
eta = estimated time of arrival
etc = and the rest.
faq(s) = frequently asked question(s)
fifo = first in first out
filo = first in last out
fyi = for your information
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time
Govt. = Government
hr. = hour
HR = Human Resources
ht. = height
i.e =that is, that means.
impt. = important
info. = information
JIT = Just In Time
lifo = last in first out
lilo = last in last out
max. = maximum
min. = minimum
movt. = movement
MPH = miles per hour
NB = important, notice this
no(s). = number(s)
ok = okay
p = page.
pp. = pages
para = paragraph.
pc(s) = piece(s)
pls = please.
ppl = people.
prob = problem
PTO = please turn over
qtr. = quarter
R&D = research and development
re. = regarding
rep. = representative
sec. = second
temp. = temperature / temporary
vgc = very good condition
vs = against
wd = would
w = with/
w/o = without
wt. = weight
wysiwyg = What You See Is What You Get
A3 = Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere
AAK = Alive and Kicking
AAP = Always a Pleasure
AAR = At Any Rate
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AOTA = All Of The Above
AWHFY = Are We Having Fun Yet?
AYPI = And Your Point Is ?
B4 = Before
B4N = Bye For Now
B/F = Boyfriend
BBL = Be Back Later
BBIAF = Be Back in a Few
BCNU = Be Seein' You
BFN = Bye For Now
BG = Big Grin
BIF = Basic In Fact
BRB = Be Right Back
BTDT = Been There Done That
CM = Call Me
CR8 = Create
CU = See You
CUL8R = See You Later
DIKU? = Do I Know You?
DQMOT = Don't Quote Me On This
DUR? = Do You Remember?
F2F = Face To Face
FUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation)
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYA = For Your Amusement
FYI = For Your Information
G/F = Girlfriend
GA = Go Ahead
GAL = Get A Life
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
HTH = Hope This (That) Helps
IAE = In Any Event
IC = I See
ICWUM = I See What You Mean
IM = Instant Message
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IOW= In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
J4F = Just For Fun
JK = Just Kidding
KISS = Keep it Short and Simple
L8R = Later
LOL = Laugh Out Loud / Lots of Love
LTNS = Long Time No See
MOF = Male or Female
MOTD = Message Of The Day
NBIF = No Basis In Fact
NFC = No Further Comment
NRN = No Reply Necessary
OBO = Or Best Offer
OBTW = Oh, By The Way
OIC = Oh, I see
OOTB = Out Of The Box / Out of the Blue
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PC = Politically Correct
PM = Private Message
POV = Point Of View
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RTM = Read The Manual
SITD = Still In The Dark = Still don't understand
SMTOE = Sets My Teeth On Edge = annoys you a lot
T+ = Think positive
TAF = That's All Folks
TAFN = That's All For Now
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TM2T = Too Much To Type
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
T2UL = Talk To You Later
TTTT = To Tell The Truth
TU = Thank You
TUVM = Thank You Very Much
TX = Thanks
unPC = unPolitically Correct
WB = Welcome Back
WRT = With respect to
WTG = Way To Go!
? = Where are You From?
X! = Typical Women
Y! = Typical Man
ZZZZ = Sleeping / Bored

التعليقات (6)
arab beauty
arab beauty
i like them soooooooo much
thanx a lot darling

بـــدون إسم
بـــدون إسم
يعطيج ألف عافية

dream light 2009
dream light 2009
ما شاء الله مجهود رائع

almond and nuts **
almond and nuts **
thank you so much

thanks you

الارواح المهاجرهـ
الارواح المهاجرهـ
I learn quckly LoL
thanx,4 this good efforet
keep it up

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