الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
25-11-2022 - 03:00 am
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حبيت اطرح هالموضوع عشان كلنا نستفيد من بعض
هو ان كل وحده تقول لنا تجاربها مع الانجليزيه وكيف تعلمتهاا وطريقة ممارستها؟.؟
واذا فيه احد متعلم لغاات ثانيه مثل الفرنسيه والاسبانيه .....الخ
تقول لناا كيف تعلمتها..
في انتظار مشاركتكم

التعليقات (9)
learned English when I came to USA(from the begining was soooooooooooo hard that I wished to go back to Egypt and live there)anyways when I came here I had no other choice except learning it..let me tell you it was not easy at all...because I had my uncle and he was 24/7 busy with his studies,working even though wallahi he used to be awake for us to study with us till 4 or 4 a.m. just to help us..at that time I didnt know how to drive and one day I said if everybody is speaking English why I cant try!! Im not less then them...so I made like a bid to myself I said I will have to suffer but not ask anyone to help me unless I know I need it and its like when I tried my best....so got a bus ticket to the public library every day after I finish work in the house I would go with my sister to the public libray, read till 7p.m. (used to go there from 4 or 4:30, and it used to be when Im done my homeworks)I started reading from children's books(BELIEVE ME IT HELPED ME A LOT..........BECAUSE IT HAS THE ITEMS AND THEIR NAMES WITH PICTURES)so day by day mashALLAH I becam our high school's interrupter and now I interrupter and translate for internat-students .....anyways thanks for the nice topic and I HOPE EVERYBODY WRITES their way of how they learned ENGLISH...thanks sister and keep all the hard work UPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Purple Butterfly
Purple Butterfly
Salam everyone
thanQ for the good topic
i took a long time to learn English, the beginning was when i joined the college of health sciences 5 years ago. that time i had a very little experience in English but i was very excited about the college, and we took 4 levels of an English course from Oxford and i did very good and had a good mark in that.
it was little difficult because the people around me are talking in Arabic and nobody I talk in English with, so I tried internet, chatting rooms, reading books, listening to English music and songs, watching English movies, speaking with foreigners in English.
I am good in all English skills except speaking, and I was always thinking about that
I was wondering, though I have too much vocabularies and very good in grammars I can't even say one good long sentence. Lately I discovered why, it's because I'm not listening enough..
So my advice to everyone learning a language –especially those who are traveling abroad- is to
Listen only one hour everyday
and listening means concentrating on what you hear
Keep the radio/TV opened on the BBC 24 hours, now you don't need to concentrate on what they're saying, the idea is to make you surrounded by English environment..
And just let your brain learn himself, believe me by this way you will learn more than listening
The point is to learn new vocabularies
Read newspapers, books and English websites
Try to write everything in English, your messages, SMS even your note
you can chat in English in chatting rooms
one day I was talking to one of my best teachers in English I was asking how to advance my speaking skill
he said:
(if you want to learn how to speak, JUST SPEAK)
till this moment I can't forget his word
And always keep electronic-dictionary with you in case if heard a new word
That was all my experience, I hope you will get the benefit
and pray for me 'cause I'm taking the ILETS test to study in Australia
May Allah be with you

Purple Butterfly
نورتوا الموضوع ويسلمو عالردود
وفي انتظار باقي الفراشات

دخلت عشان استفيد لاني ما اعرف اللغة الانجليزية وحابة اتعلمها بس كيف

هلا بنات شلونكم
طبعا اني اعرف انكليزي بس على كدي يعني امشي حالي ولما اجيت على السويد تعلمت اللغه السويديه وطبعا هي خليط
من الفرنسي والانكليزي والالماني المهم تعلمت السويدي راح عليه كل الانكليزي حتى الي كنت اعرفه ههه
من قهري طلعت بنتي من المدرسه السويديه وخليته بالانترناشونال سكول الانكليزيه ههه شسوي اكيد الانكليزي لغه اساسيه وصرت ياعيوني صفر باليد حصان خ بس ها افهم شوي شنو رئيكم اعلمكم سويدي وتعلموني انكليزي ههه
الله يعطيكم الف عافيه
بالمناسبه الشعب السويدي بيرفكت بالانكليزي طلاقه

أنا حبيت أرد بالعربي عشان الكل يستفيد..
بصراحة أنا تعلمتها بسبب حبي لها وحبي لأشياء بهذه اللغة + دراستها.. وواحد من قرايبي تعلمها من ألعاب البلاي ستيشن لأنه من كثر مايحب يلعب فيها كان يحتاج يفهم وكان يحط جنبه الجهاز المترجم وكل ماصادفته كلمة ماعرفها وحس انها مهمة ترجمها وبكذا تقوت اللغة عنده ما شاء الله ..........

دمعـ حرمان ــة
دمعـ حرمان ــة
موضوع حلو وانا بصراحه احب اتعلم انجلش بس عيبي اني انسى الكلمات لو حفظتها

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
first, thank you my dear for this good topic
as for me .. I've studied in (Direct English) just level one and four
after I graduated from high school
actually it helped me alot
and now I'm studying English Literature
and the next year will be the last one en sha Allah
- - - - - - -
honestly .. I like my sister's (bird000000) insistence
ma sha Allah
And thank you so much my dear (purple butterfly) for your practical advices
and I'll add
Think in English ..
that will be useful for those who don't have somebody to speak with them
just help yourself to improve your language and get use of your knowledge

الله يعينك بس ترى احنا بالهوى سوا ههه
يسلمو عالمرور حبيبتي
تعالي علميني سويدي وانا اعلمك عربي ههه
فاشله حنوون انجليزي عشان كذا كتبت الموضوع ههه
يسلمو ياقلبي عالمرور
والله كلنا نحب الانجليزي بس المشكله الحفظ والكلمات
والله يصبرنا على حفظه
يسلمو ياعمري عالمرور
دمع حرمان ة
الحاله صعبه ههه
يسلمو حبيبتي عالرد ونورتي موضوعي
The Cute Butterfly
يسلموو حبيبتي عالمرور ولو المنتدى ماحطوا ترجمه كان انا رحت فيها ههه
بس المهم فهمت
نورتي موضوعي حبيبتي

منتديات اجنبيه مين عنده
قصه رائعه باللغه الانجليزيه بس مترجمه بالعربي للكسلانين