- Discussion\ lesson1
- 1) Name some of the Saudi universities.
- Prophet Muhammad
- النبي محمد
هلا فيكم بناات
انشاله ذاكرتوا زين الانجليزي
المهم هذي المحادثات على كل يونيت ومترجمين..........
محادثات الوحده الاولى
Maha and Wafaa are talking about English literature. Complete the following dialogue:
Maha: Do you Know Charles Dickens?
Waffa: yes he is an English author .
Maha: Where did he live?
Waffa: he lived in England .
Maha: What did he write ?
Waffa: He wrote novels
Maha: novels are fictional what does it mean?
Waffa: It means That it is made up .
Layla and Amal are talking about "Great Expectation" Complete the dialogue:
Layla: Did Pip have parents?
Amal:No, he hadn't. He was an orphan .
Layla: What was his sister like?
Amal: She was strict and hard.
Layla: Who was his best friends?
Amal: Joe "her husband"
Layla:Why Is the prisoner wanted by the police?
Amal: Because he was convicted ( did something against the law)
Mona & Amal are talking about the English Literature. Complete the dialogue:
Amal: I usually read Arabic books, but this is the first time I read about English
Mona: Oh, really! What have you read?
Amal: I've read Great expectations.( The Merchant of Venice ).
Mona: Is it a novel or a play ?
Amal: It is a novel ( play ) written by Charles Dickens ( Shakespeare ).
Mona: What lesson have you learned after reading the story ?
Amal: Depend on yourself to be successful. ( Don't be greedy ).
Dialogues based on Unit (2)
محادثات الوحده الثانيه
Mona & Layla have not seen each other for 6 months. Layla is studying at KSU. Complete the dialogue:
Mona: Hello Layla! Where have you been?
Layla: : I've been to Riyadh, I'm studying in KSU now
Mona: I guess you specialized in ( English Literature- History ………..)
Layla: No, I study ( Physics- Biology- Geography ……………….. _
Mona: So you are busy with many courses.
Layla: Certainly not ( the schedule is well organized- we only take 4 courses )
Mona: Can you tell me about friendship in the university?
Layla: Sure! ! It is a big university so, I have friends from all cities in S.A.-
other countries.
Mona: ( I hope you all the best, Good luck ……..)
Layla: Thanks. You, too.
Mona met Layla at the University registration office. Complete the following dialogue:
Mona: Hello ! What college you want to join ( registers in )..?
Layla: I'm not sure yet. I think I'll choose ( Arts ). or …………………………….
Mona: That sounds nice ! I like ( studying English Literature )
Layla: Do you think they will except us?
Mona: I hope so . I've got ( excellent – high) grades in (English).
Layla: I've got excellent grades ,too.
Mona :O.K. Now they're calling my name.
Layla: Good luck.. See you later.
Mona: Same to you. Bye!
Dialogues based on Unit (3)
محادثات الوحده الثالثه
Fatima is asking her grandfather about King Abdul Aziz. Complete the dialogue:
Fatima: You promised to tell me about King Abdul Aziz, grandfather, didn't you ?
Grandfather: Sure Fatima. King Abdul Aziz was the first King in Saudi Arabia
( the founder of Saudi Arabia )
Fatima: What about his character ?
Grandfather: He was ( a fair leader, strong, generous, loves to read the Holy
Quran, good speaker )
Fatima: Interesting! Why don't we visit the King Abdul Aziz Museum to learn more!
Grandfather: ( That's a good idea- O.K. dear) we'll go on Friday.
Fatima is in the library looking for a book about King Abdul Aziz . Complete the dialogue:
Assistant: Can I help you?
Fatima: yes , I need a book about KAA.
Assistant: any special book?
Fatima: well ,not really . I need one with some information about his life (character)
Assistant : How about this one? It tells that he was a great leader and good speaker
Fatima: Does it also show his daily schedule?
Assistant:Yes, it does .
Fatima: Good , I,ll take it.
Dialogues based on Unit (4)
محادثات الوحده الرابعه
Sara and Nora are discussing the experience of the Saudi explorers in Antarctic. Complete the dialogue:
Nora: Where did the Saudi Explorers go to?
Sara: They went To the Antarctic .
Nora: How was the temperature there?
Sara: It was sub_zero .
Nora: What did they have to adapt to?
Sara: They had to adapt to new places and living condition .
Nora: Were they the first to pray there?
Sara: yes ,they were .
. Complete the following dialogue between an interviewer and Dr. Alam :
Interviewer: Dr. Alam ,you have been on a scientific expedition , haven't you?
Dr. Alam: yes , I have .
Interviewer: Can you tell me about your aims?
Dr. Alam : Our aims were to sail around the Antarctic and research the amount of ultraviolet rays , ozone layer and pollution.
Interviewer: Why are you keen to go on such journeys?
Dr. Alam: They are challenging both personally and professionally .
محادثات الوحده الخامسه
Dialogues based on Unit (5)
Huda is interested in Calligraphy. She is discussing this fine art with her friend Nora. Complete the dialogue:
Huda: Good morning. How are you?
Nora: Fine. Thank you.
Huda: look at these beautiful Arabic scripts!
Nora: Oh! They are wonderful ! What are they called?
Huda: They are called Kufic and Thuluth.
Nora: Why do you think calligraphy is important for Muslims?
Huda: I think because it is used in the holy Quraan and decoration.
Nora: That's nice! See you later.
Huda: see you .
Dialouges based on Unit (6)
محادثات الوحده السادسه
Complete the dialogue:Hala: Can you give us some details about the holy mosque at Makkah?
Amal: Yes, Sure .
Hala: What does extension mean?
Amal: It means enlarging the area of the mosques to give more room for the worshipper.
Hala: How many times was it enlarged?
Amal: Eight times Between the days of the prophet Mohammed and The Saudi period .
Hala: Who made the last extension?
Amal: King Fahad .
Hala: What has been added?
Amal: A large open plaza and an annex
Hala: Thank you for telling us these interesting facts.
Amal: You are welcome.
Abeer and Najla are discussing a program about the expansion of the holy mosque in Makkah. Complete the following dialogue:
Abeer: Hello Najla! Did you see the program about the expansion of the holy mosque in Makkah?
Najla: Yes, King Fahad new project of the expansion.
Abeer: This expansion was made to annex
Najla: What has been added ti the annex?
Abeer: Two minarets ,escalator and two new entrance.
Najla: This expansion is the largest .
Abeer: You are right!
Maha & Sara are talking about King Fahad's project for the Holy Mosque.
Maha: Did you see the new expansion in the Holy Mosque.
Sara: Yes, it had been the largest
Maha: Why did they make it bigger?
Sara: They made it bigger because they wanted to have more room for worshippers.
Maha: Who are worshippers ?
Sara: They are people who pray.
Unit 1
Discussion\ lesson1
1) In which century did Shakespeare write his plays?
He wrote his plays in the sixteenth century.
2) What else did Shakespeare write?
He wrote poems.
3) Name one author who wrote novels in England in the nineteenth century.
Charles Dickens
4) Is a novel fiction or a biography?
It is fiction.
5) Is fiction or biography made up?
Fiction is made up but biography is not.
6) Define autobiography.
It is a story about the author' life.
7) What does literature mean?
It includes the writing of novels, poems, plays, etc.
في أي قرن كتب شكسبير مسرحياته؟
في القرن السادس عشر.
ماذا كتب شكسبير ايضاً؟
كتب قصائد.
اذكر مؤلفاً كتب روايات في القرن التاسع عشر؟
تشارلز ديكنز.
هل الرواية خيال أم سيرة؟
هي خيال.
أيهم مصطنع الخيال أم السيرة؟
الخيال أما السيرة فلا.
عرفّ السيرة الذاتية.
هي قصة عن حياة المؤلف نفسه.
ماذا يعني الأدب؟
هو كتابة الروايات و الشعر و المسرحيات و غيرها.
Unit 2
Discussion\ lesson1
1) Name some of the Saudi universities.
They are King Saud University(KSU), King Abdul Aziz University(KAAU), King Fahad University for Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Umm Al Qura University, Imam Muhammad bin Saud University and King Faisal University.
2) What grades do you need to study at a Saudi University?
I need about 85% of grades.
3) Do you need English for all Saudi universities?
No, I don't
4) Would you rather get a job or go to a university when you leave school? Why?
I would rather go to a university to get a better job.
اذكر اسماء بعض الجامعات السعودية؟
مالدرجات التي تحتاجها لتدرس في جامعة سعودية؟
حوالي 80% من الدرجات.
هل تحتاج الإنجليزية لكل الجامعات السعودية؟
هل تفضل الحصول على وظيفة أو أن تذهب إلى الجامعة بعد مغادرة المدرسة؟
أفضّل أن اذهب إلى الجامعة للحصول على وظيفة أفضل.
Unit 3
Discussion\ lesson1
1) What was King Abdul Aziz very fond of?
He was very fond of his children and his grand children
2) What is Majlis in English?
It is a meeting with the king in which he receives visitors and subjects.
3) Tell something about King Abdul Aziz daily life.
He always went on an afternoon drive around the outskirts of Riyadh.
4) Can you tell us something about King Abdul Aziz's character?
He was a good speaker and he had a strong faith in Islam.
He was generous and a fair leader.
بماذا كان الملك عبد العزيز مولعاً؟
كان مولعاً بأطفاله وأحفاده.
ماهو" المجلس" باللغة الإنجليزبة؟
هو لقاء مع الملك حيث يستقبل الزوار والمواطنين.
أخبر شيئاً عن حياته اليومية؟
دائماً ماكان يذهب في جولة مسائية بالسيارة حول ضواحي الرياض.
هل يمكن أن تخبرنا شيئاً عن شخصية الملك عبد العزيز؟
كان متحدثٌ جيد وكان لديه إيماناً قوياً بالإسلام.
كان كريماً وقائدٌ عادل.
اذا جاك تعبير ماحفضته اكتب هذي الجمله
no one can deny the great importanca off
لا احد ينكر الاهميه العظيمه لل... عنوان التعبير تكتب اول شي
وبتضمن لك كم درجهوهذا تعبير عن الرسول انا ترجمته
The last prophet ,Muhammad
خاتم الانبياء محمد
عليه السلام
was born in Makkah on Monday,12th Rabi al Awwal
كان ولد في مكه يوم الاثنين 12 ربيع الاول
.He was born an orphan
كان ولدا يتيم
. He was brought up by his grandfather
هو تربي من قبل جده
. His uncle ,Abu Talib , took care of him
عمه ابو طالب اعتنى به
when he was eight years old
عندما كان هو بعمر ثمانية سنوات
. When he was ten or twelve years old ,
عندما كان هو بعمر عشر اثنا عشر سنه
he used to look after the sheep around Makkah .
هو كان يعتني بالخراف حول مكه
Muhammad was loving , kind , generous ,helpful and honest man
هو كان يحب رجل صادق ومساعد وكريم
. He was an example of prefect character .
هو كان مثال الرجل الحكيم
He lived a very simple life .
عاش حياة بسيطة جدا
He was fair in his dealings with all people whether they are friends or enemies .
هو كان عادلا في تعاملاته مع كل الناس سواء هم اعداء او اصدقاء
He was known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin .
هو كان المعروف بالصادق الامين
He was injured by Quraish but he completed his duty .
هو جرح من قبل قريش لاكنه اكمل واجبه
So, we must follow him and interrupt all people who try to deform something about his life .
لذا، نحن يَجِبُ أَنْ نَتْبعه ونُقاطعَ كُلّ الناس الذين يُحاولونَ تَشويه الشيءِ حول حياتِه
And what happen in Denemark nowadays is an example of this deed .
والذي في الدنمارك في الوقت الحاضر مثال هذا العمل
we should face every person try to assault him , this is one of our duties towards him .
نحن يجب ان ندافع عنه هذه احد واجباتنا نحوه
وتقدرون تختصرونه لانه مو مضمون يجي
Prophet Muhammad
He is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin abdulmutalib. He is the first and the last prophet. He is spread Islam in the world. He was known as being truthful and trustworthy.
The enemies of Islam as in Denmark criticized Prophet Muhammad by drawing cartoons of him in their media. This hurts the image of Islam and Muslims. So, we must defend him. We should show our prophets manners through our good behaviors. Also, we should speak on the TV or radio or ever write in newspapers about his true character. We must follow him our actions during day and night.
النبي محمد
هو محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطلب. هو أول وآخر الأنبياء. نشر الإسلام في العالم. عُرف بالصادق الأمين.
نقد أعداء الإسلام في الدنمارك رسول الله برسم صور كارتونيه عنه في أعلامهم. وهذا أذى صورة الإسلام والمسلمين. يجب علينا الدفاع عنه. يجب علينا إظهار أخلاقيات رسول الله خلال سلوكياتنا. لذا علينا أن نتحدث في التلفاز أو الراديو أو حتى نكتب في الصحف عن شخصيته الحقيقيه. علينا إتباعه في أحفالنا خلال الليل والنهار.
بالتوفيق يارب كل بنات وأولاد ثالث ثانوي ياخذون 100%
للأمانه منقول
ادعولي ياحلوات وربي خايفه من التعابير
سي يو
مدري يحسبونا كمبيوتر بهالتعابير
اقص يدي اذا مو كل الطلاب حذفينها ويحفظون اثنين بالاخير
ولله يوفقكم ان شاءلله