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سفيرة الغد
07-01-2022 - 12:42 am
  1. Meanings of True Friends - Things to Look Out For

  2. Be wary!

Hello My Butterflies ;
Is it easy to say she is my friend ?
what a friend for ?
and how do i know my choice is right ?

Meanings of True Friends - Things to Look Out For

Be wary!

There are some people out there who are pretending to be your true friend , only to get something out of you. These are some signs of a true friend that you should take note of so that you would not get doped.
True real friendships are hard to come by. That is why you need to know the meanings and signs of a true real friendship.
It is extremely important to know your true real friends. As you read on below, try and picture your 'true real friends' and try and decide whether are they as true and as real as you think they are.
Everyone has friends and need friends. People that we interact with everyday in school, at work, in the same apartment, at the gym, the list goes on. But I always believe in quality, not quantity . I would rather have a few bestest true friends than a million regular friends. Everyone is different and have different perspectives on true friendships but there are some fundamentals for a true friendship that you can't overlook.
Firstly , this person or true friend needs to give you a huge sense of trust. You need to see this person and go, "I trust him and want to share everything with this person. " Can you trust him with your secrets? Trust him with your problems or embarrassing moments? These are all things to take note of. It ain't easy to feel this way about someone but I have found such friends, and I believe that it is possible for you to find a true friend you can call your own.
Secondly, imagine it's 3 in the morning. You met with something unfortunate, let's say your car broke down. You think of all the 'friends' that you have and you slowly make a note of who will actually help you. Finally you settled on someone who might help and called him or her. What would his or her response be? Irritation? Frustration? Or someone who will sacrifice their sleep to get out of bed to either pick you up or assist you by giving you a list of numbers which you can get for help. Let's say it's something serious. You really really need someone to talk to in the middle of the night, you're so desperate you need someone to talk to. Will your 'friend' be that someone? A true friend would, no matter how tired they are.
Another sign would be that you will never get tired of a true friend's company. And vice versa. You all can remain silent and will not feel awkward about it. It sounds very much like a fairy tale but it is true. They will never ever judge you as well. No matter what you did, that person would be there beside you, and correct you if you are really in the wrong, but he or she will never judge you and gossip about you behind your back . A true friend loves without condition and will not expect anything in return.
.Is that hard to find the right one ?
Peace Out

التعليقات (9)
Scabrous girl
Scabrous girl
quality, not quantity
wooow wooow
what a greet phrase
do u know u mention a greet advantage
of wonderful friend and a rare one at this time
they available but rare
thank u dear 4 this explain about friend

thank u for these words
they r so nice
and usefull to help knowing how to
..move on

camellia rose
camellia rose
sweet words but alas true friends are rare toda y
friendship is the salt of existance and the balm of wounds

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
Scabrous girl
i thank you my dear "wise lady" Scabrous girl for your precious comment

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
they r so nice
and usefull to help knowing how to
..move on
i appreciate your presence

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
camellia rose
you're so right my dear camellia ,friends are rare now days

"I trust him and want to share everything with this person
^^^It is too difficult 2 find this person these days (:
All thanks my dearAsking Allah with me 2 guide us the right way

العــ دهن ــود
العــ دهن ــود
thanks alooooot
nice topic

Who's found this kind of friend, a true friend, is so blessed
Thanks a lot.. so beautiful topic
God bless you sis

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