الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
06-01-2022 - 03:43 pm
السلام عليكم
بنات الله يسعدكم عندي تعبير إنجليزي عن أي مشكلة مثلاً تلوث الهواء أو الماء أو أي شي وأبغى أي وحدة مشكورة تكتب لي موضوع صغير بحيث يكون مقسم بهذه الطريقة
pragraph 1: Introduction to the problem
pragraph 2: Details and facts about the problem
pragraph 3: One possible solution
pragraph 4: The writer's solution
pragraph 5: Conclution
والله يسعد اللي تكتب لي وينولها اللي في بالها ويحرم وجهها على النار

التعليقات (3)
وينكم بنات
أنا أبغى أسلم الموضوع يوم الاثنين
الله يخليكم ساعدوني

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
تحليل عن تلوث الهواء
Introduction to the problem
Have you ever heard of air pollution? Air pollution is not new. 700 years ago, when people started burning large amounts of coal 700 years ago in London, England, they complained about the dust and soot in the air. Since the industrial revolution in the late 1700s, we have changed our atmosphere and its chemistry. As factories spread across the globe, so did air pollution. Air pollution has many effects. In addition to being ugly, it can cause illness and even death. It damages buildings, crops, and wildlife. The worst air pollution happened in London when dense poisonous smog formed in December of 1952 and lasted until March of 1953.
Air pollution is made up of solid particles and chemicals in the air. Natural processes that change the atmosphere include volcanoes, dead plants and animals, and dust storms. Plants, trees, and grass release compounds, such as methane, into the air.
We worry about human-made pollution because we can stop it. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxides are all human-made. Most human-made pollution comes from burning of coal and oil in our homes, factories, and cars.
Some pollution is put directly to the air, such as smoke and car exhausts. Other kinds of pollution form in the air because of chemical reactions. The formation of tropospheric ozone is an example of this change.
The atmosphere is changing and fragile. People are worried that air pollution might change our climate. People also worry that air pollution might make us sick.
Details and facts about air pollution
Air pollution has many causes. Ronald Reagan once remarked that trees cause
air pollution. While it is true that trees cause oxygen to be released into
the air, I do not think that fits the definition of pollution as "a resource
out of place." When we speak of air pollution , we mean gasses and dust in
the atmosphere that do not occur naturally, so this definition narrows the
source down to human activity. Many gasses that we consider to be pollution
such as the carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide that are released by burning
fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) also have natural sources, like volcanoes and
forest fires. Pollution of human origin is a problem because it adds more
gazes to the ecosystem than it has accumulated due to natural processes for
billions of years. Chemists have many formulas to explain how oil gets turned
into carbon dioxide and water, for example, or other important chemical
reactions in the atmosphere such as ozone formation and depletion. Our
government has been trying to control air pollution with the Clean Air Act
(ask your Congressional Representative for more information), and by working
with other governments to keep pollution to a minimum. We cannot completely
eliminate the problem because we need transportation and electricity to live
the modern way, but we can try to limit the amount of pollution to a level
that does not cause health problems.
Health Effects of Air Pollution
Depending on your size and activity level, you inhale between 3,000 and 6,000 gallons of air each day. Manufacturing, transportation, electricity generation, and other human activities spew a bewildering array of pollutants into that air. These pollutants aren't just a problem for the lungs. They turn out to be just as bad — if not worse — for the heart and circulatory system, explains the August issue of the Harvard Heart Letter.
On days when air pollution levels are high, there are more heart attacks and hospitalizations for heart disease, stroke, heart failure flare-ups, and lung trouble. Air contamination also has long-term effects on heart health, reports the Harvard Heart Letter. A long-term Harvard study begun in the mid-1970s showed one important effect of chronically breathing polluted air: additional early deaths due to cardiovascular disease. Recently, a group from the University of Southern California showed another — more atherosclerosis, the process that leads to cholesterol-clogged arteries. Among residents of the Los Angeles Basin, those living in areas with the highest average level of fine particulates in the air had thicker carotid arteries (a sign of more atherosclerosis) than those living in less polluted areas.
The Harvard Heart Letter recommends that if you have heart disease, diabetes, or lung problems, or are in poor health, you should check the air quality before going outside, much as you might check the weather. Some states or regions even have air quality alert programs that automatically send you an e-mail message or fax when poor air quality is predicted in your area.
One possible solution
By use of static electricity, they attract particles in much the same way that static electricity in clothing picks up small bits of dust and lint. Electrostatic precipitators, 98 to 99 percent effective, are used instead of bag houses when the particles are suspended in very hot gases, such as in emissions from power plants, steel and paper mills, smelters, and cement plants.
The writer's solution
"It is really a matter of having a sufficiently long term vision so that the activities of society take into account damage to the environment. In particular it is for the economists to incorporate the costs of damaging the environment. Once we do that, it will be clearer that it will pay off to change the way we go about functioning in society."
As a result of pollution, we can expect higher costs of health care in the future, not to mention the added costs of cleaning up our water, and protecting our food supply. scientists are telling us that in the long run, we'll save money and our natural resources by doing what it takes to clean up air pollution now. Pulse of the Planet is
presented by the National Science Foundation. I'm Jim Metzner.

سفيرة الغد
مشكورة والله يعطيكِ العافية
والله يعجز لساني عن شكرك
أثابكِ الله ووفقك في الدارين وجمعني بكِ في أعلى جناته إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه

the meaning of Dramatic function
يافراشات ساعدوني طلب إعداد اي طبق بمقاديره وطريقته