$ بنت السلاطين $
02-01-2022 - 06:44 pm
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
شلونكم فراشات .. ان شاءالله بخير ..
على العموم .. اكيد عارفين وش ابغى
ابغى منكم ..
تعبير ... جدا بسيط .. وجدا فكره حلوه ...
العنوان التعبير .. The success Ful manager
تتكلموون عن صفاته ... وطموحاته .. وياريت بدايته تكون ... ( مما لا شك فيه )
وجزاكم الله كل خير
لاني بكره ابيه ضروري .. لو ما فيها كلافه .. ولا عندها شغل .. تساعدني .. لها الاجر يارب
اختكم .. بنت السلاطين
So what are the characteristics of a good manager,
To be a successful top level woman manager
1. You must realise there are challenges. Look at each as a stepping stone to success.
2. Deal with the challenges with a smile on your face.
3. Keep your focus. We all have diversions, more so in the case of women.
Even if you want to take a year off for your child, it is essential not to lose your focus.
4. Be aggressive if you really have to, but it has to be a short-term solution.
5. You have to be adaptable. You must do different things.
What a manager shouldn't do
1. Don't try a very aggressive style. If you are bossing around, it doesn't really help.
2. If you don't show passion for your work, nobody will. Your passion for work is what people absorb.
3. Don't encourage polarity or regionalism or conflicting ideas.
4. Don't ever have a light-hearted approach to work. It will affect the team, too.