الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
hopeful girl
29-06-2022 - 07:33 pm
  1. Hopefully, you'll enjoy and like what i have wrote

Peace be upon you all dear butterflies
i just want to show one of my articles about life & what i have learnt from it

Hopefully, you'll enjoy and like what i have wrote

life is only a fleeting moment and Our existance in this ambiguous one ,teaches us several lessons and people shall be choose do either the goodness or badness . Every passing day, we learn something from our daily life, from our mistakes.... and i'm the one who really have benefited greatly
  • * I have learnt to be respectful, because if we don't respect each other our beautiful world will become a jungle .
  • * to be always careful in all what we say, may our words might hurt someone.
  • *to do not let the sadness get into our life cuz it will ruin our future, let's be happy & smile however we see the troubles.

to enjoy all the things that we have & not complaining for what we haven't** ** to be modest; Modesty is a precious crown,which adorns the head of muslims
to be patient, just like all faithful believers cuz it's the real key of relief To stay always hopeful and optimist, when things not going as we liked
Hey girls, do not forget to leave your kind comments
Best wishes

التعليقات (9)
الافعى الحنونة
الافعى الحنونة
gooooooooooooooooooooooooo n upppppppppppppp

hopeful girl
hopeful girl
thank you sis

♪♥ σя$н!∂é
♪♥ σя$н!∂é
good articl i'll back it's a promis

hopeful girl
hopeful girl
Or$h!Dée ma V!e
thanks a lot darling for your passing
really, i'm soooo glad to see u here
my best regards

lilac dream
lilac dream
thanks alot i.. i like this article ^_^

it is a very nice article
you r right
life is the biggest
we must learn from it
thank y sis

♪♥ σя$н!∂é
♪♥ σя$н!∂é
amouna you are always care about the humanity
and you are right about all that you said
we must see the good side in our problems to be better humman better friends better

you are nice
yeah , we learn everyday from the life
it sometimes make us happy or sad
so that we must smile until if it is sooooo hard
gr eat article

hopeful girl
hopeful girl
lilac dream
Thanks to u, happy to share

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