الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
08-01-2022 - 06:42 pm
In our life we pass by many ppl
Each one of them leaves an impact on us on a way or anther
There are ppl who r talented in leavin there imprints.
And there are ppl who like the light passin meaningless or its meaning is very narrow
I have a vision from a different angle ppl in this world r like chocolate
Chocolate differs in kinds, forms and tastes just like ppl
And In each one of us there is a chocolate hiding
An optimistic, natural, and sociable
The evidence is that Twix has two pairs
This kind r the best to choose ur friend from coz they definitely will keep ur secrets
Their saying in life is "secret for one not for two
Very ambitious persons
Have a good way of planning
Know how to deal with difficult situations
It's nice to be with them coz f u r down they'll naturally say "Don't Stop
Mysterious, hard to understand their way of thinking
This is the first impression u'll have when u just met them
BUT as soon as u get to know them u'll find TOTALLY the opposite
Their main characterizations
Are their simplicity and kindness
Very sensitive, quit, romantic when u deal with them u'll find them delicate persons
U'll love their natural personality. they are not fake nor hypocrite
And if u try to dig them u'll find "An endless love stories
The first impression is ordinary but after u get to know them u'll find them
different their kind is pure white just like the bounty u'll think that they r not different but they'll surprise u that they are
U'll find in them "An endless world
m & m's
Cheerful ones
Life for them is colors never black nor white
Their way of thinking is positive
U love to be with them coz they'll always make u smile
AND I'll not 4get the bitter chocolate
There r ppl pass by and leave a bad taste
U'll feel their bitterness…u'll wish that u did not met them
Thanx for reading
Hope u liked it

التعليقات (5)
سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
to be frank with you
mars is the most i like
specially that caramel inside yum yum

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
Thank You Dear sOuLO
As for me, m & m's is the best

توته كيوته
توته كيوته
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx sweety it's a nice topic
i like GALAXY soo much
also i like twix, sinckers, bounty ....ets
indeed i love all of them
ha ha ha

**حفيدة الأنصار**
**حفيدة الأنصار**
Thank you so much sOulO and for me i like TWIX

Yummy I better TWIX Thank you safyra to communicate and iwish u all health and wellness
The Cute ButterflyThank you for passing and I wish you the best times with m& m's
Oh honey tota everything ha ha Thank you for passage
**حفيدة الأنصار**
Did you know I also like it /iwish you the best of health Thank you for your presence on the topic

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