04-05-2022 - 01:55 pm
هذا الواجب ارجوا منكم ان تحلونة
The following list show {{old}} inventions and new invention that have replaced them. Form sentence using the present tense; passive voice. If possible, add information to make the sentences interesting. Example; Typewriters/world processors In many offices and nomes, typewriters have been replaced by word processors. 1-Shoelaces and zippers/ Velcro 2-records and turntables/CDs and CD players 3-brooms/vacuum cleaners 4-electric fans /central air conditioners 5-convention ovens/ microwave 6-telephone operators/ pages and voice-mail systems 7-eye glasses/ contact lenses 8-orchestras/ music 9-home-movie cameras /camcorders* 10-letters/e-mail 11-TV movies and DVDs الله يجزاكم الجنة حاولوا تساعدوني بحلة
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