الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
* ام محمد *
04-01-2022 - 12:43 pm
  1. هذي اول قطعه ابي اعرف اش معناها لاني بجد ماحبيتها احس انها ثقيله دم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

هذي اول قطعه ابي اعرف اش معناها لاني بجد ماحبيتها احس انها ثقيله دم

ماعليها اسئله بس اكيد لو جت في الامتحان راح يحطون اسئله عليها يا اما اختصري وعليها اكيد معاني كلمات وكم سؤال على الطاير
PAUL MACCREAD'S FLYING CIRCUS by Mark Wheeler Striding into his office on a June afternoon, a slightly rumpled-looking Paul MacCready juggles an armful of folders with a bag of take-out Thai food and apologizes for his tardiness. "I was up until 3 A.M. the past few nights working on some projects," he explains, fidgeting with his glasses as he drops the folders, his lunch, and then himself on the couch. What sort of projects? The gray-haired, seventy-four-year-old company founder hesitates. But then his enthusiasm gets the better of him. "i may have found a way to make exercise addictive," he says, launching into an energetic description of his "Micro Gym," a pocket-size exercise machine with a pulse meter that vibrates when the user reaches an optimal heart rate. "Just enough exercise to get that rush of endorphins that will make you want to do it again," says MacCready. "Wouldn't that be a great service to humanity?" From anyone else, the idea might seem pure fantasy. But MacCready has a knack for making the fantastic real. In 1977, the mild-mannered aeronautical engineer designed the first plane powered solely by human effort—a furiously pedaling pilot—capable of sustained flight. Dubbed the Gossamer Condor, the flying machine now sits alongside the Wright Brothers' Flyer and Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis in the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum. MacCready grew up in New Haven, Connecticut, where his father was a doctor and his mother a nurse, shy and diminutive, he spent his free hours immersing himself in his hobbies—collecting moths and butterflies and collecting model airplanes. "i think kids do better if they hobby, a topic they know better than anybody else," he says. By his early teens, MacCready had begun building flying machines, and by age sixteen, he had followed them into the sky as a licensed pilot. "that really gave me confidence in myself," he recalls. MacCready was even more thrilled when he was introduced to the sport of soaring—glider flying—at age twenty. "Unlike with conventional aircraft, this was pure, quiet, birdlike flight," he says. "it was first insight into how technology could be combined with the natural world." In 1957, MacCready wed Judy Leonard, the daughter of one of his soaring colleagues, and he set about launching an engineering career. "i didn't want to join a standard aerospace firm, the king that buys engineers by acre," he says. "such places foster by-the –book thinking, a lockstep way of approaching a problem." In stead, MacCready started Meteorology Research Inc., a business specializing in flying small planes into clouds to try to modify the amount of rainfall they would produce. When it worked, says MacCready, "it was fun, it gave me a feeling of omnipotence. We got pretty good at creating lightning, but there wasn't much of a market for it." MacCready left the company in 1970 and soon after began AeroVironment to develop renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, a mission close to his heart. " we are quickly using up the resources of a finite planet," he says. But the inspiration for his most noted achievements, the Gossamer projects, came from less lofty ambitions. In the early 1970s, a relative had to default on a business loan, and MacCready, who had co-signed the note, suddenly found himself owing $100,000. While searching for a way to pay it back, he recalled an eighteen-year-old challenge that had been offered by British industrialist Henry Kremet to the first person who could complete a 1.15-mile-long-eight course using human-powered flight. The prize? $100,000. "All the conventional ways to achieve human flight had been tried," MacCready says. "People were stuck." A solution came to MacCready as he was driving cross-country on vacation with Judy and their three sons, and started watching the hawks and turkey vultures soaring in circles overhead, taking advantage of updrafts. He got to thinking about the size and weight of the birds, and how much power for each pound of weight an animal—or an airplane—needed to fly. "That's when the great 'Aha!' moment hit," he says. "i realized that as long as you as you kept the weight the same, you could take an airplane and let the wings get bigger and bigger. The flight speed would decrease, but so would the power needed to make the plane fly." MacCready wasn't looking for speed. He just wanted to resuce the necessary power enough so that a single human being could complete the Kremer challenge. Back in his office, MacCready and his colleagues set to prove that theory with the Gossamer Condor. They designed a light plane and MacCready drafted his sons, then teenagers, as test pilots. "They were the right size—small. Lightweight," says Judy. "And we didn't have to pay them anything." Ultimately, the Condor met Kremer's challenge—and made aviation history

التعليقات (2)
سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
هلا اختي ام محمد
بالنسبة للقطعة اول شيء نقوم به هو تجزئتها الى اقسام ونترجمه حتى نفهمه على حدا ...
وهذه الطريقة راح تسهل علينا نفهم القطعة بشكل كامل ...
الجزء الاول :-
Striding into his office on a June afternoon, a slightly rumpled-looking Paul MacCready
juggles an armful of folders with a bag of take-out Thai food and apologizes for his tardiness. "I was up until 3 A.M. the past few nights working on some projects," he explains, fidgeting with his glasses as he drops the folders, his lunch, and then himself on the couch. What sort of projects? The gray-haired, seventy-four-year-old company founder hesitates. But then his enthusiasm gets the better of him.
"i may have found a way to make exercise addictive," he says, launching into an energetic description of his "Micro Gym," a pocket-size exercise machine with a pulse meter that vibrates when the user reaches an optimal heart rate. "Just enough exercise to get that rush of endorphins that will make you want to do it again," says MacCready.
"Wouldn't that be a great service to humanity
هنا بداية القصة تتحدث عن شخص اسمه بول ماكريادي دخل الى مكتبه محملا بيده ملفات العمل وبيده الاخرى لعض من الطعام التايلندي ليتناوله ..دخل وهو يعتذر لتأخره بسبب انشغاله بعض الاعمال والمشاريع فرمى الملفات على الارض وبنفسه على الاريكة ليستلقي ...
اي نوع من المشاريع"؟ رجل ذو شعر رمادي مؤسس الشركة يناهز ال 74 عاما سأله هذا السؤال
سأله بطريقة حماسية قائلا له انني وجدت طريقة لجعل الاخرين يدمنون على التمارين ...
قائلا: يستعد لاطلاق مشروع عبارة عن جهاز اسمه ميكرو جيم"الرياضي الصغير" هو جهاز بحجم الجيب يقوم على عمل التمارين الرياضية باستخدام هذه الاله مع نبض متر حيث يتذبذب عندما يصل المستخدم الامثل لضربات القلب. "يكفي الحصول على ممارسة هذا الاندفاع التي تجعلك تريد أن تفعل ذلك مرة اخرى"
الجزء الثاني من القطعة باختصار تتحدث عن :
From anyone else, the idea might seem pure fantasy. But MacCready has a knack for making the fantastic real. In 1977, the mild-mannered aeronautical engineer designed the first plane powered solely by human effort—a furiously pedaling pilot—capable of sustained flight. Dubbed the Gossamer Condor, the flying machine now sits alongside the Wright Brothers' Flyer and Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis in the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum.
MacCready grew up in New Haven, Connecticut, where his father was a doctor and his mother a nurse, shy and diminutive, he spent his free hours immersing himself in his hobbies—collecting moths and butterflies and collecting model airplanes. "i think kids do better if they hobby, a topic they know better than anybody else," he says. By his early teens, MacCready had begun building flying machines, and by age sixteen, he had followed them into the sky as a licensed pilot. "that really gave me confidence in myself," he recalls. MacCready was even more thrilled when he was introduced to the sport of soaring—glider flying—at age twenty. "Unlike with conventional aircraft, this was pure, quiet, birdlike flight," he says. "it was first insight into how technology could be combined with the natural world
تدور الفكرة حول حول مهندس طيران قام باختراع اول اول طائرة تعمل بالطاقه البشريه وحدها في عام 1977
قادرة على التحليق المتواصل
الى جانب الالة رأيت الأخوة الطيارة وتشارلز ليندبيرغ روح سانت لويس في سميثونيان في متحف الجو والفضاء. ماكريادي تربى في الملجأ الجديد ، كونيتيكت ، حيث كان والده ووالدته طبيب وممرضة ، امضى ساعات فراغه غمر نفسه في هوايات جمع اشهر الفراشات وجمع نموذج الطائرات
يقول. صاحب ماكريادي مقتبل العمر ، قد شرع في بناء الآلات ، والطيران من سن السادسه عشرة
وحصل على رخصة في قيادة الطائره
تذكر. ماكريادي عندما تقدم لرياضة التحليق في السماء في سن العشرين بخلاف الطائرات التقليدية فقد كان طيرانه شبه بالطائر المحلق في السماء و يقول. "كان هذه أول فكرة كيف يمكن الجمع بين التكنولوجيا مع العالم الطبيعي
الجزء اللي بعده يتحدث عن
In 1957, MacCready wed Judy Leonard, the daughter of one of his soaring colleagues, and he set about launching an engineering career. "i didn't want to join a standard aerospace firm, the king that buys engineers by acre," he says. "such places foster by-the –book thinking, a lockstep way of approaching a problem." In stead, MacCready started Meteorology Research Inc., a business specializing in flying small planes into clouds to try to modify the amount of rainfall they would produce. When it worked, says MacCready, "it was fun, it gave me a feeling of omnipotence. We got pretty good at creating lightning, but there wasn't much of a market for it." MacCready left the company in 1970 and soon after began AeroVironment to develop renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, a mission close to his heart. " we are quickly using up the resources of a finite planet," he says.
But the inspiration for his most noted achievements, the Gossamer projects, came from less lofty ambitions. In the early 1970s, a relative had to default on a business loan, and MacCready, who had co-signed the note, suddenly found himself owing $100,000. While searching for a way to pay it back, he recalled an eighteen-year-old challenge that had been offered by British industrialist Henry Kremet to the first person who could complete a 1.15-mile-long-eight course using human-powered flight. The prize? $100,000. "All the conventional ways to achieve human flight had been tried,"
في عام 1957 تزوج ماك جودي يونارد ، ابنة احد زملاءه وبعدها حدد انطلاق نحو مهنة الهندسه. والذي لم يكن يود ان يشارك وينضم الى اي شركة تختص بالفضاء وبدلا من ذلك قام ماكريادي بالاشتراك مع بحوث الارصاد الجوية ، وهى شركة متخصصه في الاعمال الصغيرة تحلق الطائرات في الغيوم لمحاولة تعديل كمية الامطار التي سوف تنتج.
تعرف من خلاله كيفية تكوين البرق
ماكريادي ترك الشركة في عام 1970 وسرعان ما بدأ بعد لتطوير مصادر الطاقة المتجدده مثل الرياح والطاقة الشمسيه ، وهي مهمة قريبة من قلبه. "نحن بسرعة ، نستهلك موارد كوكبنا المحدوده"
لكن الهامه لانجازاته جاءت مع طموح ضئيل اذ تفاجأ ان مديون بمبلغ قدره 100 الف دولار وعليه سداده
تَذكّرَ التحدي عندما كان بعمر ثمانية عشرَ سنةً الذي كَانَ قَدْ عُرِضَ مِن قِبل الصناعي البريطانيِ هنري Kremet وهي مسابقة للحصول على جائزة إلى الشخصِ الأولِ الذي يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يُكملَ ثمانية فصول بطول 1.15 ميلاً باستخدامه طيراناً يدوياً. والجائزة؟ 100,000$. "كُلّ الطرق التقليدية لإنْجاز الطيرانِ الإنسانيِ كَانَ قَدْ جرب، "
ماكريادي يقول. "الناس محاصرين". الحل جاء لدى ماكريادي عندما كان يقود البلاد عبر عطلة مع جودي وثلاثة من أبناءه ، وبدأ يشاهد الصقور والعقبان والديك الرومي يحلقون في الأوساط . حصل على التفكير في حجم ووزن الطيور ومدى قوة لكل رطل من وزن الحيوان او طائرة ومدى حاجاته من اوزان لكي تحلق
حينها ادرك انك لو ابقيت وحافظت على نفس الوزن واخذت طائره تجعل من اجنحتها تكبر وتكبر فان سرعة الطيران بالتالي ستنقص بصورة اكبر ......فهل للطاقة لجعل الطائرة تطير؟
ماك لم يكن يبحث عن السرعة بل كان يبحث عن الطاقة الضرورية ليكمل تحدي كيرمر
عاد الى مكتبه وقام طلابه باثبات نظرية كندور
قاموا بتصميم طائرة ضوئية وقام ماك بصياغة اطفاله كطيارو اختبار لانهم كانوا قليلوا الوزن وهو ما كان مطلوبا لنجاح المشروع او التحدي كذلك قالت زوجته كما اننا لسنا مظطرين ان ندفع لهم اي مبالغ مالية لانهم اطفالنا
وفي نهاية المطاف ، اجتمع كوندور وكريمر التحدي وادلى بتاريخ الطيران .
ان شاء الله الان اصبحت صيغة القطعة اسهل ؟
وعن ماذا تتحدث
لو كان عليها اسئلة كان افضل حتى نحلها

* ام محمد *
* ام محمد *
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يجزاك بالجنه ويرضى عليك
ماقصرتي القطعه للاسف ماعليها اسئله والا كان اضفتها
بس فيه غيرها عليها اسئله وان شاء الله ناخذ على منوالها

تكفون في أسرع وقت موضوع عن junk food
English loanwords of an Arabic originكلمات إنجليزية مستعارة ذات أصل عربي